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Chapter 3 Overview

Lesson 1: Roanoke/Jamestown

  • England is overpopulated, very congested

  • Queen Elizabeth I grants Walter Raleigh a charter

  • Roanoke is created in North Carolina (Outer Banks)

  1. 1585: 1st Roanoke

  • 105 male/female settlers

  • Alliance with natives

  • Alliance falls apart creating a war

  • Settlers return to England

  1. 1587: 2nd Roanoke

  • 150 settlers

  • Leader is John White, who leaves to England

  • Granddaughter is Virginia Dare

  • Anglo-Spanish War occurs; English win

  • Royal Navy defeats Spanish Armada

  • 1590: John White returns

  • No settlers, just “Crotoan” carved onto tree

  • Queen Elizabeth I dies → King James I takes over

  1. Jamestown in Virginia (swamp)

  • 1607-1608: 75% of people die from malaria

  • John Smith is new leader

  • New rules, fortifications, crops

  • Trade for food with Powhatan

  • Pocahontas saves him 

  • Alliance with Powhatan

  • John Smith leaves to England

  • War leaves Jamestown settlers trapped

  • 1608-1610: Starving time, colonists eat dogs, horses, shoes

  • 1610: John Rolfe comes with tobacco 

  • Marries Pocahontas, creating peace

  • Virginia Company sends women to encourage marriage/children

  • 1622 Uprising

  • 345 English settlers die; English win

  • Jamestown grows and is called Virginia

  • 1619: 1st Africans

  • 1664: forever slavery laws

  • Virginia Company allows election of Burgesses; limited gov/republic

  • Only white, landowning males vote

  • Makes slaves codes/laws

  • Virginia is largest colony


Lesson 2: New England Colonies

  • English Reformation: creation of Anglican Church

  • Leaves King in charge of rulemaking

  • Separatists leave England

  • Puritans purify the church

  • Both groups are granted charters by King

  • Virginia Company of Plymouth:

  • 1620: Separatists/Pilgrims board the Mayflower

  • Land in Massachusetts

  • Town: Plymouth

  • Leader: William Bradford

  • Wampanoag/Pokanoket tribe

  • Tribe leader: Chief Ossemaquin/Massasoit 

  • Treaty: Squanto and Samoset live with Pilgrims

  • Fur trade

  • Immigration & population grows Plymouth colony

  • Food: beans, corn, pumpkin

  • Thanksgiving: eat fish/venison

  • 1635-1636: Pequot War

  • War of extermination; English win & take land

  • New England Colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

  1. 1623: New Hampshire:

  • John Mason & John Wheelwright found

  • Fishing colony for cod

  • Small with subsistent farming

  • 1679: Charter

  1. 1630: Massachusetts:

  • Purtians found

  • Leader: John Winthrop

  • Boston is built

  • Great Migration: 15,000 Puritans come & take land

  • Strict and religious colony

  • 1st public schools: bible-reading, paid by taxes

  • 1636→1st college: Harvard for teachers, ministers

  • Absorbs Plymouth

  1. 1636: Connecticut:

  • Leader: Thomas Hooker

  • Hartford is founded

  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut = 1st constitution

  • Further conflict

  1. 1636: Rhode Island:

  • Leader: Roger Williams

  • Providence founded

  • Religious toleration created →1st Jewish immigrants

  • Natives respected

  • Colonies grow fast

  • Ocean-based economy: fish/whales, shipbuilding

  • Triangular Trade →400,000+ slaves brought here


Lesson 3: Middle Colonies

  • Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

  1. New Netherlands:

  • Biggest city: New Amsterdam

  • Port city + lots of fur →very wealthy

  • 1664: Anglo-Dutch War

  • Royal Navy used by English

  • Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders to English

  • New Netherlands belongs to English

  • Dutch immigrants →Patroons; English citizenship

  • Rights and voting to only men

  • King gives colony to brother, Duke of York

  • Duke of York makes 2 colonies: New York & New Jersey

  • Fast growth

  • Albany (Fort Orange) is capital on Hudson River

  1. New Jersey:

  • Separated: East & West

  • Slow growth

  • Farming colony: wheat & corn

  • Livestock (cows): cheese, butter, cream

  • Garden State

  • 2 towns: Trenton, Princeton

  1. 1682: Pennsylvania:

  • Means “Penn’s forest”: named after his father

  • William Penn is Quaker; Society of Friends

  • Euality, no authority

  • Gets charter

  • City is Philadelphia; Greek for “brotherly love”

  • Blueprint: whole city plots sold to anyone

  • Landed on Penn’s landing

  • Meets Delaware Indians 

  • Signs a coexistence treaty with them in Penn Treaty Park

  • Diversity: lots of languages & immigrants

  • Port city: trading

  • Produce farming: corn, wheat

  • New towns: Germantown, Fishtown, Spring Graden, Lancaster (Amish)

