icb part 2

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What is the setting of the day after the murder

Monday, 16 November 1959 a bright-skied day, as glittery as mica

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Who is Andy Erhart

a pheasant hunter good friend of Herb classmate of herb gentle, genially dignified scholar calloused hands and sunburned neck

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How long have Andy and Herb been friends

30 yrs

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Who are Herb's 3 other close friends

Dr. J.E. Dale- veterinarian Carl Myers- a dairy owner Everett Ogburn- businessman

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Who is the superintendent of the Kansas Sate University Agricultural Experiment Station

Andy Erhart

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What did Andy, Dale, Carl and Everett all volunteer to do and what did they bring with them

they volunteered to clean the 4 rooms that the murders occurred in they brought mops, pails, scrubbing brushes, rags and detergents

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Who was the patrolman

the guardian of a barricade

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How much longer did the 4 men have to drive after passing the patrolman

1/2 a mile down the elm-shaded lane

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Who admitted the 4 friends into the Clutter house

Alfred Stoecklein- only employee that loved on the property

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In what order of the rooms did the 4 men clean

1st- furnace room where Mr. Clutter was found 2nd- playroom where Kenyon was found 3rd and 4th- 2nd floor where Nancy and Bonnie were found

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What as special about the couch that Kenyon was found on

it was a relic that Kenyon had rescued and mended and that Nancy had slip-covered and piled with mooted pillows

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What did the 4 men find in Nancy and Bonnie's room

blood-soiled bedclothes, mattresses, a bedside rug and a Teddy-bear doll

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What are the reasons that Alfred Stoecklein couldn't have heard the gunshots

he lives 100 yards away there is a big milo barn between the two houses that can soak up a lot of noise the wind was blowing west so it would have blown the sound to the other side

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Where does Alfred want to move to

alongside the highway

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How long did the 4 friends clean up for

from noon to dusk

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What did the 4 friends do with all of the items from the Clutter house

piled it all on a pickup truck Alfred drove drove deep into the farm's north field made a pyramid of Nancy's pillows, bedclothes, mattresses, the couch

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What is the farm's north field

a flat place full of colour, mainly yellow

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Who sprinkled the pyramid of items with paraffin and struck a match to light it on fire


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What did Herb's life evolve from

from a poorly paid county agricultural agent into one of the region's most widely known and respected farm ranchers he was modest but proud raised a fine family

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What did Erhart wonder about when he heard of Herb's death

How was it possible that such effort, such plain virtue, could overnight be reduced to this- smoke, thinning as it rose and was received by the big annihilating sky?

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What is Kansas Bureau of Investigation

a state wide organization with headquarters in Topeka has 19 detectives

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Who is Alvin Adam Dewey

The Bureau's Garden city representative and the agent responsible for a sizeable portion of Western Kansas lean and handsome 4th generation Kansan 47yrs old

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Who is Earl Robinson

sheriff of Finney County

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What was Dewey before he became an agent at KBI

former sheriff (1947-1955) FBI special agent (1940-1945) in New Orleans, San Antonio, Denver, Miami and San Francisco

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What was Dewey's attitude to the Clutter murder investigation

he had a personal proposition because he and his wife were friends with the Clutter family

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Who are some of KBI's best investigators

Special Agents Harold Nye, Roy Church and Clarence Duntz

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What are some characteristics of the Sheriffs' office

3rd floor of the Finney County courthouse an ordinary stone and cement building 3 rooms

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Who is Mrs. Edna Richardson

Sheriff Robinsons's hospitable secretary that always had time to prepare a pot of coffee and time to chew fat

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Where have the case headlines of the Clutter's murders reached

as far East as Chicago as far west as Denver

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When did Dewey hold a press conference

Midday, Monday

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What is the estimated time of the murders

11:00 pm Saturday to 2:00 am Sunday

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What does Dewey think is a mere coincidence

that Mr. Clutter took out a $40,000 life insurance policy with double indemnity the day before he was killed

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Who are the only 2 people that benefit financially from the deaths

Mrs. Donald Jarchow and Miss Beverly Clutter

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What is the single killer concept

a friend who knew the house well, knew the doors were seldom locked, that Mr. Clutter slept in the master bedroom alone on the first floor where everyone else slept on the second floor in separate rooms around midnight, dark windows, Clutters asleep, Teddy is afraid of guns, disposed of all telephone connections woke Mr. Clutter up forced him to gag bonnie, bound his daughter and roped them to their beds, then the father and the son were escorted to the basement, taped Kenyon and tied his feet to the couch the Mr. Clutter was hit on the head, gagged and killed

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What is the double killer concept

similar to the single killer concept but the killer had an accomplice

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What are some doubts about the single killer concept and the double killer concept

single- Kenyon and Mr. Clutter are both strong enough to overtake the killer and would have done so double- how could the killer have found someone with the same amount of rage against the Clutter and be crazy enough to help

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Where did Dewey retire to after the news conference

to his office, a room that the sheriff had temporarily lent him contained a desk and two straight chairs

