AP US History Chapter 2

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Sea Dogs

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Sea Dogs

Were English buccaneers hired by Queen Elizabeth to plunder Spanish ships and settlements. The most famous being Francis Drake.

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Walter Raleigh

He formed a colony on North Carolina's Roanoke Island in 1585. The colony mysteriously disappeared.

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Spanish Armada

Philip II of Spain ordered the Armada to set sail in 1588 to challenge the English in the English Channel. The Spanish Armada was left crippled and defeated by the English Sea dogs. This allowed England to become the new super power of the world and an end to Spanish imperialism.

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Enclosure Movement (Enclosing)

It was when landlords enclosed land for sheep grazing forcing farmers off the land. This showed England that they had a surplus of people to be shipped off to the New World.

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A law stating only the eldest son could take over land. Meaning many younger sons had to start their own means of profit.

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Joint Stock Companies

Allowed "adventures" to invest their money. Joint stock opened the ways financially for markets and religious freedom.

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Was founded in Virginia in 1607. Many settlers died before reaching Virginia and the ones that did faced starvation, disease, and malnutrition.

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John Smith

Worked with the Natives to create peace and built a good relationship between the Natives and settlers.

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Anglo-Powhatan War

The Virginia Company called for war against the Natives in the Jamestown area. Veteran De La Warr used "Irish tactics" against the Natives. Villages were pillaged, cornfields burned, it ended after Pocahontas married as a peace treaty.

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Three D's

Were disease, disorganization, and disposability. Diseases brought from Eurasia killed entire villages. The settlers were also more organized than the Natives. Unlike to the Spanish the Natives didn't give anything to the Jamestown economy so they were disposable.

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The Natives traded skins and pelts for firearms. The tribes that had guns had advantages over ones that didn't. This increased tribe on tribe violence.

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John Rolfe

The cash crop tobacco boosted the economy in Jamestown because of John Rolfe.

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African Slaves

In 1619 slaves were brought to Jamestown by a Dutch warship. By 1650 there were 300 slaves.

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House of Burgesses

It was when the London Company allowed the settlers to assemble in 1619. It set the precedent for many other assemblies that would take place in the English colonies. The colony became a royal colony, meaning James I had full control over it in 1624.

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Lord Baltimore

He formed St. Mary in Maryland in 1634 to gain profit and create a refuge for Catholics like himself.

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Act of Toleration

Was encated in Maryland in 1649. This act granted toleration to all Christians. Those who denied the divinity of Jesus, such as Jews and atheists, were not tolerated and were given death penalty.

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West Indies

The major commercial centers in the West Indies were sugar mills. The main product was sugar which required large plantations with slaves working on them.

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Carolina was established in 1670. The two main industries were sugar and non-English products, wine, silk, and olive oil.

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Served the purpose of a buffer, stopping the Spanish in Florida and French in Louisiana from getting to the valuable Carolinas. The proprietor was James Oglethorpe and his goal was prison reform. The colony faced harsh climate, slow growth, and many attacks from the Spanish.

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Plantation Economy

Big plantations were everywhere making establishing schools and churches hard and costly. "Soil butchery" was done by excessivly growing tobacco.

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