  • Penn makes Charter of Privileges: landowners vote in elections

  • 1st governor: John Penn

  • Slave trade arrives

  1. 1502: Delaware

  • Small colony for tobacco

  • Slaves brought and sold

  • Port city: Wilmington

  • King of England owns all & is paid varying taxes 

  1. Benjamin Franklin:

  • 1706: in Boston

  • Puritan 

  • Learns to print →makes newspapers

  • Dies in 1790


Lesson 4: Southern Colonies

  • Warm weather 

  • Rich, black soil

  • Plantations created: 1000 acres & grow cash crops

  • Cash crops: tobacco, cotton, indigo, rice, sugarcane

  • 400,000 slaves sent (Majority)

  • Black population outnumbers white population

  1. 1607: Virginia:

  • Largest colony

  • Tobacco colony

  • Lots of English Migration; move to interior

  • Indentured servants: ticket to America in exchange for 3-10 years labor

  • If freed: land and clothing

  • 1676: Bacon’s Rebellion:

  • English settlers rebel against governor

  • Rebels burn Jamestown

  • Leader: Nathaniel Bacon (dies)

  • Capital: Williamsburg

  • Take native land

  1. Maryland

  • Religious colony: Catholic

  • George Calvert is granted charter

  • Towns: St. Mary and Annapolis

  • Quick growth

  • Tobacco plantations created: slaves arrive

  • Civil war

  • Act of Toleration: all religions respected

  1. Carolina

  • Name means Charles after King Charles II

  • English islanders from Barbados: introduce rice

  • Weathiest colony

  • Rice plantations: thousands of slaves

  • Port: Charlestown

  • Harsh slaves codes

  • African culture: language & customs

  • KIng spearates into North & South

  • North Carolina: Tobacco colony & port city is Bath

  1. 1732: Georgia:

  • Charter from King George II

  • Charter for James Oglethorpe

  • Colony for debtors

  • Slavery is banned

  • Port: Savannah

  • Grow indigo & cotton

  • Quick growth

  • Slavery becomes legal

  • Last colony

  1. Triangular Trade:

  • Trade between Americas, Africa, Europe

  • America gives goods

  • Europe gives gold/silver

  • Africa gives slaves

  • 12 millions Africans brought

  • 3.5 million die on the way 

  • 400,000 slaves to 13 colonies

  • 5 million slaves to Brazil 

  • 3.5 million slaves to the Spanish Empire

  • Big business; slavery


Chapter 3 Overview

Lesson 1: Roanoke/Jamestown

  • England is overpopulated, very congested

  • Queen Elizabeth I grants Walter Raleigh a charter

  • Roanoke is created in North Carolina (Outer Banks)

  1. 1585: 1st Roanoke

  • 105 male/female settlers

  • Alliance with natives

  • Alliance falls apart creating a war

  • Settlers return to England

  1. 1587: 2nd Roanoke

  • 150 settlers

  • Leader is John White, who leaves to England

  • Granddaughter is Virginia Dare

  • Anglo-Spanish War occurs; English win

  • Royal Navy defeats Spanish Armada

  • 1590: John White returns

  • No settlers, just “Crotoan” carved onto tree

  • Queen Elizabeth I dies → King James I takes over

  1. Jamestown in Virginia (swamp)

  • 1607-1608: 75% of people die from malaria

  • John Smith is new leader

  • New rules, fortifications, crops

  • Trade for food with Powhatan

  • Pocahontas saves him 

  • Alliance with Powhatan

  • John Smith leaves to England

  • War leaves Jamestown settlers trapped

  • 1608-1610: Starving time, colonists eat dogs, horses, shoes

  • 1610: John Rolfe comes with tobacco 

  • Marries Pocahontas, creating peace

  • Virginia Company sends women to encourage marriage/children

  • 1622 Uprising

  • 345 English settlers die; English win

  • Jamestown grows and is called Virginia

  • 1619: 1st Africans

  • 1664: forever slavery laws

  • Virginia Company allows election of Burgesses; limited gov/republic

  • Only white, landowning males vote

  • Makes slaves codes/laws

  • Virginia is largest colony


Lesson 2: New England Colonies

  • English Reformation: creation of Anglican Church

  • Leaves King in charge of rulemaking

  • Separatists leave England

  • Puritans purify the church

  • Both groups are granted charters by King

  • Virginia Company of Plymouth:

  • 1620: Separatists/Pilgrims board the Mayflower

  • Land in Massachusetts

  • Town: Plymouth

  • Leader: William Bradford

  • Wampanoag/Pokanoket tribe

  • Tribe leader: Chief Ossemaquin/Massasoit 

  • Treaty: Squanto and Samoset live with Pilgrims

  • Fur trade

  • Immigration & population grows Plymouth colony

  • Food: beans, corn, pumpkin

  • Thanksgiving: eat fish/venison

  • 1635-1636: Pequot War

  • War of extermination; English win & take land

  • New England Colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

  1. 1623: New Hampshire:

