Nature vs Nurture
The debate regarding whether genetics (nature) or environment and upbringing (nurture) contributes more significantly to human development.
Continuous Development
The belief that development is an ongoing process without distinct stages, akin to an escalator.
Stage Theory
The idea that development occurs in distinct stages, similar to an elevator that stops at different floors.
The biological growth process that follows an orderly progression driven by genetics.
Gender Development
The process by which individuals form their gender identity and the roles associated with being male or female.
Gender Role
Societal expectations regarding how males and females should behave.
Social Learning Theory
The theory suggesting that behavior is learned through observing others and the consequences that follow.
Gender Schema Theory
The cognitive framework that helps individuals categorize and define gender-specific behaviors and characteristics.
Identical Twins
Twins who are genetically identical and can provide insights into the nature vs nurture debate through studies of their similarities and differences.
Fraternal Twins
Twins who are genetically different and can be used to analyze how much nature affects development compared to identical twins.
Adoption Studies
Research studies examining the similarities between adopted children and their biological and adoptive parents to explore the influence of genetics versus environment.
Stability vs Change
The investigation into how stable a person's attributes are over time versus how much they change throughout their lifespan.
A term historically used to describe a girl who exhibits behavior typically associated with boys, often implying a deviation from traditional gender roles.
Gender Identity
An individual's personal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with their biological sex.
Cognitive Development
The process by which individuals learn to think, reason, and understand the world around them, including gender.
Environmental Influence
The impact of surroundings, upbringing, and social interactions on an individual's development.
Gender Expectations
Societal beliefs about how individuals should act based on their gender, shaped by culture and environment.