Destination B2 Unit 14

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(n) toa thuốc, đơn thuốc - A piece of paper that a doctor gives you that says what type of medicine you need:
Eg: The drug is only available on prescription.

<p>(n) toa thuốc, đơn thuốc - A piece of paper that a doctor gives you that says what type of medicine you need:<br>Eg: The drug is only available on prescription.</p>
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Công thức nấu ăn - A set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food:
Eg: You must give me the recipe for this apple pie!

<p>Công thức nấu ăn - A set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food:<br>Eg: You must give me the recipe for this apple pie!</p>
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Ca phẫu thuật (Nói cụ thể một ca nào đó, đây là danh từ đếm được) - The process of cutting into someone's body for medical reasons:
"She may need an operation on her knee."

<p>Ca phẫu thuật (Nói cụ thể một ca nào đó, đây là danh từ đếm được) - The process of cutting into someone's body for medical reasons:<br>"She may need an operation on her knee."</p>
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Ca phẫu thuật (Nói chung, đây là danh từ không đếm được) - Medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone's body:
"I'm afraid you're going to need surgery on your hand."

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Sore (adj)

Đau nhức - Painful and uncomfortable, usually as a result of an injury, infection, or too much exercise:
"I always feel stiff and sore after gardening."

<p>Đau nhức - Painful and uncomfortable, usually as a result of an injury, infection, or too much exercise:<br>"I always feel stiff and sore after gardening."</p>
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Hurt (verb)

Tự mình làm đau, bị thương, tổn thương - To feel pain somewhere in your body:
"Fred's knees hurt after skiing all day."

<p>Tự mình làm đau, bị thương, tổn thương - To feel pain somewhere in your body:<br>"Fred's knees hurt after skiing all day."</p>
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Pain (noun)

Sự đau đớn (thể xác), sự đau khổ (trong tâm hồn) - A bad feeling in part of your body when you are hurt or become ill:
"An old injury was causing him intense pain."

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Căn bệnh (nói cụ thể) - A particular disease, or a period of being ill:
"Mike's illness meant that he missed almost two months of school."

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Bệnh tật (nói chung) - An illness that affects people, animals, or plants:
"Studies have revealed that vegetarians suffer less from heart disease."

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Bị thương (tai nạn) - Hurt in an accident or attack:
"The injured man was taken to the hospital."

<p>Bị thương (tai nạn) - Hurt in an accident or attack:<br>"The injured man was taken to the hospital."</p>
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Bị thiệt hại, phá hủy, bị hư hỏng - Harmed physically:
"After the explosion, people were warned to keep away from the damaged buildings."

<p>Bị thiệt hại, phá hủy, bị hư hỏng - Harmed physically:<br>"After the explosion, people were warned to keep away from the damaged buildings."</p>
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ốm , gầy gò - Someone who is thin has very little fat on their body:
"Frida was thin and very tall."

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Mảnh khảnh, nhỏ nhắn, cân đối (thu hút) - Thin in an attractive way:
"She had a slim, youthful figure."

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Thuốc giảm đau, thuốc chữa bệnh nhẹ - A cure for pain or for a minor illness:
"I know a really good herbal remedy for headaches."

<p>Thuốc giảm đau, thuốc chữa bệnh nhẹ - A cure for pain or for a minor illness:<br>"I know a really good herbal remedy for headaches."</p>
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Một loại thuốc chữa bệnh, một liệu pháp trị bệnh - A medicine or treatment that makes someone who is ill become healthy:
"Doctors say there are several possible cures."

<p>Một loại thuốc chữa bệnh, một liệu pháp trị bệnh - A medicine or treatment that makes someone who is ill become healthy:<br>"Doctors say there are several possible cures."</p>
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Chữa bệnh qua một quá trình dài, vật lý trị liệu (cai nghiện) - A form of treatment for an illness or medical condition:
"Since the accident, Tina's been having therapy to help her walk again."

<p>Chữa bệnh qua một quá trình dài, vật lý trị liệu (cai nghiện) - A form of treatment for an illness or medical condition:<br>"Since the accident, Tina's been having therapy to help her walk again."</p>
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Tác dụng, sự hiệu quả - A change that is produced in one person or thing by another:
"Scientists are studying the chemical's effect on the environment."

