Test 1 study guide

Test 1 Study Sheet: Anatomy & Physiology

Test 1 Study Sheet: Anatomy & Physiology

Chapter 1: The Human Body - An Orientation

Anatomy vs. Physiology
  • Anatomy: Study of the structure of body parts (e.g., bones, muscles).

  • Physiology: Study of how body parts function (e.g., how muscles contract).

Levels of Structural Organization
  1. Chemical Level - Atoms & molecules (e.g., oxygen, water).

  2. Cellular Level - Basic units of life (e.g., nerve cells).

  3. Tissue Level - Groups of similar cells performing a function (e.g., muscle tissue).

  4. Organ Level - Two or more tissues working together (e.g., heart).

  5. Organ System Level - Organs working together (e.g., cardiovascular system).

  6. Organismal Level - The entire human body.

System Review (FIG 1.3)
  • Integumentary System: Protects the body, regulates temperature, sensory input.

    • Organs: Skin, hair, nails, sweat glands.

  • Skeletal System: Supports and protects, stores calcium, makes blood cells.

    • Organs: Bones, cartilage, joints.

  • Muscular System: Provides movement, generates heat.

    • Organs: Skeletal muscles, tendons.

  • Nervous System: Fast control of body functions, sends signals.

    • Organs: Brain, spinal cord, nerves.

  • Endocrine System: Produces hormones to regulate body processes.

    • Organs: Thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.

  • Cardiovascular System: Transports oxygen, nutrients, and waste.

    • Organs: Heart, blood vessels.

  • Lymphatic System: Defends against infection, returns leaked fluid to blood.

    • Organs: Lymph nodes, spleen, thymus.

  • Respiratory System: Brings in oxygen, removes carbon dioxide.

    • Organs: Lungs, trachea, bronchi.

  • Digestive System: Breaks down food, absorbs nutrients.

    • Organs: Stomach, intestines, liver.

  • Urinary System: Removes waste, regulates water balance.

    • Organs: Kidneys, bladder, urethra.

  • Reproductive System: Produces offspring.

    • Organs: Ovaries, testes, uterus.

  • Maintaining a stable internal environment despite external changes.

  • Controlled by: Nervous & Endocrine systems.

Negative Feedback Loop

  • Parts: Stimulus, sensor (receptor), control center, effector.

  • Example: Body temperature regulation.

    • Stimulus: Heat.

    • Sensor: Skin nerves detect temperature change.

    • Control Center: Brain (hypothalamus) sends signals.

    • Effector: Sweat glands release sweat to cool the body.

Positive Feedback Loop: Enhances stimulus (e.g., childbirth contractions).

Anatomical Position / Directional Terms
  • Anatomical Position: Standing upright, feet forward, palms facing out.

  • Directional Terms: Used to describe positions of body parts.

    • Superior: Toward the head.

    • Inferior: Toward the feet.

    • Anterior (Ventral): Front of the body.

    • Posterior (Dorsal): Back of the body.

    • Medial: Toward the midline.

    • Lateral: Away from the midline.

    • Proximal: Closer to the point of attachment.

    • Distal: Farther from the point of attachment.

    • Superficial: Near the surface.

    • Deep: Away from the surface.

Regional Terms (FIG 1.7)
  • Axillary: Armpit.

  • Brachial: Arm.

  • Mental: Chin.

  • Femoral: Thigh.

  • Buccal: Cheek.

  • Cervical: Neck.

  • Patellar: Kneecap.

  • Lumbar: Lower back.

  • Carpal: Wrist.

Body Planes and Sections
  • Sagittal Plane: Divides body into left and right.

  • Frontal Plane: Divides body into front and back.

  • Transverse Plane: Divides body into top and bottom.

Body Cavities and Membranes
  • Dorsal Body Cavity:

    • Cranial Cavity: Contains the brain.

    • Vertebral Cavity: Contains the spinal cord.

  • Ventral Body Cavity:

    • Thoracic Cavity: Contains heart (pericardial cavity) and lungs (pleural cavities).

    • Abdominopelvic Cavity:

      • Abdominal Cavity: Stomach, intestines, liver.

      • Pelvic Cavity: Bladder, reproductive organs.

  • Membranes:

    • Serous Membranes: Line cavities and cover organs.

    • Parietal Layer: Lines cavity walls.

    • Visceral Layer: Covers organs.

Chapter 2: Chemistry Comes Alive

Forms of Energy
  • Chemical: Stored in chemical bonds (e.g., ATP).

  • Electrical: Movement of charged particles (e.g., nerve impulses).

  • Mechanical: Direct movement (e.g., muscle contractions).

  • Radiant: Travels in waves (e.g., sunlight).

  • Solutions: Small particles, evenly distributed (e.g., salt water).

