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act Jesus established that washes away original sin and puts us in a state of Grace
the sacrament that can wash away our mortal sins
a sign of God’s grace; it does what it signifies
the act of ordaining someone in the sacrament of holy orders
ordained priesthood
men who share jesus’ authority
priesthood of all believers
in a limited way evryone is a priest of God
2 authorities of the church
bible; tradition
idea that God determines where you go (heaven or hell)
single predestination
God selects people for heaven but does not select people for hell
bread and wine stop being bread and wine and become the body and blood of Jesus
double predestination
god selects those who go into either heaven or hell
a temporary stage of the afterlife; those who are here always go to heaven
a way to reduce yours or someone else’s time in purgatory; doing good deeds or buying it
John Tetzel
a preacher in Germany who was looking for people to donate for/buy indulgences
Martin Luther
German priest who was critical of indulgences and started Lutheranism
Pope Leo X
Martin Luther burns his letter which threatens to excommunicate Luther
sola scriptura
by scripture alone
sola fide
saved by faith alone
bread and wine becomes body and blood while staying bread and wine
The Address to the German Nobility
writing by Martin Luther which asks why Germans are following foreign countries instead of doing their own thing (religion wise)
Charles V
HRE and Spain king who is unable to execute Martin Luther because of ML’s connection (part of the Habsburg family)
Fredrick of Saxony (the elector)
protected Martin Luther; able to do this because he was 1/7 people who elected HRE emperor
eeting of government officials in HRE
diet of Speyer
Government told nobles who followed Luther need to allow people who are Catholic to let them continue practicing Carholoscism
Christians who are followers of people who broke away from the church within Europe
Peace of Augsberg
the compromise made by Charles V; each noble in HRE has choice between Catholocism and Lutheranism and he chooses religion for everyone in his territory
cuius regio, eius religio
whose region, his religion
Ferdinand I
the brother of Charles V who received Austria and HRE
Philip II
Charles V son who received Spain and Americas; he heavily apposed any religion other than Catholicism
John Calvin
wrote the Institutes of Chistian religion; believes the bible is the only authority; invented Calvinism
religion started by John Calvin; polar opposite of catholosicsm
King Henry VIII
his 6 wives has a whole musical dedicated to their marrige life to him; broke away from the Catholic Church when he wanted to remarry
Catherine of Aragon
the 1st wife of King Henry VIII; sang No Way
Anne Boleyn
the woman who King Henry broke away from the Catholic Church for; sang don’t lose your head
Thomas Cranmer
appointed archbishop of Canterbury who gave the marrige of King Henry VIII and Catherine' of Aragon an anullment
religion that follows Christianity but rejects the pope; Queen Elizabeth I devout follower
Act of Succession
states that Anne Boleyn’s children are heirs to the throne, people must awknowledge Anne as Henry’s wife and not married to Catherine (rejects pope)
Thomas More
rejects oath (from Act of Succession) to King Henry-and was excecuted and charged for treason
Act of Suppremacy
states that the King is the leader of the church
Elizabeth I
daughter of Anne and Henry; remained unmarried throughout her entire rule of England
Jane Seymore
gave birth to King Henry’s only son; sang stone of heart
Edward VI
the only son of King Henry
Council of Trent
a council called by Pope Paul III that lasted 18 years (went on and off); Catholic church rejects all new ideas; included some reforms the church made
index of forbidden books
one of the reforms added to the catholic church which was a list of books prohibited for Catholics to read
Roman Catechism
officiql book by the catholic church
St. Ignatious of Loyola
established the religion of the Jesuits
a religious order started by Ignatious that had a special connection to the pope
Mary Tudor
became queen of England and was married to Philip II; heavy on being a Catholic; bloody mary
Queen Elizabeth I
queen of England after Mary Tudor who was a follower of Anglecanism-persecuted Catholics
Large palace in Spain built by order of King Philip II
Muslims who converted to christianity who secretly practiced Islam
John of Austria
King Philip II’s half brother who got the Moriscoes to disperse
Pope Pius V
pope that was concerned about the Turks so he organized the Holy League
Holy League
alliances between Spain, Papal States, and Venice; fought Turks
Battle of Lepanto
John of Austria and Holy League vs Turks-Holy League won
Mary Stuart
wrote a letter to Philip II which offered him her place on the throne after Elizabeth I; was executed
St. Bartholemew’s Day Massacre
Catholics major assasination towards huguenots
french calvinists
Henry Novarre (IV)
French King who converted to Christianity because the French people didn’t want a protestant king
Edic of Nantes
granted religous toleration to the Hugenots
capital of Bohemia where the 30 year war started
Ferdinand II
pur Prague in control of 10 (mostly catholic) regents
defenistration of prague
2 regents were thrown out the window by catholics who raided their building
30 years war
(1618-1648) sorta Catholics vs Protestants fighting over religous tensions ended with the Peace of Westphalia
John George of Saxony
George the Drunk; protestant believer who at first was on the Catholic’s side of the 30 yr war but switched after the Edict of Restitution
Edict of Restitution
order established by Ferdinand II that ordered protestants to give land back to the Catholic
Ferdinand III
replacement of Ferdinand II after he died
Peace of Westphalia
allowed Calvinism, increased religious freedom for inds., granted soverieghnty to territory