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Describe the nature of emotional intelligence.
Set of interpersonal skills: EMPATHY
-self-understanding, recognize impact of feelings on others
-personal traits to foster career advancement
-ethics demonstrate trustworthiness in working w/ others.
-techniques to manage emotional reactions to people and situations.
-ID w/ others' feelings, needs and concerns to enhance interpersonal relations.
-communication skills foster open, honest communications
-communication skills influence others' POV
-apply problem solving techniques to obtain solutions
-manage stressful situations to min. neg. situations
-teamwork techniques to accomplish goals.
-leadership skills to achieve objectives.
-manage internal and external business relationships fostering positive interactions
Explain the concept of self esteem.
-the way you perceive your worth/value
-allows you to believe in yourself and helps you relate positively to others
Ex: treat others w/ respect and friendliness, dressing appropriately, behave confident + courteous manner
Why is it necessary to recognize personal biases and stereotypes?
stereotype: oversimplified distorted belief about a person or a group
bias: can lead to unjust decisions
important to recognize for correction
increases tolerant and understanding
Identify how to assess personal strengths and weaknesses.
assess self esteem, attitude, initiative, self control, creativity, flexibility, stress management, time management skills.
also more concrete skills and abilities (things you will be asked to do at work, such as selling a product or organizing an activity)
Complete a self-assessment:
1. Ask yourself if you have these types of skills and take inventory of your workplace values + needs
2. Determine what skills lacking and areas for improvement.
3. Develop skills and abilities by reading, observing, working in a real-world situation.
Assess personal behavior and values
assessed include self esteem, attitude, initiative, self control,
creativity, flexibility, stress management, and time management skills.
-more concrete skills and abilities include things that you will be asked to do in the workplace,
such as selling a product or organizing an activity.
-Complete a self-assessment by asking yourself if you have these types of skills and taking
inventory of your workplace values and needs.
-Determine what skills you are lacking and where you can make improvements.
-Develop your skills and abilities by reading, observing, and working in a real-world situation.
Identify desirable personality traits important to business.
self esteem, attitude, initiative, self control,
creativity, flexibility, stress management, time management skills
-more concrete skills and abilities include things that you will be asked to do in the workplace,
-self-assessment by asking yourself if you have these types of skills, inventory of your workplace values and needs
-Determine skills lacking and improvements
-Develop skills by reading, observing, working in a real-world situation.
Exhibit self-confidence?
-demonstrated by how you present yourself + actions.
-shown in personal hygiene and dress. I
-shown through relationships with others + work habits.
Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm.
verbal: descriptive, vary your tone, listen and ask relevant questions.
Non-verbal: facial expressions, body language, eye contact.
Demonstrate initiative
taking action and completing tasks without being asked to do so.
Ex: developing new idea for marketing campaign + conducting research to show viability of idea
Explain how to demonstrate responsible behavior.
be willing to accept an obligation + be accountable
- accept change and volunteer for jobs and tasks
- display initiative by doing what needs to be done without being told.
- be punctual + solid work ethic.
Describe how to demonstrate honesty and integrity.
desirable qualities of good employee and person -being loyal and trustworthy
-act responsibly and ethically, even when difficult
-respect others' feelings and possessions
Demonstrate fairness
-providing equal opportunities
-not using bias/stereotypes
-objective conflict resolution, defense, presentation etc.
Assess risks of personal decisions
-look ahead + see where decisions take you
-know the pros and cons of any decision
-Assess risks to avoid the worst outcome, or be prepared for it
Demonstrate ethical work habits.
Ethics = basic values + moral principles that guide behavior
Characteristics: honesty, respect, and equity.
-honesty: maintain confidentiality, respect for company property (basis for a trustworthy bus. relationship)
-respect: listening w/ an open mind, responding w/ courtesy + tact.
-equity means that everyone has = rights + opportunities (important when dealing with others)
Take responsibility for decisions and actions
-should step up to the plate.
-if something goes wrong, take the blame.
-deal with the consequences instead of blaming others
Build trust in relationships
-Relationships built on trust.
-need to know that you will consistently deliver what you promise
-rust leads to loyalty, ultimately leads to greater profits for company.
Describe the nature of ethics
-important to making the general public happy about what happens in the business world (public relations).
