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When was King Leopold II king of the Belgians?
Leopold II became the duke of _ in 1846.
Leopold II married Marie-Henriette, daughter of Austrian archduke Joseph (palatine of Hungary) in..
When did Leopold’s father die?
December 1865
When did Belgian exploration take place?
1870s - 1920s
Who first led Belgian exploration?
Sir Henry Morton Stanley
When was the Conference of Berlin?
Who went to Conference of Berlin?
Representatives of 13 European states
Ottoman Empire
At the invitation of Otto von Bismarck
What did the Conference of Berlin lead to?
heightened colonial activity by European powers
All African states (apart from Ethiopia & Liberia) were distributed amongst European powers
When did King Leopold II name the Congo Free State?
May 29th, 1885
What were Leopold’s promises (that he broke)?
Surpress the east African slave trade
Free trade
Human rights + scientific and philantrophic advances
No import duties for 20 years
What did the anti slavery conference in 1889 lead up to?
Leopold issued a decree
Now, Africans could only sell their products to the state
Ivory and rubber were the main things sold
When was the inflatable rubber tube invented? Who invented it?
John Boyd Dunlop, 1887
This eventually led to the worldwide rubber boom in the 1890s :)
What did Leopold’s decrees in 1891 and 1892 ensure?
All ivory and rubber would be handed over to the state (this created a monopoly)
How did Congo rubber (Landolphia) differ to Brazilian rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)?
Congo rubber came from non-cultivatable vines, Brazilian rubber came from cultivable trees
From _ to _ , millions of Congolese died because of _.
1885, 1908, exploitation and disease (such as smallpox)
Who was required to provide the hands of their victims if they didn’t meet the rubber collection quota?
Force Publique
Who wrote Heart of Darkness?
Joseph Conrad
When was Heart of Darkness written?
1899 (as a three part series in Blackwood’s Magazine)
What was the domino effect of Heart of Darkness
Joseph wrote about his experiences as a steamer captain → sparked international opposition → public outcry → British govt. investigated
Who was sent from the British Government to officially investigate Congo?
Roger Casement, the British Consul at the mouth of the Congo River.
When did Belgium annex the Congo Free State?
November 15th, 1908
When did Leopold II die?
December 1909
When did Congo gain independence?
From 1971 to 1997, Congo was called _ and governed by _-
The Republic of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko
When Mobutu Sese Soko was overthrown in 1997, Congo was renamed _
Democratic Republic of the Congo