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General Anesthetics
site of action: CNS
takes control of whole body
patient unconscious
major surgery
high risks for elderly
Local anesthetics
site of action: around nerves only
numb specific area
patient is fully awake
minor procedures
min. side effects
Ideal anesthetic drug
induce rapid, smooth loss of consciousness
rapidly reversible upon discontinuation
wide margin of safety
5 primary effects of general anesthetics
Inhibition of autonomic reflexes
Skeletal muscle relaxation
Can currently available anesthetics agents achieve all 5 desired effects on their own?
Modern anesthesiology relies on the use of combinations of IV and inhaled drugs
Meyer-Overton Rule
suggest hydrophobic site of action
molecules with larger oil/gas partition coefficient are more potent general anesthetics
tight correlation between lipid solubility and anesthetic potency
Potency = lambda (oil/gas)/1.3
Lipid Solubility Hypothesis
hydrophobic site of action of anesthetics is lipid bilayer of cell membrane
account for Meyer-Overton Rule
Anesthetic Mechanism
dissolve in a membrane, increase membrane volume and fluidity and affect excitable transmembrane proteins
molecular targets at multiple levels of the CNS
inhalation anesthetics bind stereoselectively to hydrophobic regions of neuronal membrane proteins that interface with membrane lipids
anesthetics disrupt neuronal firing and sensory processing in the thalamus and causes loss of consciousness and analgesia
inhibit neuronal output from layer V of cortex and reduces motor activity
Anesthetic Targets
GABAA Receptor agonists
NMDA receptor antagonists
alpha2-adrenergic agonist
GABAA Receptors
inhibit brain cell firing
allows chloride ions to flow into neuron, decreasing voltage (hyperpolarization)
agonists: Propofol and Sevoflurane, Barbiturates, Etomidate
NMDA receptor
allows Na+ and Ca2+ ions to flow into cell and let K+ out, increasing the voltage within the cell and increasing probability of neural firing
Antagonist: Ketamine (blocks receptor, decrease excitatory actions)
nitrous oxide
Alpha2-Adrenergic agonist
negatively affect release of NE, attentuates neurotransduction
opiod receptor
Inhalational Anesthetics
Gaseous: Nitrous oxide, Xenon
Volatile (Liquid):
alkanes: cyclopropane, halothane (fluothane)
ether: enflurane, desflurane (suprane), isoflurane (forane), sevoflurane (ultane)
IV Anesthetics
single bolus injection OR continuous infusion
combination of drugs used
Inhalation anesthetics drug targets
GABAA receptor
halothane, enflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane
NMDA receptor
nitrous oxide
halothane, enflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane
Inhalation anesthetic Pharmacokinetics
taken up through gas exchange in lung alveoli
uptake from alveoli into blood and distributed and partitioned into effect compartments within body
to achieve rapid onset (induction) and offset (emergence), effect site concentration within CNS will need to change rapidly
controlled by inspired concentration (MAC), ventilation, solubility (blood-gas coefficient)
Inspired concentration
amount of drug inhaled
partial pressure
fraction of gas mixture that particular component comprises
determines maximum partial pressure that can be achieved in alveoli (potency) and rate of rise of partial pressure in alveoli (speed)
driving force for uptake of an inhaled anesthetic into the body is the ratio between inspired and alveolar concentration
most important parameter that can be controlled to change alveolar concentration
Partial Pressure
Stages of Anesthesia
Surgical Anesthesia
target for surgery
Medullar Depression
respiratory arrest, cardiac depression/arrest, no eye movement
Isoflurane Dose-Response Curves
curves depict the percentage of patients exhibiting endpoints of nonresponsiveness to a set of stimuli and of caridac arrest as alveolar partial pressure of isoflurane is increased
higher partial pressures required to achieve lack of response to stronger stimuli
Therapeutic Index
lethal pressure (LP50)/MAC
Inhalational anesthetics potency
minimal alveolar concentration
indicator of potency
1.0 MAC as partial pressure of inhalation anesthetic at which 50% of population of remained immobile at surgical skin incision
lower MAC = more potent agent
alveolar concentration is used for definition bc conc in lung easily and accurately measured
