Driving test (copy)

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Before you shift your vechile into drive,you should…

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Driving test for driving school

40 Terms


Before you shift your vechile into drive,you should…

All of the above

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Your vechiles is parked at the curbe. As you approach it you should…

Approach the drivers door facing traffic

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Nearly a quarter of all new drivers will be involved in a collision or convicd of a traffic offense during their 1st year of driving…


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Driver licenses are issued by the…

the state gov

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The primary reason for the use of traffic laws is…

to prevent all traffic crashes and promote orderly flow of traffic

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Alcohol affects what 1st

mental judgement

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Does alchol effect men and woman the same?


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Alcholo effects which organ the most?


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Combinding Drugs Synergtasic means….

the combined effect is greater than the sum of the 2 effects seperately

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Communcating should be thought as…

exchanging info

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When driving “closing- probablity" “ is

the chance that a vechile and another object will move closer together as they move along a projected path

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You have the option of making a two-point turn,u-turn, or going counter-clockwise around the block to reverse our direction. You will likely best minimize your risk by:

going around the block

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500 car study shows:

overall 41% of vicitims use rugs other than alcohol

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Elimination of Alcohol comes through….


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Alcholo is related to how many motor vechile deaths…

half of all motor vechile-related deaths

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Single vechile crashes account for how many….

50% of all motor vechile occuptant fatalities

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What is the friction point…

The friction point is the point at which the engine begines to move the car as the clutch is being realesed.

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What should you do about dealing with mutliple risks?

chose to seperate the risks so you can deal with one event at a time

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Central vision is…

primary visional function employed when driving

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Fringe Vision is….

vision used to judge depth and position on the road

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Peripherical vision is…

is strongly affected by drugs, speed of traveling and fatigue

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The most common colorblindess is…

green and red

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Selective searching is…

two steps

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How many percent of drivers involved in accident took no action to avoid….

37% of drivers involved took no action to avoid a collision

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Poor visual habits would be…

to be discared easily,oftern surspised and unaware of own speed

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The basic speed law is to…

to drive at a reasonable and proper speed for conditions

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What to do when driving stir is hard to control?

drive most close to the rear

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What to do for emergency situation when dealing with side vechile?

maintain adaquate space front at least one side of vechile

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What are the four levels of accleration?

idling,light,progressive, and thrust

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What are the four levels of deceleration?

trail braking, threshold braking, controlled braking and relase the accelerator

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Signal sequence of the lights is…


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What does each state have regarding driving laws…

each state has laws that enabe state officals to control its highaway transportation system

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Drivers licenses are granted by ?

the state

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Risk means

the chance of injury, damage, or loss

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What do you need space for in your car?

Brakes,accelertor, steering wheel

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What is traction?

the adhesion, friction or grip between the tires and the road surface

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What is weight distrubtion?

whent the vechile is stopped or traveling straight at the constant speed, its suspension and traction are stablized.

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What to do before driving?

start the engine, as soon as the engine starts release the key, idle for at least 15 seconds to 20 seconds before you start

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Risk can be managed by?

perfoming an agressive visual search, making good decsions with the info gained from the visual search, and acting on your decsions appropriately

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Types of manged risk?

perceived risk differs from actual risk, risk is affected by all road users, and risk can be managed

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