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The functionalist perspective takes an organismic analogy, arguing that different parts of society have different functions but they all work together to create a functional society.
What is the functionalist theory?
Organismic analogy
shared norms & values (Durkheim). Socialisation is a vital process.Â
What is the functionalist theory?
Consensus theory
identified 4 basic needs of a society that need to be met if it is going to survive as a functioning system.Â
Goal Attainment
what did Talcott Parsons identify?
Everyone has equality of opportunity. People are rewarded on their talent and effort (achieved status). This allows a complex division of labour to exist and function.Â
what is a meritocracy?
Overemphasis on agreement & value consensus.Â
Overemphasis on functions & benefits of institutions.Â
Too deterministic and fatalistic.Â
Ignores inequalities, differences in power, ethnocentric, conservative.Â
Finds it hard to explain social change.
what are the criticisms of functionalist theory?
Inequality allows for a healthy working society. society is a meritocracy - if individuals wish to avoid poverty, they must work hard. Thus, this means that inequality is a necessary part of society.
what is the first reason that functionalists believe that we have inequality?
Social Darwinists believe that the strongest people in society should become wealthy and powerful, whereas the weak need to be punished and controlled. These views were held 100 years ago but are still linked to Functionalist theory today.Â
Reason 2 for inequality - Social Darwinism
There is inequality in all societies, so it must be necessary for societies to develop and function. Not all social positions or jobs are equally pleasant or important, so we must give rewards to the best people who do the important jobs. Pay and status reflect a person's value to society.
Reason 3 for inequality - Davis-Moore theory
1. It is difficult to decide the functional importance of any job. Popular musicians and sports stars earn more than doctors and nurses, which raises the question of how far these people are considered important to society.
2. Sociologists can not be certain that those at the top of society have their position solely because of talent. This theory overlooks the importance of birth and wealth. Weberian sociologists point out that opportunities are not equal for all.
3. Tumin argues that Davis & Moore provide rich people with an ideology that justifies greed and selfishness. They come to believe they are morally right as they are in power.
Criticisms of the Davis and Moore theory
 that the poor face limited chances.Â
what do Marxists argue about the Davis-Moore theory?
Feminists argue that gender inequality is so far built into social structures that many don't even recognise it occurs.
what do Feminists argue about the Davis-Moore theory?
Poverty is a good thing for society as it encourages people to work so they avoid being poor. The poor people of our nation deserve to be poor and suffer as they lack morality.
Herbert Spencer
the American dream, in which value is placed on material possessions, wealth and the freedom to be successful
which concept is based on functionalist ideologies?