  • John Mason & John Wheelwright found

  • Fishing colony for cod

  • Small with subsistent farming

  • 1679: Charter

  1. 1630: Massachusetts:

  • Purtians found

  • Leader: John Winthrop

  • Boston is built

  • Great Migration: 15,000 Puritans come & take land

  • Strict and religious colony

  • 1st public schools: bible-reading, paid by taxes

  • 1636→1st college: Harvard for teachers, ministers

  • Absorbs Plymouth

  1. 1636: Connecticut:

  • Leader: Thomas Hooker

  • Hartford is founded

  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut = 1st constitution

  • Further conflict

  1. 1636: Rhode Island:

  • Leader: Roger Williams

  • Providence founded

  • Religious toleration created →1st Jewish immigrants

  • Natives respected

  • Colonies grow fast

  • Ocean-based economy: fish/whales, shipbuilding

  • Triangular Trade →400,000+ slaves brought here


Lesson 3: Middle Colonies

  • Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

  1. New Netherlands:

  • Biggest city: New Amsterdam

  • Port city + lots of fur →very wealthy

  • 1664: Anglo-Dutch War

  • Royal Navy used by English

  • Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders to English

  • New Netherlands belongs to English

  • Dutch immigrants →Patroons; English citizenship

  • Rights and voting to only men

  • King gives colony to brother, Duke of York

  • Duke of York makes 2 colonies: New York & New Jersey

  • Fast growth

  • Albany (Fort Orange) is capital on Hudson River

  1. New Jersey:

  • Separated: East & West

  • Slow growth

  • Farming colony: wheat & corn

  • Livestock (cows): cheese, butter, cream

  • Garden State

  • 2 towns: Trenton, Princeton

  1. 1682: Pennsylvania:

  • Means “Penn’s forest”: named after his father

  • William Penn is Quaker; Society of Friends

  • Euality, no authority

  • Gets charter

  • City is Philadelphia; Greek for “brotherly love”

  • Blueprint: whole city plots sold to anyone

  • Landed on Penn’s landing

  • Meets Delaware Indians 

  • Signs a coexistence treaty with them in Penn Treaty Park

  • Diversity: lots of languages & immigrants

  • Port city: trading

  • Produce farming: corn, wheat

  • New towns: Germantown, Fishtown, Spring Graden, Lancaster (Amish)

  • Penn makes Charter of Privileges: landowners vote in elections

  • 1st governor: John Penn

  • Slave trade arrives

  1. 1502: Delaware

  • Small colony for tobacco

  • Slaves brought and sold

  • Port city: Wilmington

  • King of England owns all & is paid varying taxes 

  1. Benjamin Franklin:

  • 1706: in Boston

  • Puritan 

  • Learns to print →makes newspapers

  • Dies in 1790


Lesson 4: Southern Colonies

  • Warm weather 

  • Rich, black soil

  • Plantations created: 1000 acres & grow cash crops

  • Cash crops: tobacco, cotton, indigo, rice, sugarcane

  • 400,000 slaves sent (Majority)

  • Black population outnumbers white population

  1. 1607: Virginia:

  • Largest colony

  • Tobacco colony

  • Lots of English Migration; move to interior

  • Indentured servants: ticket to America in exchange for 3-10 years labor

  • If freed: land and clothing

  • 1676: Bacon’s Rebellion:

  • English settlers rebel against governor

  • Rebels burn Jamestown

  • Leader: Nathaniel Bacon (dies)

  • Capital: Williamsburg

  • Take native land

  1. Maryland

  • Religious colony: Catholic

  • George Calvert is granted charter

  • Towns: St. Mary and Annapolis

  • Quick growth

  • Tobacco plantations created: slaves arrive

  • Civil war

  • Act of Toleration: all religions respected

  1. Carolina

  • Name means Charles after King Charles II

  • English islanders from Barbados: introduce rice

  • Weathiest colony

  • Rice plantations: thousands of slaves

  • Port: Charlestown

  • Harsh slaves codes

  • African culture: language & customs

  • KIng spearates into North & South

  • North Carolina: Tobacco colony & port city is Bath

  1. 1732: Georgia:

  • Charter from King George II

  • Charter for James Oglethorpe

  • Colony for debtors

  • Slavery is banned

  • Port: Savannah

  • Grow indigo & cotton

  • Quick growth

  • Slavery becomes legal

  • Last colony

  1. Triangular Trade:

  • Trade between Americas, Africa, Europe

  • America gives goods

  • Europe gives gold/silver

  • Africa gives slaves

  • 12 millions Africans brought

  • 3.5 million die on the way 

  • 400,000 slaves to 13 colonies

  • 5 million slaves to Brazil 

  • 3.5 million slaves to the Spanish Empire

  • Big business; slavery