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What was Dewey's desk littered with

courtroom exhibits: the adhesive tape and the yards of cord removed from the victims and now sealed in plastic sacks and photographs taken at the scene of the crime by a police photgrapher

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What did the photographs of the crime scene consist of

20 blown up glossy print pictures of Mr. Clutter's shattered skull, his son's demolished face, Nancy's bound hands, her mother's death0dulled, still-staring eyes and so on

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What valuable surprise did a close-up of Mr. Clutter and the mattress box upon which he lay provide

footprints, the dusty trackings of shoes with diamond- patterned soles not noticeable to the eye, registered on film the delineating glare of a flashbulb had revealed their presence with superb exactness

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What were the only serious clues that the investigators could claim

footprints and the bold and bloody impression of a Cat's paw half sole

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What did Nancy's diary start and end with

started with her thirteenth birthday and ended some two moths short of her seventeeth

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What were the three lines written in her diary an hour or two before Nancy died

Jolene K. came over and I showed her how to make a cherry-pie. Practiced with Roxie. Bobby here and we watched TV. Left at elven

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What have the investigators done with Bobby Rupp already

he has undergone one extensive interrogation and although he'd told a straightforward story of having passed just an ordinary evening with the Clutters, he was scheduled for a second interview at which he was to be given a polygraph test

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What was Bobby's motive

Mr. Clutter wanting Bobby and Nancy to break up

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What happened to Nancy's cat Boobs

she was found lying in the barn might have been poisoned

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What does Dewey think of the poisoning of Boobs

it might have been a small, malicious prelude to the murders

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What were Agents Church, Duntz and Nye doing while Dewey was reading Nancy's diary

they were criss-crossing the countryside, talking to anyone who could tell them anything the faculty of Holcomb School the employees of River Valley Farm (18 men in the spring and summer, but in the fallow season consisted of Gerald Van Vleet and three hired men plus Mrs. Helm friends of the victims neighbors and relatives

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When was the funeral to take place

Wednesday morning, November 18, 1959

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What are some characteristics of Harold Nye

youngest of the KBI group 34 yrs old restless, disgruntled eyes and a sharp nose chin and mind, had been assigned what he called 'the damned delicate business' of interviewing the Clutter kinfolk

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What are the nicknames of the KBI members

Harold Nye- Brother Nye Duntz- Old man Church- Curly

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What are some characteristics of Clarence Duntz

not quite 50 burly but light-footed man with a broad, tomcat face

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What are some characteristics of Roy Church

60 or so pink-skinned and professorial-looking tough according to his colleagues and the fastest draw in Kansas head is partly hairless

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What did Duntz's story consist of

a father and a son who are known as John Senior and John Junior John Senior had conducted with Mr. Clutter a minor business transaction, the outcome of which angered John Senior, who felt that Clutter had thrown him a 'queer ball' both John Senior and Junior boozed, indeed John junior was an often-incarcerated alcoholic full of whiskey courage were denied the chance to have an out with Herb when Herb seized a gun and marched them off his property

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What was Church's story

Mr. Smith who believed that the squire of River Valley Farm had shot and killed Smith's hunting dog Church had inspected Smith's farm home and seen there, hanging from a barn rafter, a length of rope tied with the same knot that was used to bind the four Clutters

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Why couldn't robbery be an explanation

because everyone knows Herb doesn't have cash and because Mrs. Clutter was still wearing her gold band and diamond ring

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Why does Nye think it could be a robbery

Clutter's wallet was left open and empty on Clutter's bed Nancy's purse was lying on the kitchen floor Clutter cashed a 60 dollar check the day before so there had to have been at least 50 dollars

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What did Dewey do when he interrupted the consultation

he called his wife Marie to warn her that he won't be home for dinner

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What are some characteristics of the Dewey family

have two young boys married for 17 years Alvin met Marie, a Louisiana- born former FBI stenographer, while stationed in New Orleans

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Who is the only person not scared

Mrs. Myrtle Clare, the widowed postmistress she has scorned her fellow townsman as ' a lily-livered lot, shaking in their boots afraid to shut their eyes

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How did Mrs. Myrtle Clare die

11 months later a gun-toting team of masked bandits took her at word by invading the post office and relieving the lady of nine hundred and fifty dollars

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What are the current fastest-going item

locks and bolts no matter the type

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What did a carload of pheasant hunters from Colorado encounter on Tuesday, at dawn

windows ablaze, fully clothed people who had sat the whole night wide awake, watchfull, listening

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What were the some reasons that everyone was so scared

it might happen again it happened to a family that was admired and secure, they represented value and respect distrust of the neighbors

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Who is Arthur Clutter and what did he say while talking to journalists in the lobby of a Garden City hotel on 17 November

a brother of the deceased said 'When this is cleared up, I'll wager whoever did it was someone within ten miles of where we stand now

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What is the Eagle Buffet

a Kansas City diner 400 miles east of the Garden City hotel

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Who were the two men sitting at the Eagle Buffet and what were they doing

Dick- narrow-faced and with a blue cat tattooed on his right hand he ate several chicken-salad sandwiches Perry- an untouched hamburger and a glass of root beer in which three aspirin were dissolving

