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Chapter 16 - The Last Attempts at Compromise

Know-Nothing Party (American Party)

  • 1854-1856 - Held the greatest influence

  • Were anti-Catholic + anti-immigration

  • After the election of 1856, they became irrelevant

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

  • 1824

  • Defined the border between Canada and the US

  • The two countries would share the Great Lakes + were divided by the 49th parallel

Wilmot Proviso

  • 1846 - Failed to pass

  • David Wilmot

  • Held that any land annexed from the Mexican-American War would be closed to slavery

  • Sectional voting led to the unification of Democrats + Whigs

Popular Sovereignty

  • Lewis Cass

  • People in territories would vote whether or not that state would have slavery

  • Opposed by Abraham Lincoln + the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott court case

Gold Rush

  • 1848 - Gold discovered in California

  • 1849 - Influx of gold hunters, nicknamed the Forty-niners, traveled to the gold mines to try to get rich

    • Few ACTUALLY became rich

Compromise of 1850

  • 1850

  • Written by Henry Clay

  • 5 separate laws

    • California is a free state

    • Popular sovereignty in the land annexed from Mexico

    • Left the option of legalizing slavery to the territories of New Mexico and Utah

    • Banned slave trading in Washington DC

    • Enforced the Fugitive Slave Law

Free Soil Party

  • Formed in 1848

  • Opposed the further spread of slavery into territories

  • 1854 - Absorbed by Republican party

Stephen Douglas

  • US Senator + served on the Committee on Territories

  • Believed in popular sovereignty

  • Wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Bill

  • 1858 - Competed against Lincoln for Senate election

  • 1860 - Competed against Lincoln for presidential election

Ostend Manifesto

  • Written by Franklin Pierce + James Buchanan

  • Offered Spain $100 mil to buy Cuba

  • After Spain refused, the US took Cuba by force

Fugitive Slave Law

  • 1850

  • The big question: If the North wasn’t returning escaped slaves, was that violating the Bill of Rights?

  • If judges returned escaped slaves to their owners, they received a reward

  • Northern resistance to this law

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  • 1852

  • Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • Harshly criticized in the South

  • Emotional + stirred abolitionists in the North

  • Laid the foundation for the Civil War


  • Opposed immigration, mostly from Southern + Eastern Europe

  • Blamed the problems of overpopulation + urban sprawl on immigrants

  • Practiced by the Know-Nothing Party + the KKK

Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • 1854

  • Stephen Douglas wanted land to build a transcontinental railroad

  • Decided that people in Kansas + Nebraska would be able to vote on whether or not they wanted slavery

Republican Party

  • 1854 - Formed modern Republican party

  • Composed of Free Soil + Liberty Party + northern Whigs + northern anti-slavery Democrats

  • Supported John C. Fremont in the election of 1856

John Brown

  • Fought in Bleeding Kansas + Pottawatomie Massacre

  • 1859 - After dying a hero in the Harpers Ferry Raid, he was seen as a martyr in the North

Bleeding Kansas

  • 1854-1858

  • Lecompton (pro-slavery) vs. Topeka (anti-slavery)

  • The period of repeated outbreaks of violent guerrilla warfare between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces following the creation of the new territory of Kansas in 1854

  • Missourian border ruffians illegally voted for slavery

  • 1861 - Kansas entered as free state

Brooks-Sumner Affair

  • 1856

  • Charles Sumner attacked slavery interests

  • Preston Brooks beat Sumner with a cane

  • This incident was praised in South + criticized in North

Lecompton Constitution

  • 1857

  • Pro-slavery gov’t supported by President Buchanan

  • After the second vote, it was rejected

  • Kansas entered as free state

Dred Scott Case

  • 1857

  • Dred Scott was a slave that lived in free territory

  • Supreme Court decision stated that slaves weren’t citizens and couldn’t sue in federal courts + that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

  • Angered North

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • 1858

  • Abraham Lincoln vs. Stephen A. Douglas

  • Freeport Doctrine would decide slavery or not for a state before entering Union + use force to maintain slavery

    • Split Democratic Party

  • Made Lincoln nationally famous

Election of 1860

  • 1860

  • Stephen A. Douglas

  • Abraham Lincoln’s campaign contained ideas of a railroad + Homestead Act + protective tariff + against slave trade & spread of slavery

  • John C. Breckinridge was supported by Southern Democrats + supported slavery & states’ rights

  • John Bell was backed by the Constitutional Union Party

  • After Lincoln’s victory, the South seceded

Crittenden Compromise

  • 1860

  • John Crittenden

  • Hoped to reestablish + extend 36-30 line (more land for slave territories)

  • Lincoln believed that slavery shouldn’t expand into any further territories

  • After it was rejected, it symbolized the end of the era of compromise

States’ Rights

  • Confederate States of America

  • Ruled by a weak central gov’t

  • Led by John C. Calhoun


  • 1860-1861

  • The South believed they had the constitutional right to secede from Union

  • Formed the Confederate States of America


  • Ability to compromise over slavery ↓

  • Abolition - Literature, humanitarian reforms, events

  • South defended slavery - Popular sovereignty + property rights

  • Violence - Anti-slavery vs. pro-slavery

  • Divisive events - Elected Abraham Lincoln + secession

Chapter 16 - The Last Attempts at Compromise

Know-Nothing Party (American Party)

