θα συνοδεύω
to will be accompanying (open)
θα συνοδεψω
to will accompany (closed)
θα κατηγορώ
to will be accusing (open)
θα κατηγοσώ
to will accuse (closed)
θα παραδέχομαι
to will be admiting (open)
θα παραδέχθω
to will admit (closed)
θα πράττω
to will be doing, acting (take action) (open)
θα πράξω
to will do, act (take action) (closed)
θα προσθέτω
to will be adding (supplement) (open)
θα προσθέσω
to will add (supplement) (closed)
θα συμβουλεύω
to will be advising (open)
θα συμβουλεύσω
to will advise (closed)
θα ενδιαφέρομαι
to will be interested in (open)
θα ανήκω
to will be belonging to
θα καυχιέμαι
to will be boast, to brag (open)
θα καυχηθώ
to will boast, to brag (closed)
θα σπάω
to will be break (split into pieces) (open)
θα σπάσω
to will break (split into pieces) (closed)
θα μπαίνω
to will be coming in (enter) (open)
θα μπω
to will enter, to come in (closed)
θα συγκρίνω
to will be comparing
θα παραπονιέμαι
to will be complaining (open)
θα παραπονεθώ
to will complain (closed)
θα μπερδεύω
to will be confusing (mix up) (open)
θα μπερδέψω
to will confuse (closed)
θα συνεχίζω
to will be continuing (open)
θα συνεχίσω
to will continue (closed)
θα ελέγχω
to will be controling (open)
θα ελέγξω
to will control (closed)
θα υπολογίζω
to will be counting (add up) (open)
θα υπολογίσω
to will count (add up) (closed)
θα δημιουργώ
to will be creating (open)
θα δημιουργήσω
to will create (closed)
θα περπατάω
to will be walking (open)
θα περπατήσω
to will walk (closed)
θα ανεβαίνω
to will be going up, to will be rising (open)
θα ανέβω
to will go up, to will rise (closed)
θα σταματάω
to will be stopping (open)
θα σταματήσω
to will stop (closed)
θα περνάω
to will be passing, to will be going by (open)
θα περάσω
to will pass, to will go by (closed)
θα τρέχω
to will be runing (open)
θα τρέξω
to will run (closed)
θα μισώ
to will hate
θα χαίρομαι
to will be happy, to will be rejoice (open)
θα χαρώ
to will be happy, to will rejoice (closed)
θα λυπάμαι
to will be feeling sorry, to will be regreting
θα ελπίζω
to will be hoping
θα νιώθω
to will be feeling (open)
θα νιώσω
to will feel (closed)
θα ζηλεύω
to will be envying (open)
θα ζηλέψω
to will envy (closed)
θα απογοητεύομαι
to will be disappointing (open)
θα απογοητευτώ
to will be disappointed (closed)
θα αναγνωρίζω
to will be knowing, to will be recognizing (open)
θα αναγνωρίσω
to will know, to will recognize (closed)
θα παρατηρώ
to will be observing (open)
θα παρατηρήσω
to will observe (closed)
θα αναφέρω
to will be mentioning
θα συζητάω
to will be discussing (open)
θα συζητήσουμε
to will discuss (closed)
θα διηγούμαι
to will be narrating (open)
θα υποστηρίζω
to will be supporting (open)
θα στηρίξω
to will support (closed)
θα πληρώνω
to will be paying (open)
θα πληρώσω
to will pay (closed)
θα ανοίγω
to will be opening (open)
θα ανοίξω
to will open (closed)
θα τακτοποιώ
to will be organizing, to will be arranging
θα ξυπνάω
to will be waking up (open)
θα ξυπνήσω
to will wake up (closed)
θα πεθαίνω
to will be dying (open)
θα πεθάνω
to will die (closed)
θα μεγαλώνω
to will be growing up (open)
θα μεγαλώσω
to will grow up (closed)
θα προχωράω
to will be moving forward (open)
θα προχωρήσω
to will move forward (closed)
θα φαίνομαι
to will be appearing, to will be seeming (open)
θα εμφανιστώ
to will appear, to will seem (closed)
θα πλένω
to will be washing (open)
θα πλυθώ
to will wash (closed)
θα σιδερώνω
to will be ironing
θα χρησιμοποιώ
to will be using (open)
θα χρησιμοποιήσω
to will use (closed)
θα διορθώνω
to will be fixing, to will be correcting (open)
θα διορθώσω
to will fix, to will correct (closed)
θα συναντάω
to will be meeting (open)
θα συναντηθώ
to will meet (closed)
θα παντρεύομαι
to will be getting married (open)
θα παντρευτώ
to will marry (closed)
θα εκπλήσσομαι
to will be surprising (open)
θα εκπλαγώ
to will be surprised (closed)
θα χαιρετάω/ χαιρετώ
to will be greeting (open)
θα χαιρετήσω
to will greet (closed)
θα φιλάω
to will be kissing (open)
θα φιλήσω
to will kiss (closed)
θα αγκαλιάζω
to will be hugging (open)
θα αγκαλιάσω
to will hug (closed)
θα αποχαιρετώ
to will be saying goodbye (open)
θα αποχαιρετήσω
to will say goodbye (closed)