Results for "Microscope"


flashcards Flashcard (25)
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2 hours ago
s the revised list without the etymologies: 1. **Altruism** (noun): The selfless concern for the well-being of others. Synonym: Selflessness Antonym: Self-interest 2. **Ambrosia** (noun): The food or drink of the gods, often thought to bring immortality. Synonym: Nectar Antonym: Poison 3. **Ameliorate** (verb): To make something better or improve it. Synonym: Improve Antonym: Worsen 4. **Amenable** (adjective): Open to suggestion or influence. Synonym: Agreeable Antonym: Uncooperative 5. **Ascribe** (verb): To attribute something to a cause or source. Synonym: Attribute Antonym: Disclaim 6. **Aseptic** (adjective): Free from contamination or germs. Synonym: Sterile Antonym: Contaminated 7. **Avant-garde** (adjective): New and experimental, especially in the arts. Synonym: Innovative Antonym: Traditional 8. **Blarney** (noun): Flattering talk meant to deceive or charm. Synonym: Flattery Antonym: Sincerity 9. **Blasé** (adjective): Indifferent or unimpressed due to over-familiarity. Synonym: Indifferent Antonym: Enthusiastic 10. **Blitzkrieg** (noun): A sudden and intense military attack. Synonym: Attack Antonym: Defense 11. **Cache** (noun): A hidden store of goods or valuables. Synonym: Hoard Antonym: Open 12. **Cacophony** (noun): A harsh, jarring noise. Synonym: Racket Antonym: Silence 13. **Cajole** (verb): To persuade someone through flattery or promises. Synonym: Coax Antonym: Discourage 14. **Chagrin** (noun): A feeling of distress or embarrassment. Synonym: Disappointment Antonym: Joy 15. **Chauvinism** (noun): Excessive or prejudiced loyalty to one's own group. Synonym: Nationalism Antonym: Tolerance 16. **Chic** (adjective): Elegantly and stylishly fashionable. Synonym: Stylish Antonym: Unfashionable 17. **Chicanery** (noun): The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. Synonym: Deception Antonym: Honesty 18. **Conduit** (noun): A channel for conveying something, especially liquids or electricity. Synonym: Channel Antonym: Blockage 19. **Cuckold** (noun): A man whose wife is unfaithful. Synonym: Husband Antonym: Faithful husband 20. **Duress** (noun): Threats or pressure used to force someone into action. Synonym: Coercion Antonym: Freedom 21. **Ebullient** (adjective): Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement. Synonym: Enthusiastic Antonym: Depressed 22. **Eclectic** (adjective): Drawing from a variety of sources or styles. Synonym: Diverse Antonym: Narrow 23. **Equivocal** (adjective): Ambiguous or having more than one possible meaning. Synonym: Unclear Antonym: Clear 24. **Fecund** (adjective): Fertile or capable of producing an abundance of offspring. Synonym: Fertile Antonym: Infertile 25. **Flout** (verb): To openly disregard or mock a rule or law. Synonym: Defy Antonym: Obey 26. **Maxi-** (prefix): Large or maximum size. (Example: *Maximal*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Mini 27. **Medio-** (prefix): Middle or moderate. (Example: *Medium*) Synonym: Average Antonym: Extreme 28. **Megalo-** (prefix): Large or great in size. (Example: *Megaphone*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Micro 29. **-Meter** (suffix): A device used to measure something. (Example: *Thermometer*) Synonym: Gauge Antonym: None 30. **Micro-** (prefix): Small or tiny. (Example: *Microscope*) Synonym: Tiny Antonym: Macro 31. **Mis-** (prefix): Wrong or badly. (Example: *Misunderstand*) Synonym: Incorrect Antonym: Correct 32. **Mono-** (prefix): One or single. (Example: *Monologue*) Synonym: Single Antonym: Multi 33. **Morpho-** (prefix): Form or shape. (Example: *Morphology*) Synonym: Shape Antonym: None 34. **Moto-** (prefix): Related to movement. (Example: *Motor*) Synonym: Movement Antonym: None 35. **Neuro-** (prefix): Related to nerves or the nervous system
flashcards Flashcard (5)
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4 hours ago
flashcards Flashcard (78)
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6 hours ago
flashcards Flashcard (234)
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12 hours ago
flashcards Flashcard (12)
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14 hours ago
flashcards Flashcard (42)
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14 hours ago
flashcards Flashcard (39)
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1 day ago
flashcards Flashcard (7)
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flashcards Flashcard (14)
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flashcards Flashcard (38)
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flashcards Flashcard (16)
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flashcards Flashcard (11)
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1 day ago
flashcards Flashcard (24)