<p>Tác dụng, sự hiệu quả - A change that is produced in one person or thing by another:<br>"Scientists are studying the chemical's effect on the environment."</p>
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Hậu quả, kết quả - Something that is caused directly by something else:
"He said the argument was the result of a misunderstanding."

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Khỏe mạnh về thể chất và không bệnh tật - Physically strong and not ill:
"I feel very healthy at the moment."

<p>Khỏe mạnh về thể chất và không bệnh tật - Physically strong and not ill:<br>"I feel very healthy at the moment."</p>
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Khỏe và rắn chắc (có tập thể dục) - Healthy, strong, and able to do physical exercise:
"Running around after the kids keeps me fit."

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Khám bệnh (bác sĩ) - To look at something or someone carefully:"She opened the suitcase and examined the contents."

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Điều tra (cảnh sát) - To try to find out all the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it:
"We sent a reporter to investigate the rumor."

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Sự nhiễm trùng - The process of becoming infected with a disease:
"There are ways to reduce your risk of infection."

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Sự ô nhiễm - Chemicals and other substances that have a harmful effect on air, water, or land:
"The agency is responsible for controlling air pollution."

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Băng dán, miếng dán (nhỏ), thạch cao (gãy tay chân bị bó bột) - A thin piece of cloth or plastic that sticks to your skin to cover a cut:
"Do you know where the plasters are? I've cut my finger."

<p>Băng dán, miếng dán (nhỏ), thạch cao (gãy tay chân bị bó bột) - A thin piece of cloth or plastic that sticks to your skin to cover a cut:<br>"Do you know where the plasters are? I've cut my finger."</p>
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Plaster cast

Sự bó bột bằng thạch cao

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Dải băng vết thương (dài, quấn nhiều vòng, hoặc dùng để nâng đỡ) - A long thin piece of cloth that you wrap around an injured part of your body:
"The doctor carefully removed the bandage to have a look at my injured arm."

<p>Dải băng vết thương (dài, quấn nhiều vòng, hoặc dùng để nâng đỡ) - A long thin piece of cloth that you wrap around an injured part of your body:<br>"The doctor carefully removed the bandage to have a look at my injured arm."</p>
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Buồn bệnh, phòng bệnh (trong bệnh viện) - A large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in:
"When I was in hospital, I was put on a ward with ten other children."

<p>Buồn bệnh, phòng bệnh (trong bệnh viện) - A large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in:<br>"When I was in hospital, I was put on a ward with ten other children."</p>
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Bệnh viện tư, phòng khám nhỏ
A place where people go to receive a particular type of medical treatment or advice:
"My doctor sent me to an eye clinic to see a specialist."

<p>Bệnh viện tư, phòng khám nhỏ<br>A place where people go to receive a particular type of medical treatment or advice:<br>"My doctor sent me to an eye clinic to see a specialist."</p>
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Liều thuốc, số lượng thuốc uống chữa bệnh - A particular amount of a drug or medicine that has been measured so that you can take it:
"The dose for children is two tablets, three times a day."

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Tép (Liều thuốc để chích heroin) - An amount of a drug that someone feels that they need to take regularly:
"Many addicts steal in order to pay for their daily fix."

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Cơn sốt, bệnh sốt - An illness or medical condition in which your temperature of your body is very high:
"Mrs. Connors called the doctor in the middle of the night because Jenny had a fever."

<p>Cơn sốt, bệnh sốt - An illness or medical condition in which your temperature of your body is very high:<br>"Mrs. Connors called the doctor in the middle of the night because Jenny had a fever."</p>
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Phát ban (dấu hiện trên da) - an area of small red spots on your skin that is caused by an illness or a reaction to something:
Eg: I think I'm allergic to that new washing powder because I've got a rash on my legs.

<p>Phát ban (dấu hiện trên da) - an area of small red spots on your skin that is caused by an illness or a reaction to something: <br>Eg: I think I'm allergic to that new washing powder because I've got a rash on my legs.</p>
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Viêm khớp

<p>Viêm khớp</p>
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Mạch máu

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Quy trình, thủ tục

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Break out

Nổ ra, diễn ra (chiến tranh, hỏa hoạn) - start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc.).