  • Colloids: Larger particles that don’t settle (e.g., milk).

  • Suspensions: Large particles that settle over time (e.g., blood).

Chemical Bonds
  • Ionic Bonds: Transfer of electrons; creates ions (charged particles).

  • Covalent Bonds: Sharing of electrons; can be single, double, or triple bonds.

  • Hydrogen Bonds: Weak attraction between polar molecules.

  • High Heat Capacity: Absorbs heat without large temperature changes.

  • Universal Solvent: Dissolves many substances for chemical reactions.

  • Cushioning: Protects organs (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid).

  • Dissociate into ions in water (electrolytes).

  • Important for nerve impulses and muscle contractions.

  • Acids: Release H+ ions (e.g., hydrochloric acid).

    • pH < 7.

  • Bases: Release OH- ions (e.g., sodium hydroxide).

    • pH > 7.

  • pH Scale: 0-14; 7 is neutral (e.g., water).

Organic Compounds
  • Carbohydrates: Provide energy (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides).

  • Lipids: Store energy and form cell membranes.

    • Saturated Fats: No double bonds between carbon atoms; solid at room temperature (e.g., butter).

    • Unsaturated Fats: One or more double bonds; liquid at room temperature (e.g., olive oil).

  • Proteins: Made of amino acids; provide structure and function.

    • Structure of Proteins:

      • Primary: Sequence of amino acids.

      • Secondary: Alpha helices or beta sheets.

      • Tertiary: Three-dimensional folding.

      • Quaternary: Multiple polypeptide chains.

Chapter 3: Cells - The Living Units

Functions of Organelles
  • Nucleus: Control center of the cell; contains DNA.

  • Nucleolus: Makes ribosomes.

  • Mitochondria: Produces ATP (energy).

  • Ribosomes: Protein synthesis.

  • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): Studded with ribosomes; modifies proteins.

  • Smooth ER: Synthesizes lipids, detoxifies toxins.

  • Golgi Apparatus: Packages and ships proteins and lipids.

  • Lysosomes: Digest waste and break down molecules.

  • Peroxisomes: Detoxify harmful substances.

  • Cytoskeleton: Provides structure, helps with movement.

  • Cilia: Move substances across the cell surface.

  • Flagella: Propel cells (e.g., sperm).

  • Microvilli: Increase surface area for absorption.

Fluid Mosaic Model
  • Describes the cell membrane as a flexible, dynamic structure with proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer.

Functions of Membrane Proteins
  • Transport: Move substances across the membrane.

  • Receptors: Receive signals (e.g., hormones).

  • Enzymes: Speed up reactions.

  • Cell Recognition: Identify the cell to others.

  • Structural Support: Provide stability.

Membrane Transport
  • Passive: No energy required.

    • Diffusion: Movement of molecules from high to low concentration.

    • Osmosis: Diffusion of water.

    • Facilitated Diffusion: Uses transport proteins.

  • Active: Requires ATP.

    • Primary Active Transport: Uses ATP to move substances against a gradient (e.g., sodium-potassium pump).

    • Secondary Active Transport: Uses energy from another molecule’s gradient.

    • Endocytosis: Brings substances into the cell.

      • Phagocytosis: Engulfs large particles.

      • Pinocytosis: Engulfs fluids.

      • Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis: Uses receptors to bring in specific molecules.

    • Exocytosis: Expels substances from the cell.

CAMs (Cell Adhesion Molecules)
  • Help cells stick together and communicate with each other.

Chapter 4: Tissue - The Living Fabric

Epithelial Tissue
  • Function: Covers surfaces, protects, absorbs, secretes.

  • Types: Simple (one layer) or Stratified (multiple layers).

    • Simple Squamous: Thin for diffusion (lungs).

    • Simple Cuboidal: Secretion and absorption (kidneys).

    • Simple Columnar: Absorption and mucus secretion (intestines).

    • Stratified Squamous: Protection (skin).

Connective Tissue
  • Function: Supports, binds, protects.

  • Types:

    • Loose: Areolar, Adipose (fat), Reticular.

    • Dense: Regular (tendons), Irregular, Elastic.

    • Cartilage: Hyaline, Elastic, Fibrocartilage.

    • Bone: Hard matrix for support.

    • Blood: Fluid matrix for transport.

Nervous Tissue
  • Function: Sends electrical impulses.

  • Types: Neurons and supporting cells.

Muscle Tissue
  • Skeletal: Voluntary, moves bones.

  • Cardiac: Involuntary, found in the heart.

  • Smooth: Involuntary, found in hollow organs.

Steps of Tissue Repair
  1. Inflammation: Blood vessels dilate, clot forms.

  2. Organization: Blood clot replaced by granulation tissue.

  3. Regeneration: New tissue forms or scar tissue develops.