-good reputation
-balances the needs of the stakeholders w/ needs of company
-helps the business thrive in the global economy
-helps retain employees
-keeps the bus. from being penalized under the law
Explain reasons for ethical dilemmas
-Occurs when there is no clear right or wrong
-Making a choice among alternatives
-Will impact stakeholders
Recognize and respond to ethical dilemmas
-Apply decision-making principles
-Seek opinions from trustable sources
-Realize that there is no clear answer
Manage commitments in a timely manner
-not procrastinating, and utilizing
sequential tasking, prioritize + plan
-If applicable, multitasking can be a powerful productivity tool
Develop tolerance for ambiguity
-Ambiguity is the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness
-often many ways to tackle one problem
-open mind
Exhibit a positive attitude
-team encouragement, enthusiasm, and
implementing a reward system
-creates more friendly and
encouraging work environment
Demonstrate self-control
anger management, stress
management, compulsive behavior control
-Important not to be impulsive
Explain the use of feedback for personal growth.
The way feedback is given often affects the way you accept it.
-Destructive criticism focuses on bad, no help.
-Constructive criticism = calm, focus on prob, suggestions, helpful.
-Maintain a positive attitude + avoid getting defensive.
-Respond to negative feedback in positive way impresses others.
-Work on correcting their weaknesses = move ahead in careers.
-Giving feedback, important that message be clear and easily understood, nonthreatening, discuss problems one-on-one
Adjust to change
Change is common in the workplace
adapting policies, work habits, and routines
Respect the privacy of others.
-treating the conversations, property, and work of friends and coworkers as if own.
-be respectful of the phone
calls, faxes, e-mail, voice mail, and documents of others. Many of these things should not be shared with others, and much of the information at your workplace must be kept confidential.
Confidentiality = not sharing sensitive information w/someone else, pt. of displaying workplace etiquette.
Failing to respect others' privacy harms your personal + professional relationships (being disciplined/fired)
Show empathy for others
Empathy = understanding of another person's situation/frame of mind.
-be open-minded, realizing people are under pressure.
-treat others considerately
-think of other's position
-speak carefully, think how others will feel when they hear it
-smile, and make them feel important
Maintain the confidentiality of others
-Confidentiality is the protection of private info and employees must not violate by
spreading personal info of others to third parties
-Builds trust
Exhibit cultural sensitivity.
-respecting + aware of differences among people
-avoid and overcome stereotypes
-do research on culture and be flexible, do their way
Leverage personality types in business situations
-extroverted, intuitive, judging, thinkers
-Extrovertedness most important as businesspersons must often communicate with others.
-Understand the people you interact w/
-keep in mind how your personality type
might affect relationships
Explain the nature of effective communications.
-process of exchanging messages between a sender and a receiver
-need to understand channels of communication/media, effective listening skills, barriers to communication, and non-verbal cues
-be prepared to read for meaning, speak properly, and write effectively
-Channels = avenues through which a message can be delivered
Explain ethical considerations in providing information.
-ensure that the highest standards of conduct w/ everyone in the company/affected by its activities
-lawful and does not harm some, benefits others, not embarrassing
-businesses develop a statement of core values that guide the ethical decisions and actions of the company.
-company's commitment to ethics clear during the hiring process + day-to-day operations. I
-part of employee evaluations and promotions, and managers should model ethical behavior
Foster open, honest communication
-Use various communication skills to foster open, honest communication
-This also builds trust and adds to the relationships in the workplace
Collaborate w/ others
-Important to work with others on issues to get multiple opinions
-Working nicely makes everything more efficient
Solicit feedback
-obtain something from the feedback given
-Using the feedback as a way to improve performance
-Ask for feedback for personal development.
Use social media to solicit new ideas + solutions
Social media can be used to research other businesses'; promotional strategies
What's trending/cus. like
"Sell" ideas to others
Evidence, emotion, and reasoning can sell an idea to an audience.
Persuade others
-Logos (statistics and reasoning), pathos (feeling and emotion), and ethos (expertise and
-Exhibiting empathy!
Demonstrate negotiation skills
Negotiation: process of working with/among the parties in a conflict to find a resolution
-requires willingness to work together to achieve a mutually-agreeable solution.
-deal w/ conflict in bus.