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flashcards Flashcard (35)
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1 day ago
flashcards Flashcard (14)
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1 day ago
flashcards Flashcard (8)
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2 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (30)
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2 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (26)
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2 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (35)
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2 days ago


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6 minutes ago
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36 minutes ago
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3 hours ago
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4 hours ago
s the revised list without the etymologies: 1. **Altruism** (noun): The selfless concern for the well-being of others. Synonym: Selflessness Antonym: Self-interest 2. **Ambrosia** (noun): The food or drink of the gods, often thought to bring immortality. Synonym: Nectar Antonym: Poison 3. **Ameliorate** (verb): To make something better or improve it. Synonym: Improve Antonym: Worsen 4. **Amenable** (adjective): Open to suggestion or influence. Synonym: Agreeable Antonym: Uncooperative 5. **Ascribe** (verb): To attribute something to a cause or source. Synonym: Attribute Antonym: Disclaim 6. **Aseptic** (adjective): Free from contamination or germs. Synonym: Sterile Antonym: Contaminated 7. **Avant-garde** (adjective): New and experimental, especially in the arts. Synonym: Innovative Antonym: Traditional 8. **Blarney** (noun): Flattering talk meant to deceive or charm. Synonym: Flattery Antonym: Sincerity 9. **Blasé** (adjective): Indifferent or unimpressed due to over-familiarity. Synonym: Indifferent Antonym: Enthusiastic 10. **Blitzkrieg** (noun): A sudden and intense military attack. Synonym: Attack Antonym: Defense 11. **Cache** (noun): A hidden store of goods or valuables. Synonym: Hoard Antonym: Open 12. **Cacophony** (noun): A harsh, jarring noise. Synonym: Racket Antonym: Silence 13. **Cajole** (verb): To persuade someone through flattery or promises. Synonym: Coax Antonym: Discourage 14. **Chagrin** (noun): A feeling of distress or embarrassment. Synonym: Disappointment Antonym: Joy 15. **Chauvinism** (noun): Excessive or prejudiced loyalty to one's own group. Synonym: Nationalism Antonym: Tolerance 16. **Chic** (adjective): Elegantly and stylishly fashionable. Synonym: Stylish Antonym: Unfashionable 17. **Chicanery** (noun): The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. Synonym: Deception Antonym: Honesty 18. **Conduit** (noun): A channel for conveying something, especially liquids or electricity. Synonym: Channel Antonym: Blockage 19. **Cuckold** (noun): A man whose wife is unfaithful. Synonym: Husband Antonym: Faithful husband 20. **Duress** (noun): Threats or pressure used to force someone into action. Synonym: Coercion Antonym: Freedom 21. **Ebullient** (adjective): Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement. Synonym: Enthusiastic Antonym: Depressed 22. **Eclectic** (adjective): Drawing from a variety of sources or styles. Synonym: Diverse Antonym: Narrow 23. **Equivocal** (adjective): Ambiguous or having more than one possible meaning. Synonym: Unclear Antonym: Clear 24. **Fecund** (adjective): Fertile or capable of producing an abundance of offspring. Synonym: Fertile Antonym: Infertile 25. **Flout** (verb): To openly disregard or mock a rule or law. Synonym: Defy Antonym: Obey 26. **Maxi-** (prefix): Large or maximum size. (Example: *Maximal*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Mini 27. **Medio-** (prefix): Middle or moderate. (Example: *Medium*) Synonym: Average Antonym: Extreme 28. **Megalo-** (prefix): Large or great in size. (Example: *Megaphone*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Micro 29. **-Meter** (suffix): A device used to measure something. (Example: *Thermometer*) Synonym: Gauge Antonym: None 30. **Micro-** (prefix): Small or tiny. (Example: *Microscope*) Synonym: Tiny Antonym: Macro 31. **Mis-** (prefix): Wrong or badly. (Example: *Misunderstand*) Synonym: Incorrect Antonym: Correct 32. **Mono-** (prefix): One or single. (Example: *Monologue*) Synonym: Single Antonym: Multi 33. **Morpho-** (prefix): Form or shape. (Example: *Morphology*) Synonym: Shape Antonym: None 34. **Moto-** (prefix): Related to movement. (Example: *Motor*) Synonym: Movement Antonym: None 35. **Neuro-** (prefix): Related to nerves or the nervous system
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4 hours ago
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4 hours ago
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9 hours ago