Johnson || Tuesday, Thursday 12:30pm
The medium through which an encoded message is transmitted from a source to a receiver
The process of drawing meaning from the symbols that were used to encode a message
Taking an abstract notion and providing it meaning through the application of symbols
The context in which the communication process takes place
The receiver’s response to a message that is sent to the sender
Interactive Model of Communication
Communication theory that views communication as a two-way process that includes feedback and the environment
Linear Model of Communication
Theory that views communication as a one-way process in which a source conveys an encoded message through a channel to a receiver, who then decodes that message
The content or idea that the source tries to convey to the audience
Anything that can change the message after the source encodes and sends it
The person or audience that a message is being transmitted to
The person responsible for inventing the idea on which he or she intends to speak and crafting that idea to an audience
Transactional Model of Communication
The theory that views communication as a constant process in which all parties simultaneously play all roles of sender and receiver
Communication Apprehension
The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others
A persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Convincing yourself that something is going to happen before it does, thus leading to the occurence of what you originally expected
Systematic Desensitization
The process whereby a person is slowly introduced to a fear such that each time he or she overcomes the fear the intensity is decreased
Involve morals and the specific moral choices to be made by a person
Global Plagiarism
Taking an entire piece of work and saying that it is your own
Incremental Plagiarism
Using part of someone else’s work and not citing it as a source
Patchwork Plagiarism
Taking ideas from more than one piece of work and putting them together into a new piece of work, and then presenting them as original work without giving due credit to the sources
Taking original source material and changing a few words in it, but not enough to consider it a paraphrase, all the while not citing the original source material
Taking the intellectual achievements of another person and presenting them as one’s own.
Groups that are impacted by a variety of smaller specific cultures that intersect in our lives
The distinctive ideas, customs, social behavior, products, or way of life of a particular nation, society, people, or period
Speaking in a way that encourages others to listen and listening in a way that encourages others to speak
A group of people who identify with each other based on a common experience, which might include geographic or national origin, ancestry, history, cultural and social norms, religion, race, language, ideology, food, dress, or other factors
Believing your group’s perspective is the only correct one and thus judging others based on their conformity to your way of doing things
A social construction that includes the all of the beliefs, attitudes, actions and roles associated with being masculine or feminine
High-Context Cultures
Language in which a great deal of meaning is derived from the nonverbal expressions, environment, and situation in which the communication is taking place, and less emphasis is placed on the words
Set of ideas, beliefs, and ideals that form our worldview and provide a basis for action
Low-Context Cultures
The language used in an interaction, in which little emphasis is placed on the nonverbal communication, environment, and situation
A set of physical characteristics shared by a group of people, such as skin color, body type, facial structure, and hair color
Refers to one’s biological classification as male, female, or intersex based on one’s reproductive organs and chromosomes
Sexual Orientation
The sex and gender to whom a person is romantically and sexually attracted to
Nonverbal behaviors that augment a verbal message
Physically producing the sound needed to convey the word
When the action demonstrates the message contained in the verbal content
Extemporaneous Speech
A speech delivered with notes but without the entire speech in front of the speaker
Impromptu Speech
A presentation done with little or no preparation
Manuscript Speech
When a speaker has an entire speech written out word-for-word in front of him/her as he/she speaks
Memorized Speech
When a speaker commits an entire speech to memory and delivers with no notes in front of him/her
Physical Delivery
Elements of speaking that deal with the body
The accepted standard of how a word sounds when spoken
Nonverbal actions that help govern the course of a speech or interaction
When physical actions restate verbal messages
Physical actions that take the place of verbal messages
Verbal Delivery
Elements of speaking that deal with voice
Brief Example
An example that makes a very quick point and can be effective at any point in a speech
Expert Testimony
Testimony from someone who has conducted extensive research on the topic, has significant experience with the topic, or holds a position that lends credibility to his or her ideas on the subject matter
Extended Example
An example that takes time, and the importance lies in the details
Hypothetical Example
An example that is fictional
The average of all the scores in a distribution, which calculated by adding all of the scores and then dividing by the total number of scores
Measures of Central Tendency
Statistics that indicate where the middle of a distribution lies, including the mean, median, and mode
The middle number in a distribution of numbers
The score that appears most often in a distribution of numbers
Peer Testimony
Testimony from someone who is in the same peer group as the audience, but who is not necessarily an expert on the topic
Real Example
An example that is factual
Standard Deviation
A measure of variability that indicates how spread apart the numbers are in a distribution
Numbers that summarize and organize sets of numbers to make them easier to understand or visualize
Using the words of other people as evidence
The final statement of your speech
Internal Preview
Serves as an outline of what is to come next in a speech and is often combined with transition statements
Internal Summary
A statement that summarizes what you already have covered and precedes transitions
Key words that signal to the audience that you are moving from one part of the speech to another
A carefully worded, one-sentence summary of exactly what you will cover in your speech
Connective statements that signal you are finished with one point and moving on to another
Categories of definable characteristics of groups of people, such as age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, and sexual orientation
To create a list of possible topics and keep adding to this list as you think of new ideas
Concept Map
Also known as a mind map, is a visual representation of the potential areas you could cover in your speech
General Purpose Statement
A brief statement representing what you aim to do with the speech; there are three types
Specific Purpose Statement
A narrower version of the general purpose statement that identifies what you will talk about, what you will say about it, and what you hope the audience will take away from the speech.
Words are not concrete or tangible items; they are only representations
Repeating the same consonant or vowel sound at the beginning of subsequent words
Language that does not have precise, concrete meanings
When two ideas that sharply contrast with one another are put side by side in a parallel structure
Symbols used to represent things that are not intrinsically connected to those things
Archetypal Metaphors
Metaphors that use common human experiences to describe another object
Bookend Story
A narrative in which the speaker tells the first part of a story as an attention getter in the introduction of his/her speech and then finishes the story in the closer at the end of the conclusion
Hate Speech
Attacking a person or group of people based upon their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social actions, or any other category that indicates applications of a negative, unwarranted stereotype
Language that is structured according to more or less, higher or lower
Linguistic device that allows for comparisons between two objects by highlighting qualities of each object in explicit comparison
Using a tangible object to represent an otherwise intangible thing
Mixed Metaphor
Metaphors that compare two objects that have no logical connection with each other
A story
Similarly structuring related words, phrases, or clauses of speech
Language which is vulgar and irreverent
Repeating words and phrases
Linguistic device that compares two things through the use of “like” or “as”
Using one part of something to represent the whole thing
An unfair preference or distortion of information
Boolean Operators
Using words such as “and,” “but,” and “or” when typing in search terms to focus the results
All information on the same level has the same significance
Principle that if a point is divided into subpoints, there must be two or more subpoints
Process of creating a hierarchy of ideas in which the most general ideas appear first followed by more specific ideas
Bar Graph
A graph which shows two axes and bars going either horizontally or vertically to represent total achievement
Visual depiction of summaries of numeric data
A type of chart that illustrates numeric data by using a visual diagram
A visual representation of a frequency table in which the categories are placed on the horizontal axis, while vertical bars are used to represent the number (or frequency) of individuals that fit into that category
Line Graph
A graph that uses lines drawn along two axes to show growth, loss, or flat developments over time
A three-dimensional representation of an actual object