Six effective techniques for negotiating conflict are:
1) show respect
2) recognize and define the problem
3) seek a variety of possible solutions
4) collaborate, or work together
5) be reliable
6) preserve your relationship
The two most important negotiation skills are speaking and listening.
-present the problem from their point of view (non-aggressive tone and "I statements" don't cast blame)
-active listening, empathize
-problem is solved only when both/all parties reach common agreement
Use appropriate assertiveness
Exhibit self-confidence and assurance without being aggressive by being negotiable and
Explain how to use conflict-resolution skills.
collaboration, compromise, or avoidance.
1) allowing each party to define problem from their POV
2)allow each to suggest solution
3)evaluate options, each party can explain what they can/cannot accept (think creatively and compromise)
Explain the nature of office politics
-multiple employees battle for dominance over decision-making
-can be helpful (clear leader)/harmful (uncontrollable conflict)
Overcome problems and difficulties associated w/ office politics/turf wars
Use negotiation, office drama can be resolved in an effective manner.
Explain the nature of stress management.
Stress: person's reaction to pressures from the outside world. It can be mental or physical.
-important to a healthy lifestyle and effectiveness Stress can be harmful, causing undue anxiety and suppressing the body's immune system.
regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep
Participate as a team member
-teamwork inc. leadership and collaboration.
-provide input to a task + facilitating
new initiatives
Use consensus building skills.
Consensus: a decision which each member of a group agrees.
-critical component of teamwork + negotiation
-allow all members to state their opinions
-flexible + compromise
-increased company loyalty, stronger team spirit, extra motivation and a sense of ownership
Motivate team members.
Motivating Factors: achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth, reward, freedom of creativity
-When giving rewards, ID effective and efficient workers
-Also, reward and recognize long- term employees for their loyalty to the company.
Explain the concept of leadership.
Leadership: helping members of an organization achieve their goals.
-requires wide range of skills + personal traits (self-confidence, creativity, problem-solving, effective communication)
-can understand people, show social judgment, and can motivate others
-have a vision and can communicate it
Explain the nature of ethical leadership
-Good leaders are ethical
-open to different ways to solve a problem +make the decision that benefits the majority
Model ethical behavior
-do what is right and beneficial, legal
-uphold company values
-avoid questionable bus. practices
-make good decisions
Determine a personal vision
-write a personal mission statement
Inspire others
Demonstrate adaptability
Develop an achievement orientation
Challenge the status quo
-Think outside the box/deviating from norm
-in a positive, useful way
Lead change
-assessing current scenario
-find areas for improvement
-brainstorming solutions
-implementing course of action
-celebrate success
-characteristic of a good leader
-positive change
Enlist others in working toward a shared vision
Collaboration: powerful tool
important that fellow workers exhibit motivation, positive attitude, empathy, and conflict resolution skills
Coach others
-assessing weaknesses
-suggesting them in an assertive manner
-provide feedback
Use power appropriatley
-Not abusive of power
-Treat others fairly and equally
Recognize/Reward others with dignity and respect
-Form of encouragement
-Making sure others' hard work is noticed
Foster positive working relationships
Teamwork is a critical component for a group of people to achieve a common goal.
-making the team's goals top priority, positive group dynamics, active listener
-show respect for their ideas + feelings
-Being prompt + showing responsibility
-communicate effectively
Consider conflicting viewpoints
-Being open to conflicting viewpoints
-Use to evaluate the situation and outcome
Assess long-term value and impact of actions on others
-Need to realize how own actions might affect others and operations withincompany
Maintain collaborative partnerships w/ colleagues
-Working together in unison
-Respectful, responsible, professional
Explain the impact of political relationships within an organization.
A company's culture affects the way it is organized. A formal culture may include a strict chain of command, with one person at the top making all decisions. Several levels of management, or bureaucracy, may follow. Job titles are important as indicators of power and status within a company in a business with a formal culture. Making changes and passing down decisions in such an organization can be complicated and time consuming.
Other companies have an informal culture, where employees are encouraged to make their own decisions. In such a company, job titles are not as important as creativity and teamwork.
Explain the nature of organizational culture
values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of
an organization
Interpret + adapt to a business's culture
-Important to fit into the business culture
-Understanding of business culture leads to better performance