USSR to declare war on Japan
UN set up
Division of Germany and the division of Berlin
Tension over the future path of Europe
Marshall Aid
Formation of NATO
The formal division of Germany (GDR
Arms limitation (SALT I and II)
Improved co-operation e.g. Helsinki Agreements
Reunification of Germany
Collapse of the Warsaw Pact
Carter Doctrine
1980 USA boycotts Moscow Olympics
Encouraged people to demand more reforms.
Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
200 000 Hungarians fled Hungary to live abroad.
The Soviet Union sent out a clear warning to other satellite states thinking of breaking away.
Berlin Blockade
Castro formally declares himself a communist.
USSR place missiles on Cuba.
Destruction of weapons (500-5500km range)
Other weapons reduction talks e.g. CFE
Formal end of the Warsaw Pact
Independence of states e.g. Ukraine; Belarus.
Development of more powerful weapons (H-Bomb)
Increased tension
Khrushchev's policy of Peaceful Co-existence
Encouraged Hungarian Uprising
Second Cold War
SDI (Star Wars)
Perestroika (economic restructuring)
Glasnost (openness)
Increased freedom for Eastern Europe (Sinatra)
The USA banned the import of Cuban sugar which threatened to bankrupt the Cuban economy.
The Bay of Pigs invasion.
Warsaw Pact
Accelerated the arms race