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What does PASS stand for?

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41 Terms


What does PASS stand for?

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

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What are the 3 "killers"?

closed airways, uncontrolled bleeding, and shock

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What are things you need to check for when preforming triage?

steady breathing, circulation (capillary refill test), and mental status of the victim

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What are some signs on spine trauma?

change in consciousness, inability to move body, severe pain, tingling/numbness in appendages, difficulty breathing or seeing, heavy bleeding or bruising, blood or fluid in nose or ears, bruising behind ears, bruising around eyes, uneven pupils, seizures, and nausea/vomiting

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What is a closed fracture?

A _ fracture is when a bone is fractured, but there is not puncture in the skin cause by the broken bone

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What is an open fracture?

An _ fracture is the result of a broken bone puncturing through skin

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What is a displaced fracture?

a _ fracture is a bone breaking into 2 or more pieces that is not connected anymore

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What is a nondisplaced fracture?

a _ fracture is a broken bone with just a snap. It can be hard to see because it is just a crack in a bone, no movement of a bone

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What body temperature does a patient have to have to consider hypothermia as a diagnosis?

95 degrees fahrenhiet or less

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What 3 factors are needed for a fire to start?

some sort of fuel, oxygen (or oxidizing substance), and heat

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What is the most important factor to look at when choosing a fire extinguisher?

The fuel used to start the fire (classification)

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What is a class A fire caused by?

ordinary combustibles

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What is a class B fire caused by?

flammable liquids

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What is a class C fire caused by?

Electrical items

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What is a class D fire caused by?

combustible metals

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What is a class K fire caused by?

things found in kitchens (cooking oils, fats)

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What fire(s) can a water extinguisher be used on?

Class A

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What fire(s) can a foam extinguisher be used on?

Class A, B, and D

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What fire(s) can a dry powder extinguisher be used on?

Class A, B, C, and D

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What fire(s) can a Carbon Dioxide extinguisher be used on?

Class B, D, and K

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What is a CERT members #1 priority?


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When looking at a fire extinguisher's label, what does the number infront of the A mean?

The number infront of the A indicates the number of gallons of the extinguishing element in the extinguisher. Each number infront of the A correlates to 1.25 gallons, so 2A: 2.5 gallons, 3A: 3.75 gallons,

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What does the number infront of the B:C on a fire extinguisher label mean?

Number of square feet it can extinguish: 20B:C- 20 square feet,

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What is the biggest threat that can cause an obstructed air way?


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What is arterial bleeding?

_ bleeding is when a victim is bleeding with spurting red blood after every heartbeat

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What is venous bleeding?

when a victim has a steady bloodflow of darker blood

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What is capillary bleeding?

bleeding very slowly

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How do you stop bleeding?

apply pressure (tie a bandage in a bow to close off a large artery), elevation, and pressure points

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Where are the most common pressure points found?

hip seam, groin, bicep, and forearm

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What are symptoms of shock?

Rapid, shallow breathing, capillary refill greater than 2 seconds, failure to respond to a simple command ("squeeze my hand")

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What is triage?

separating victims into 4 groups of severity after a disaster

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What are the 4 groups of triage and their colors?

Red- immediate, yellow- delayed, green- minor, and black- dead

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What are biological terrorist attacks?

the exposure of a large population to a germ (ebola)

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What is a chemical terrorist attack?

toxic gas, toxic solids, and liquids

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What is a radiological terrorist attack?

Bombs, but not nuclear bombs

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What is a nuclear terrorist attack?

Nuclear bombs, intense light, intense heat, and intense pressure

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What are the 3 keys of protection from terrorist attacks?

distance, time, and shielding/protection

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What are the nine steps in a sizeup?

1. gather facts

2. assess and communicate the damage

3. consider possibilities

4. asses your own situation

5. establish priorities

6. make decisions

7. develop plans of action

8. take action

9. evaluate progress

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What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

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In what order does donning PPE take place?

hand hygiene, gown, respiratory equipment, eye protection, and gloves

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In what order does doffing PPE take place?

gloves, eye protection, gown, respiratory protection, and hand hygiene

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