It seems that the fire broke out in the kitchen.

<p>Nổ ra, diễn ra (chiến tranh, hỏa hoạn) - start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc.). </p><p><em>It seems that the fire broke out in the kitchen.</em></p>
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Bring on

Gây ra (căn bệnh...) - cause (an illness, etc.).

Eg: Being out in the fog always brings on my asthma.

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Come down with

mắc bệnh - start to suffer from a minor illness.

Eg: After being out in the storm, Alice came down with a cold.

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Come round/to

Tỉnh lại - become conscious.

Eg: After a worrying few minutes, Sean started to come round and opened his eyes.

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Cut down (on)

Cắt giảm (hút thuốc, số lượng) - do less of (smoking, etc.); reduce an amount of.

Eg: My doctor has advised me to cut down on fat.

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Feel up to

Có đủ sức để làm gì đó - feel well enough to do.

Eg: I know I should go to the gym today, but I don’t really feel up to it.

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Get over

Hồi phục, khỏi bệnh - recover from (an illness, etc).

Eg: It took Mary a long time to get over her illness.

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Give up

Từ bỏ - stop doing sth you do regularly.

Eg: I’ve given up trying to lose weight.

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Look after

chăm sóc, trông nom (= take care of)
Eg: Could you look after my cat while I'm on holiday?

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Pass out

Bất tỉnh một cách đột ngột - suddenly become unconscious.

Eg: It was so hot that several members of the crowd passed out and had to be taken to hospital.

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Pull through

Sống sót (khỏi bệnh) - survive ( a serious illness, etc):
Eg: The doctors were really worried about Simon, but in the end he pulled through

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Put down

Giết mổ (động vật) - kill ( a sick/old animal)
Eg: We used to have a horse, but he fell and broke his leg so he had to be put down

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Put on

Tăng cân (gain weight) - gain (weight).

Eg: I’ve put on so much weight recently.

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Wear off

Hết tác dụng (thuốc, ma túy) - stop being effective (for a drug, etc)
Eg; My mom started to hurt again as the effects of the painkiller wore off

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Alternative medicine/therapy

Treatment options other than conventional medicine.
Example: She prefers alternative medicine like acupuncture for pain relief.

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Find an alternative to sth

Tìm kiếm sự thay thế cho... - To look for another option instead of something.
Example: We need to find an alternative to fossil fuels.

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Make an appointment

Tạo cuộc hẹn - To schedule a meeting or visit.
Example: I made an appointment with the doctor for next week.

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Have an appointment

Có cuộc hẹn - To attend a scheduled meeting.Example: I have an appointment with my lawyer at 3 p.m.

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Break an appointment

Hủy hẹn - To cancel or not attend a scheduled meeting.
Example: He broke his appointment at the last minute.

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Have/take a bath

Tắm - To wash yourself in a bathtub.
Example: After hiking all day, I took a bath to relax.

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Run a bath for sb

Chuẩn bị bồn tắm cho ai đó - To prepare a bath by filling it with water.
Example: She ran a bath for her child after dinner.

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In danger

Đang gặp nguy hiểm - In a situation where there is a risk of harm or injury.
Example: The hikers were in danger of getting lost.

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Out of danger

Hết gặp nguy hiểm - No longer in a risky or harmful situation.
Example: After the surgery, the patient was out of danger.

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Do an exercise

Tập một bài thể dục - Perform a specific physical activity.
Example: We did a series of stretching exercises.

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Do exercise

Tập thể dục - Engage in physical activity regularly.
Example: It's important to do exercise to stay healthy.

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Take/get some exercise

Có tập thể dục - Engage in physical activity for health benefits.
Example: He takes exercise every morning by jogging.

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Get/stay/keep/be fit

Get fit: To become physically healthy and strong.Example: She joined the gym to get fit.

Stay fit: To maintain physical health and strength.Example: He exercises daily to stay fit.

Keep fit: To stay in good physical condition.Example: They run every day to keep fit.

Be fit: To be in good physical health.Example: The athlete is incredibly fit for his age.

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Fit and healthy

Duy trì và giữ gìn sức khỏe

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Do sb good

Làm điều gì đó tốt, có lợi - To benefit someone.
Example: A vacation will do you good.

