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decrease in circulating RBCs (impaired production, blood loss, inc destruction)
What are the general symptoms of anemia?
- skin pallor/pale conjunctiva
- dizziness
- fast/unusual heartbeat
How does the body respond to anemia?
redistribution (shift to the right), inc cardiac output, inc production
Absolute primary PV
- low EPO
- JAK2 mutation
- thrombocytosis, ruddy complexion, poor O2 delivery, neuro
Absolute secondary PV
- tissue hypoxia, left shift
What is the difference between appropriate and inappropriate increase in EPO for Polycythemia vera?
appropriate: body makes to much, tissue hypoxia, left shift
inappropriate: fake EPO, tumors, renal, genetic defects
Aplastic anemia
pancytopenia with hypocellular marrow
What are the symptoms associated with aplastic anemia?
bleeding, infections, typical anemia symptoms, iron overload
Lab findings for aplastic anemia
N/N, low WBC plts and retics, ^^ plasma/urine EPO, increased iron storage
Fanconi's anemia
pancytopenia by 8 y/o (congenital defects: short stature, malformed fingers/toes/organs)
Acquired red cell aplasia
no erythropoiesis from infection, thymoma, cytotoxic Ab
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
congenital red cell aplasia w/ normal WBCs and plts
Anemia of chronic disorders
- 2nd to infection, malignancy, RA or SLE
- Hepcidin (blocks iron release, inc storage)
Anemia of renal insufficiency
- elevation of BUN=severity of iron
- abnormal plt function
Anemia of Liver disease
target cells, acanthocytes, macrocytosis
Anemia of endocrine disease
hypothyroidism and androgen deficiency
Myelophthisic anemia
bone marrow proliferation and proliferation of tumor cells
What makes up a hemoglobin molecule?
4 polypeptide subunits, each w/ a globin chain and a heme
Heme synthesis pathway important steps
rate limiting: ALA synthase
4 PBG > uroporphyrinogen
Iron into ^ by ferrochelatase
What causes porphyrias to occur?
What are the 2 main symptoms?
block in the heme synthesis due to deficiency in enzymes (photosensitivity and red fluorescence under UV)
Acute porphyrias:
AIP: defect in uroporphyrinogen (build up ALA and PBG)
variegate: defect in PPOX (ALA + PBG in urine)
Chronic Porphyrias
congenital/erythropoietic: most severe, defect in uroporph synthetase
acquired: lead intox (blocks ferrochelatase, ALA enzymes)
What are the 2 iron forms?
ferric (3+) and ferrous (2+)
Iron deficiency lab values
- dec ferritin (most sensitive)
- low serum iron
- inc TIBC
- dec sideroblasts
What are the stages of iron deficiency?
1. iron depletion
2. iron deficiency erythropoiesis
3. iron deficiency anemia (micro/hypo)
What symptoms are associated with iron deficiency anemia?
common anemia ones, pica, tongue soreness/ulcers, spoon shaped nails
What are the causes of iron excess?
inc absorption, repeated transfusion, drugs/vitamins
Primary familial hemochromatosis
abnormality of HFE gene (chrom 6) which regulates iron absorption through hepcidin
Sideroblastic anemia
defective use of iron during heme synthesis (M/H, inc serum iron and sat)
Causes of sideroblastic anemia
hereditary: abnormal ALA synthase, pyridoxine-responsive (treat w B6)
acquired: malignancy or drug (isoniazid)
Properties of hemoglobin
1. cooperative binding of O2
2. Bohr effect
3. effect of 2,3 DPG
normal rate of production, structure is abnormal
abnormal rate, normal structure
Sickle Cell Anemia
B6 glu > valine
AAs (no falciparum)
splenic complications, symptoms from occluding small vessels, aplastic crisis
What tests can be used to detect sickle cell?
screen: dithionite (solubility) metabisulfite (slide)
confirm: electrophoresis
Hemoglobin C disease
B6 glu > lysine
spherocytes, target cells, HGB-C crystals
B21 glu > glutamine
asian indians
spherocytes, target, HGB-C crystals
B26 glu > lysine
oriental asians
HGB-M (iron in Hgb ferric state)
methylene blue injections (treatment)
What test is used to detect unstable hemoglobins
heat instability test or isopropanol precipitation test
B0 thalassemia
beta chain synthesis is absent (deleted gene or mRNA is absent)
B+ thalassemia
B chain synthesis is only reduced (defects in transcription and processing of mRNA)
delta beta thalassemia
gene deletions involving both the delta and beta genes
Lepore thalassemia
normal a genes, abnormal delta-beta genes due to fusion
megaloblastic anemia
- vit B12 or folic acid
- macrocytes and ovalocytes
- hypersegmented
- pancytopenia
Hereditary Spherocytosis
mutation in structural proteins, inc autohemolysis test
Hereditary elliptocytosis
abnormal spectrin, inc autohemolysis
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis
african americans, marked poikilocytosis and fragments
Hereditary Stomatocytosis
slit-shaped pallor, shortened RBC survival bc less flexible
G6PD deficiency
dec in NADPH and GSH cause oxidative stress, HEINZ bodies, = fluorescence
PK deficiency
dec in ATP production, + fluorescence
Lazy leukocyte syndrome
no response to chemotactic factors
defective NADPH oxidase, cells can eat but not kill, NTB test
Myeloperoxidase deficiency
no peroxidation
defective granules, infection, albinism, bleeding
Toxic granulation
in neutrophils, severe infections
Dohle bodies
RNA and free ribosomes, PAS +, infections and scarlet fever
May-Hegglin anomaly
PAS=, myosin heavy chain, genetic
Alder-Reilly Anomaly
genetic, granules in all WBCs, abnormal deposition and storage of mucopolysaccharides
lone star tick bite, morulae
Pelger-Huet Anomaly
band, 2 segments, peanut, sunglasses shape
Hereditary hypersegmentation
4 or more lobes in majority of neutrophils
Gaucher's disease
faulty GBA gene, PAS +
Nieman-Pick disease
accumulation of sphingomyelin, PAS =, pick cell
< 3 X 10^3
dec marrow production, dec survival, INFECTION
Neutrophilia phases
1. early infection migration
2. marrow supply rises
3. recovery (monos inc)
BM exhaustion: failure to fight infection
Leukmoid reaction
left shift, INC LAP
allergic disease, parasitic infection, Loeffler's syndrome (sputum)
allergic response, ulcerative colitis, CML or PV
t(9;22), BCR-ABL gene, gleevec/imatinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor)
erythroid proliferation, INC LAP, dec EPO
megakaryocyte proliferation, extramedullary hematopoiesis, dacrocytes, dry BM aspirate
hemorrhages, mega proliferation, platelet plugs=neuro, M/H
MDS w/ single lineage dysplasia
< 1% blasts in PB, < 5% in BM
MDS w/ excess blasts
1-5% blasts in blood, 5-20% in BM, fastest to transform to AML
monocytosis < 20% blasts