pressure within the arteries when the heart beats; systole is the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle.
excessively sweaty. Commonly caused by exertion or a medical problem such as heart attack or shock.
Baseline vital signs
first set of vital signs obtained on a patient.
Capillary refill
time it takes for the capillaries to refill after being blanched. Normal capillary refill time is 2 seconds or less.
act of comparing three or more sets of signs and symptoms over time to determine if the patient’s condition is worsening, improving, or remaining the same.
something the patient complains of or describes during the secondary assessment.
OPQRST assessment tool
mnemonic used as a reminder during a secondary assessment to help assess the patient’s chief complaint; the letters stand for onset, provocation, quality, region/radiate, severity, and time.
Vital signs
six most common signs used to evaluate a patient’s condition (respirations, pulse, blood pressure, skin, pupils, and mental status).
device used to auscultate sounds within the body; commonly used to obtain blood pressure.
SAMPLE history tool
acronym used as a reminder in obtaining a patient history during the secondary assessment; SAMPLE stands for signs/symptoms, allergies, medications, past pertinent medical history, last oral intake, and events leading to the problem today.
something that can be observed or measured when assessing a patient.
pulsation of the arteries felt with each heartbeat.
describes bluish coloration of the skin caused by an inadequate supply of oxygen. Typically seen at the mucous membranes and nail beds.
Blood pressure
measurement of the pressure inside the arteries, during and between contractions of the heart.
medical condition that causes yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Typically caused by liver failure or obstruction of the bile duct.
Mental status
general condition of a patient’s level of consciousness and awareness.
pressure within the arteries when the heart is at rest; diastole is the resting phase of the cardiac cycle.
listening to internal sounds of the body, typically with a stethoscope.
using one’s hands to touch or feel the body.
Medical history
previous medical conditions and events for a patient.
high blood pressure