Crest to crest or trough to trough.
The wave cycles that pass a given point.
Maximum height of a wave.
Point of zero amplitude.
James Maxwell
All radiation propagates through space.
λ x ν =c
Speed of Light
2.99 Ă— 108 m/s
When waves have to bend around an obstacle.
Constructive Interference
When waves interact so that they add to make a larger wave, in phase.
Destructive Interference
When waves interact so that they cancel each other, out of phase.
A collection of particles.
A collection of waves.
Max Planck
Solved the “ultraviolet catastrophe.”
Photoelectric Effect
It was observed that many metals emit electrons when a light shines on their surface.
Classic Wave Theory
If the wavelength of light is made shorter or the light waves intensity made brighter, more electrons should be ejected.
Quantum Mechanics
An object can gain or lose energy by emitting or absorbing radiant energy not continuously but in discrete lumps or packs.
Streams of light particles (a quanta of light).
Packet of energy.
Planck’s Constant, h
6.6262 Ă— 10-34J/s
Photon Formula
Binding Energy
One photon at the threshold frequency gives the electron just enough energy for it to escape the atom.
Kinetic Energy Equation
Ek =1/2mv2
Bohr’s Major Idea
The level of energy in an atom is directly proportional to the distance from the nucleus.
De Broglie’s Proposition
If light can have material properties, then matter should have wave properties.
Principal Quantum Number
Tells you how far an electron is from the nucleus.
Orbital Quantum Number
Describes the shape of the orbital- s, p, d, f.
Orientation Quantum Number
S-1, p-3, d-5, f-7.
Electron Spin Quantum Number
The direction the electron is spinning.
Electron Configurations
Describes where all the electrons in an atom are located.
Aufbau Principle
Electrons will occupy the orbitals of lowest energy first.
Hund’s Rule
Electrons occupy the orbitals of the same energy with the same spin, until they have to double up.
When does promotion happen?
When the orbital is one away or half full.
Valence Electrons
Electrons in the highest principal energy shell.
Core Electrons
Electrons in the lowest energy shell.
When something is always magnetic.
When something isn’t magnetic, but is with a magnet.
Something that’ll never be magnetic.
Atomic Radius
Half of the distance between the nuclei of 2 identical atoms joined in a molecule.
Coulomb’s Law
Explains that distance and attraction are directly proportional.
Group Trend
Atomic radii increases down the periodic table because of new energy levels.
Shielding Effect
Core electrons will shield valence electrons from the electrostatic force of the protons.
Periodic Trend
Atomic radii decreases across a period because more effective positive charge in the nuclei exerts a stronger pull.
Ions have the same number of electrons but their sizes vary.
Ionization Energy
Energy required to remove one electron from an atom that is a gas.
Electron Affinity
Energy change accompanying addition of electron to gaseous atom.
Bond Theory
Explains how and why atoms attach together, why some things combine, and stability.
Lewis Structure
Quick way to show a molecule’s shape, bond length, and polarity.
Exceptions To The Octet Rule
Hydrogen- duet.
Beryllium- quartet.
Boron- sextet.
Resonance Structure
When there is more than one lewis structure for a molecule that differ only in the position of electrons.
Formal Charge
Fictitious charge assigned to help determine if the arrangement is likely (the best structure).
Formal charge Equation
Group # - (# of bonds+electrons).
A polar bond.
Polar Covalent Bond
Charge distribution is NOT equable resulting in a dipole.
Polar Molecules
Must have dipole or polar bonds, and not be a “symmetric” shape.
Bond Order
The number of bonding electron pairs shared by two atoms.
Bond Order Equation
Number of shared pairs/atoms bonded to the central atom.
Bond Length
Distance between the nuclei of bonded atoms.
The same atoms arranged differently can have different polarities.
Bond Energy
The energy change for breaking bonds in a molecule that is in the gaseous state.
Endothermic Reaction
A reaction that takes energy.
Exothermic Reaction
A reaction that releases energy.
Lattice Energy
Energy evolved when ions in the gas phase come together to form 1 mole of solid crystal.
Hess’s Law
If a reaction is the sum of two or more reactions, the overall change in energy is the sum of the change in energy for each reaction.
Valence Bond Theory
Atomic orbitals overlap and make new molecular orbitals.
Sigma Bond
Orbital overlap is between plane of nuclei.
Pi Bond
Orbital overlap is not in the plane of nuclei.
What Forms a Double Bond?
A sigma and a pi bond.
What Forms a Triple Bond?
A sigma and 2 pi bonds.
Organic Chemistry
Chemistry dealing with carbon compounds.
Just hydrogen and carbon.
Open chains.
Closed chains.
Organic compound full of hydrogens (single bonds).
Organic compound containing one or more multiple bonds.
Alternating single and double bonds.
Conjugated cycloalkenes.
Electrons move throughout the compounds.
Single bonds (-ane).
Double bonds (-ene).
Triple bonds (-yne).
Two double bonds (-diene).
Single bonds in a ring (cyclo-root-ane).
Double bonds in a ring (cyclo-root-ene).
MO Theory
Overlap of atomic orbitals (wave functions) creates constructive (bonding) and destructive (antibonding) interference.
Electron Density
Where the electrons are likely to be.