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Sth does you good

Điều gì đó giúp bạn tốt/ khỏe - Something that benefits you.
Example: Fresh air will do you good.

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Good for sb to do

Có lợi cho bạn để làm gì đó - Something that is beneficial for someone to do.
Example: It's good for you to take regular breaks.

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In good/bad/poor health

Trong tình trạng sức khỏe tốt/xấu/.. - Describing someone's physical condition.
Example: She's in good health after her surgery.

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Health centre

Trung tâm chăm sóc sức khỏe - A place where people receive medical treatment.
Example: I visited the health centre for a check-up.

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Health care

Việc chăm sóc sức khỏe / Cơ sở y tế - Services provided to maintain or improve health.
Example: Access to quality health care is a human right.

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Have an injection for/against

Tiêm thuốc chống lại - To receive a shot of medicine into the body.
Example: She had an injection for the flu last week.

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Give sb an injection

Tiêm thuốc ai đó - To administer a shot to someone.
Example: The nurse gave me an injection to relieve the pain.

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Take medicine

Uống thuốc - To consume drugs prescribed for illness.
Example: Don't forget to take your medicine three times a day.

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Prescribe medicine

Kê đơn thuốc - To write a prescription for medication.
Example: The doctor prescribed medicine for my allergies.

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Practise medicine

Thực hành y khoa

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Study medicine

Nguyên cứu y khoa - To work or study in the field of health care.
Example: She has been studying medicine for five years.

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The best medicine

Phương thuốc tốt nhất- Something that makes you feel better, usually humor or laughter.
Example: They say laughter is the best medicine.

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Alternative medicine

Phương thuốc thay thế - Non-traditional forms of healing.
Example: Many people turn to alternative medicine like herbal treatments.

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Get in/into shape

Có thân hình cân đối - To become physically fit.
Example: He's been working out to get into shape.

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Stay in shape

Giữ thân hình cân đối - To maintain physical fitness.
Example: She runs regularly to stay in shape.

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Keep in shape

Giữ thân hình cân đối - To maintain physical fitness.
Example: She runs regularly to stay in shape.

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The shape of sth

Hình dạng/sực cân đối của ... - The form or outline of something.
Example: The shape of the building is unique.

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In the shape of

Trong hình dạng của - In the form of something.
Example: The cookies were baked in the shape of stars.

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Spread sth

Lan tràng, lan truyền cái gì đó - To distribute or move something across a surface or area.
Example: She spread butter on her toast.

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Spread sth over/on sth

Lan tỏa điều gì đó... - To distribute something across a surface or a period of time.
Example: The project was spread over three months.

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Spread to be a place

Lan tỏa đến một nơi - To move or extend to a new location.
Example: The news spread to other towns quickly.

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Addicted to sth

Nghiện cái gì đó

<p>Nghiện cái gì đó</p>
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Attempt to do

nỗ lực làm gì - to try to do something, especially something difficult:

Eg: He attempted to escape through a window.

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Benefit from sth

Có lợi từ việc làm gì đó

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A benefit of sth

Một sự có lợi/ưu thế của

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Complain to sb about sth/sb doing

Phàn nàn với ai đó về việc gì đó

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Complain of sth

Phàn nàn về việc gì đó

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Cope with sth/doing

Đương đầu việc gì đó

Eg: It must be really hard to cope with four children under 5.

- Victims cope with feelings of anxiety, pain, anger, and fear.

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Inject sth into sth/sb

Tiêm thuốc gì đó cho ai đó

Eg: It is hoped that a big leisure centre will inject new life into the town.

- The contest was intended to inject some friendly competition into the proceedings.

- I tried to inject a little humour into the meeting.

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Lead to sth/(your) doing

Dẫn đến điều gì đó, việc gì đó

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to be (un)likely to do sth

Có lẽ (không) để làm gì đó

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It is (un)likely that

Nó thì không có lẽ/ Không có khả năng rằng

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Need to do

Cần để làm gì đó (chủ động)

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Need doing

Cần được làm gì đó (bị động)

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In need of

cần cái gì - requiring; having a lack of

Eg: We’re in need of more money

You’re badly in need of a haircut.

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