brain is not easy to measure but directly correlates to alveolar levels
Low potency: Nitrous oxide (>1)
must combine with other drugs
Middle potency: Deslurane, Sevoflurane (0.2-0.6)
High potency: Enflurane, Isoflurane, Halothane (<0.02)
Gas Partition Coefficient (lambda)
solubility of an inhalation anesthetic in blood relative to air
anesthetic conc in blood: concnetration in gas [jase
high for soluble agents, low for insoluble
defines rate of induction and recovery of anesthesia
more soluble = high coef = slower onset
dissolve slowly in blood and takes longer for partial pressure to rise
Enflurane, Isoflurane, Halothane
less soluble = low coef = faster onset
saturate blood quickly
NO, Desflurane, Sevoflurane
the more soluble an anesthetic is in blood, the more of it must be dissolved in blood to raise its partial pressure in blood
increase tidal volume and respiratory rate to deliver larger amounts of anesthetic agent faster
Inhalational Anesthetics Elimination
eliminated by lungs
lower blood-gas partition coef, faster effect ceases
rate of recovery inversely proportional
rate of recovery proportional to duration of anesthesia
Intravenous anesthetics
facilitate rapid induction of anesthesia
good option for maintenance of anesthesia
like inhaled agents, not ideal anesthetic drugs in sense of producing all and only the 5 desired effects
balanced anesthesia employs multile drugs
Pharmacokinetics: single bolus injection
termination of effect determined by redistribution of drug into less perfused and inactive tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat (go to more hydrophobic areas)
short-lived because of re-distribution
Pharmacokinetics: continuous infusion
context-sensitive half-time: elimination half-time after discontinuation of a continuous infusion as function of duration
assess suitability of drug for use as maintenance anesthetic
high context-sensitive half-time = longer recovery
small context-sensitive half time desired (propofol)
etomidate and ketamine also, but have other effects that limit use
Chemical structure of IV anesthetics
preferentially partition into highly perfused lipophilic tissues
unconsiousness, sedation
GABAA agonist: potentiate chloride current
most common anesthetic drug
good for maintenance of anesthesia bc of pharmacokinetics
alternative for inhaled anesthetics
poorly soluble in water
milky white, slightly viscous solution
lipid emulsion formulation
water-soluble prodrug of propofol
rapidly metabolized by alkaline phosphatase to produce propofol, phosphate, and formaldehyde
sterile, aqeous, colorless, clear soln in single-dose vial
brand name: Lusedra
combat severe injection pain during propofol admin and disadvantages of lipid emulsion
more complex pharmacokinetics than propofol
onset and recovery are prolonged vs. propofol
thiopental and methohexital
used for induction of anesthesia (unconsciousness), usually takes less than 30 seconds
bind GABAA receptors
thiopental recovery after single bolus injection is comparable to methohexital and propofol because if depends on redistribution, not metabolism
CANNOT use continuously, will have prolonged recovery
rapid co-injection of thiopental sodium (high pH) with muscle relaxants (low pH) may cause precipitation
important in rapid sequence inductions
commonly used in pre-operative period
midazolam, lorazepan, diazepam
readily terminated by admin of selective antagonist, flumazenil
effects: anxiolysis and anterograde amnesia, sedative effects
rapid onset of action followed by redistribution
midazolam: shortest context-sensitive half time
only benzo suitable for continuous infusion
lorazepam: slow onset and prolonged duration
GABAA agonist
hyponotic (unconsciousness) but not analgesic effects
minimal hemodynamic effects and short context-sensitive half-time
can be used in larger doses and repeated boluses
propofol alterative
endocrine side-effects limit use
produces significant analgesia
NMDA receptor antagonist
highly lipid soluble → rapid onset
small bolus doses useful when additional analgesia needed
provides effective analgesia without compromise of airway
use limited by unpleasant psychotomimetic side effects
dissociative drugs, cause person to feel detached from reality
highly selective Alpha2-adrenergic agonist
sedative, analgesic without respiratory depression
significant increase in context-sensitive half-time after longer infusion
used in short-term sedation