  • 1854-1856 - Held the greatest influence

  • Were anti-Catholic + anti-immigration

  • After the election of 1856, they became irrelevant

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

  • 1824

  • Defined the border between Canada and the US

  • The two countries would share the Great Lakes + were divided by the 49th parallel

Wilmot Proviso

  • 1846 - Failed to pass

  • David Wilmot

  • Held that any land annexed from the Mexican-American War would be closed to slavery

  • Sectional voting led to the unification of Democrats + Whigs

Popular Sovereignty

  • Lewis Cass

  • People in territories would vote whether or not that state would have slavery

  • Opposed by Abraham Lincoln + the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott court case

Gold Rush

  • 1848 - Gold discovered in California

  • 1849 - Influx of gold hunters, nicknamed the Forty-niners, traveled to the gold mines to try to get rich

    • Few ACTUALLY became rich

Compromise of 1850

  • 1850

  • Written by Henry Clay

  • 5 separate laws

    • California is a free state

    • Popular sovereignty in the land annexed from Mexico

    • Left the option of legalizing slavery to the territories of New Mexico and Utah

    • Banned slave trading in Washington DC

    • Enforced the Fugitive Slave Law

Free Soil Party

  • Formed in 1848

  • Opposed the further spread of slavery into territories

  • 1854 - Absorbed by Republican party

Stephen Douglas

  • US Senator + served on the Committee on Territories

  • Believed in popular sovereignty

  • Wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Bill

  • 1858 - Competed against Lincoln for Senate election

  • 1860 - Competed against Lincoln for presidential election

Ostend Manifesto

  • Written by Franklin Pierce + James Buchanan

  • Offered Spain $100 mil to buy Cuba

  • After Spain refused, the US took Cuba by force

Fugitive Slave Law

  • 1850

  • The big question: If the North wasn’t returning escaped slaves, was that violating the Bill of Rights?

  • If judges returned escaped slaves to their owners, they received a reward

  • Northern resistance to this law

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  • 1852

  • Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • Harshly criticized in the South

  • Emotional + stirred abolitionists in the North

  • Laid the foundation for the Civil War


  • Opposed immigration, mostly from Southern + Eastern Europe

  • Blamed the problems of overpopulation + urban sprawl on immigrants

  • Practiced by the Know-Nothing Party + the KKK

Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • 1854

  • Stephen Douglas wanted land to build a transcontinental railroad

  • Decided that people in Kansas + Nebraska would be able to vote on whether or not they wanted slavery

Republican Party

  • 1854 - Formed modern Republican party

  • Composed of Free Soil + Liberty Party + northern Whigs + northern anti-slavery Democrats

  • Supported John C. Fremont in the election of 1856

John Brown

  • Fought in Bleeding Kansas + Pottawatomie Massacre

  • 1859 - After dying a hero in the Harpers Ferry Raid, he was seen as a martyr in the North

Bleeding Kansas

  • 1854-1858

  • Lecompton (pro-slavery) vs. Topeka (anti-slavery)

  • The period of repeated outbreaks of violent guerrilla warfare between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces following the creation of the new territory of Kansas in 1854

  • Missourian border ruffians illegally voted for slavery

  • 1861 - Kansas entered as free state

Brooks-Sumner Affair

  • 1856

  • Charles Sumner attacked slavery interests

  • Preston Brooks beat Sumner with a cane

  • This incident was praised in South + criticized in North

Lecompton Constitution

  • 1857

  • Pro-slavery gov’t supported by President Buchanan

  • After the second vote, it was rejected

  • Kansas entered as free state

Dred Scott Case

  • 1857

  • Dred Scott was a slave that lived in free territory

  • Supreme Court decision stated that slaves weren’t citizens and couldn’t sue in federal courts + that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

  • Angered North

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • 1858

  • Abraham Lincoln vs. Stephen A. Douglas

  • Freeport Doctrine would decide slavery or not for a state before entering Union + use force to maintain slavery

    • Split Democratic Party

  • Made Lincoln nationally famous

Election of 1860

  • 1860

  • Stephen A. Douglas

  • Abraham Lincoln’s campaign contained ideas of a railroad + Homestead Act + protective tariff + against slave trade & spread of slavery

  • John C. Breckinridge was supported by Southern Democrats + supported slavery & states’ rights

  • John Bell was backed by the Constitutional Union Party

  • After Lincoln’s victory, the South seceded

Crittenden Compromise

  • 1860

  • John Crittenden

  • Hoped to reestablish + extend 36-30 line (more land for slave territories)

  • Lincoln believed that slavery shouldn’t expand into any further territories

  • After it was rejected, it symbolized the end of the era of compromise

States’ Rights

  • Confederate States of America

  • Ruled by a weak central gov’t

  • Led by John C. Calhoun


  • 1860-1861

  • The South believed they had the constitutional right to secede from Union

  • Formed the Confederate States of America


  • Ability to compromise over slavery ↓

  • Abolition - Literature, humanitarian reforms, events

  • South defended slavery - Popular sovereignty + property rights

  • Violence - Anti-slavery vs. pro-slavery

  • Divisive events - Elected Abraham Lincoln + secession