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What was Perry reading

17 November edition of the Kansas City Star Headlined CLUE ARE FEW IN SLAYING of 4

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What are some examples of Perry's extrasensory perception

His brother Jimmy and his wife loved each other but Jimmy was very jealous so he killed his wife and then himself in 1949, Perry had been with his dad in Alaska and had told his dad Jimmy is dead a week before it happened Another time, he was helping load a ship, something inside him told him to jump so he did and where he had been previously sitting, a ton of stuff came crashing down

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Who is Floyd Wells

a former cellmate of Dick

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What has been Perry's dream since he was a kid (around 7)

He is in Africa in a jungle and he is moving through the trees toward a tree standing all alone, it smelt bad it had blue leaves and diamonds hanging everywhere. Diamonds like oranges but if he tries to reach up, a snake will fall on him, a snake that guards the tree he was saved by a yellow sort of parrot

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How was Perry's childhood

he was a hated, hating half-breed child living in a California orphanage run by nuns- shrouded disciplinarians who whipped him for wetting his bed

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Who tormented Perry about the parrot

older children, his father, a faithless girl, a sergeant

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What are the characteristics pf the parrot

taller than Jesus, yellow like a sunflower, a warrior angel who blinded the nuns with its beak, fed upon their eyes, slaughtered them as they 'pleaded for mercy', then so gently lifted him, enfolded him, winged him away to paradise

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What was the ascension to paradise like

a sense of power, of unassailable superiority transported to a real place saw a garden with white marble steps and fountains, on the edge of the garden you could see the ocean like around Carmel, California Food table full of Oysters, Turkeys, Hot dogs, fruit

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How does Susan Kidwell describe her friendship with Nancy Clutter

' We were like sisters. At least that's how i felt about her-as though she were my sister. I couldn't go to school until after the funeral. So did Bobby rupp

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What did Susan do with Bobby after the deaths

drove around in his old Ford, up and down the highway, out to the airport and back, go to Cree-Mee

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What is Cree-Mee

a drive-in

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Who has the Clutter pets

A lady from Garden City took teddy Susan took Evinrude Babe might be sold

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What did Nancy and Bobby do the night before the funeral

they were sitting at the railroad tracks watching the trains go by then they drove to Garden City picked up Bobby's brother from school and went to the Phillip's Funeral Home on Main Street

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What were each of the Clutter family members wearing in their casktes

Nancy- cherry-red velvet dress Kenyon- bright plaid shirt Mr. Clutter- navy-blue flannel Bonnie- navy-blue crêpe the head of each was completely encased in cotton, a swollen cocoon twice the size of an ordinary blown-up balloon, and the cotton, because it had been sprayed with a glossy substance

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How many people attended the Clutter Funeral

1000 people

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Who said the mass

Reverend Leonard Cowan

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How many people went to the Valley View Cemetery on the north edge of this city and what did they di

600 people went recited the Lord' prayer

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How did Dick get enough money money to get them to Mexico

He went into stores made it seem like Perry was getting married, pretended like he forgot his wallet and then wrote up a blank cheque they then went to Best Jewelry, where he bought a diamond engagement ring and a diamond wedding ring with a cheque, they then drove to a pawnshop and sold these items for $150 went to Goldmans bought a gold watch went to Elko Camera Store bought an elaborate motion-picture camera went to Shepherd & Foster's, Rothschild's, Shopper's Paradise

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Who is Perry supposedly marrying

Eden Roc in miami

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What us the supposed treasure off the coast of Costa Rica

In 1821, Peruvian bullion, jewelry and 60 million dollars were buried

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At what time did Dewey's phone ring again

3:00 am

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What are Dewey's 2 sons names

9 yr old- Paul 12 yr old- alvin Adams Dewey Jr.

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What was the reward for information leading to the solution of the crime

A Kansas paper, the Hutchinson News, had offered a thousand dollars

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What was Mr. Smith's alibi

he was in Oklahoma

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Who is Mrs. Elaine Selsor

Nancy's aunt

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What did Elaine find while sorting Nancy's clothes

a gold wristwatch tucked in the toe of her shoe

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What did Mrs. Helm realize was missing after taking a KBI agent with her and exploring all the rooms

Kenyon's little radio

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Why did the mattress box and bedcovers bother Dewey

it bothered him because why had the murderers taken the trouble to move the box from the far end of the basement room and lay it on the floor in front of the furnace why would a murderer kill bonnie and nancy and then draw up the bedcovers and tuck them in

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When did Perry and Dick leave Kansas City in the old Chevrolet

21 November

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How did Perry and Dick fit all their stuff in the car

luggage was lashed to the fenders and roped to the roof the trunk was so stuffed it could not be shut; inside on the beak seat, two televisions sets stood Perry's possessions other than the guitar were part of the car's untidy interior

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When did Perry and Dick cross the border into Oklahoma

around midnight

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When did Beverly get married

on Saturday in the First Methodist church three days after the funeral to Mr. Vere Edward English

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Who are Mrs. Leonard Cowan and Mrs. Howard Blanchard

Cowan- soloist Blanchard- organist

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