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What is learning?
the response of the brain to environmental events
It involves adaptive changes in synaptic connectivity which alter behaviour
How does learning work in the brain?
the excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) is not great enough to fire an action potential
If an association is made repeatedly, the synapses of both neurons onto the hippocampal neuron will be strengthened and a âlighter stimuliâ will be sufficient to recall a complete memory
Titanic stimulation increases number of synapses
Long-term potentiation (LTP)
process involving persistent strengthening of synapses that leads to a long-lasting increase in signal transmission between neurons
Hippocampus and learning
shape and anatomy means pathways can be easily distinguished and recorded from electrophysiologically (Bliss & Lomo, 1973)
High-frequency electrical stimulation (HFS)
induces a long-lasting enhancement of event-related potentials but does not change the perception elicited by intra-epidermal electrical stimuli delivered to the area of increased mechanical pinprick sensitivity.
Temporal properties of LTP
summation of inputs reaches a stimulus threshold that leads to the induction of LTP (for example, repetitive stimulation (HFS))
Input specific properties of LTP
LTP at one synapse is not propagated to adjacent synapses
Associative properties of LTP
simultaneous stimulation of a strong and weak pathway will induce LTP at both pathways â spatial summation, coincidence detection
Morris water maze
test of spatial learning for rodents
relies on distal cues to navigate from start locations around the perimeter of an open swimming arena to locate a submerged escape platfrom
One prevalent disadvantage is its undulating stress on animals due to the maze-aversive condition
â parameters:
Escape latency (training)
Time in quadrant (probe trial)
Annulus crossings (probe trial)
Lesion studies - hippocampus
directly relate brain dysfunction â in the form of a lesion â to behavioral deficits.
Control rats acquired the learning patterns and their time in reching platform decreased, along with their time spent in non-target quadrants
Glutamate effect on LTP
LTP induction and maintenance require optimal glutamate extracellular concentration
Glutamate binds to several different sub-types of receptors on the post-synaptic neuron (AMPA, NMDA)
Glutamate release on inactive cell (membrane at resting potential)
AMPA receptor activated to create EPSP
NMDA receptor blocked by Mg2+ ion
Depolarization from AMPA activation not sufficient to expel Mg2+
Glutamate release onto an active cell (membrane depolarized)
AMPA receptor activated
Mg2+ block on NMDA receptor relieved
Na+ through AMPA and NMDA channels
Ca2+ through NMDA channel
Role of NMDA in LTP and learning
the predominant molecular device for controlling synaptic plasticity and memory function.
the receptor is a synaptic coincidence detector that can provide graded control of memory formation.
CaMKII (molecular switch) sustained activity after depolarization
Ca2+ entry through the NDMA receptor leads to activation of Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
CaMKII becomes phosphorylated, when this is constitutively active no longer requires Ca2+
Maintains phosphorylation, insertion of AMPA receptors after the depolarizating stimulus has left
Molecular switch maintains increased excitability of neuron for minutes to hours
Presynaptic events in LTP
long term potentiation can also involve presynaptic events
â postsynaptic neurons can feed back to presynaptic neuron by retrograde neurotransmitter
Ca2+ through the NMDA channel activates Nitric oxide synthase
Nitric oxide diffuses from site of production and activates guanylyl cyclase in the presynaptic terminal
Guanylyl cyclase produces the second messenger cGMP
Signal transduction cascade leads to increased glutamate release from the synaptic bouton
Late phase LTP
lasts hours, days or months
requires new protein synthesis
can involve morphological changes and the establishment of new synapses
Early phase LTP
lasts a minute to an hour
explained by the actions of Ca2+ through the NMDA receptor and subsequent enhancement of AMPA receptor efficiency, presynaptic eventsâŠ
Long-term depression (LTD)
Low-frequency stimulations causes the opposite reaction to LTP , we get a decrease in EPSP amplitude on further stimulation
NMDA dependent process
AMPA receptors are de-phosphorylated and removed from the membrane
Low level rises in Ca2+ activate phosphatase rather than kinase
Tetanic stimulation
artificially high stimulation â is there a physiological equivalent?
Theta rhytms
hippocampal theta activity accompanies behaviour such as running, swimming, head movements and spatially orientated responses in the rat
role in synchronising activity in different brain regions
Depolarizing stimulation coincident with peak of wave generates LTP and coincident with through generates LTD
disruption in theta waves causes deficits in learning tasks that are similar to those caused by hippocampal lesions
Enhancing LTP
genetically â increased amounts of a type of NDMA receptor (NR2B receptor) leads to enhanced LTP â Tang et al 1999
â enrichment
a) Enhanced acquisition in the Morris and water maze
b) Potentiated LTP
Age (diminished memory and LTP)
decreased acquisition in the Morris Water Maze
decreased LTP
decreased expression of the NMDA receptors
Neuronal circuitry of conditioned fear
unconditioned stimulus paired with conditioned stimulus for cued or contextual fear conditioning â conditioned response
strong input from the unconditioned stimulus leads to depolarisation of the postsynaptic cell
weak input from the conditioned stimulus is strengthened by the postsynaptic depolarisation leading to activation of NMDA receptors leading to LTP of this synapse