Pseudoscientific Claim
any assertion that appears scientific but is not based on science (appears to be scientific but is not)
Biological Rhythms
periodic fluctuations in physiological functioning
circadian rhythm
biological rhythem that occurs about every 24 hours (ex temp & wakefulness)
ultraradian rhythms
biological rhythms that occur more than once a day (ex stages of sleep)
infradian rhythms
biological rhythms that occur once a month or once a season (ex menstral cycle)
William Dement
Sleep researcher who discovered and coined the phrase "rapid eye movement" (REM) sleep.
a hormone that helps regulate daily biological rhythms
Reasons for sleep
preservation and resptation
keeps us protected from the dangers of the night
recuperate from the wear and tear of the day
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
a machine that amplifies and records the waves of electrical activity as they sweep across the brain's surface; electrodes placed on the scalp measure these waves
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur
Sleep control center in the brain
Monitors changes in light or dark in the environment
Changes levels of hormones in the body
sleep deprivation
any significant loss of sleep, resulting in problems
sleep deprivation effects
Decreases efficiency of immune system functioning
Safety and accident issues
Contributes to hypertension, impaired concentration, irritability, etc.
Becoming ill
High levels of stress, high blood pressure
Increased appetite and eating, weight gain
Premature aging
NREM Stage 1 Sleep
Breathing is slowed
Brain waves become irregular
Easy to wake the person, who will insist they are not asleep
Rarely lasts longer than 5 mins
NREM Stage 2 Sleep
Brain wave cycle slows
1st time through lasts about 20 minutes
NREM Stage 3 Sleep
Slow wave sleep
1st time though the stage lasts around 30 minutes, and where one gets rejuvenated
paradoxical sleep
REM when muscles are deeply relaxed but there are high levels of brain activity
recurring problems in falling or staying asleep
sleep apnea
a sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings
A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. The sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inopportune times.
night terrors
a sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified; unlike nightmares, night terrors occur during Stage 4 sleep, within two or three hours of falling asleep, and are seldom remembered
teeth grinding
bed wetting
sudden jerk of a part of a body part occurring during NREM Stage 1 sleep
information processing theory
dreams help us sort out the day's events and consolidate our memories
physiological function theory
dreams are used to use neural pathways & keep connections open; stimulation for brain
activation-synthesis theory
dreams are the minds attempt to make sense of random neural firings in the brain as one sleeps
cognitive development theory
dream content reflects dreamers' cognitive development- their knowledge and understanding
psychoactive drugs
a chemical substance that alters perceptions, mood, & behavior (ex caffeine, alcohol, nicotine)
withdrawal symptoms
the discomfort and distress that follow discontinuing the use of an addictive drug
reverse of the drugs effects
a reduced responsiveness to a drug, promoting the user to take larger doses to achieve the same pleasurable effect previously obtained by smaller doses
types of psychoactive drugs
depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, marajuana
drugs (like alc and sedatives) that reduce neural activity & slow body functions
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
A measure of the amount of alcohol present in a person's blood (0.08 is considered legal intocication)
effects of alcohol
Alc impairs parts of the brain responsible for controlling inhibitions and making judgements
Alcohol (ethyl alcohol)
Found in beer, wine, and liquor
2nd most used psychoactive drug (1sr being caffeine)
Slows thinking, and impairs physical activity
Alcohol, Memory, and Sleep
Studies have shown that alc impairs memory by suppressing the process of events into long term memory
Alc impairs REM sleep, further disrupting memory storage
sex while sleeping
REM Behavior Disorder (RBD)
a sleep disorder where you physically act out vivid, often unpleasant dreams with sounds and sudden, often violent arm and leg movements during REM sleep
Kleine Levin Syndrome
sleep disorder characterized by recurring but reversible periods of excessive sleep
drugs (like caffeine, nic, amphetamines & cocaine) that excite neural activity and speed up body functions
a stimulant found in coffee, chocolate, tea, and some soft drinks
effects of caffine
Provides user with a sense of increased energy, mental alertness, and forced wakefulness
Blocks neurological receptor stores that, if activated, sedate the central nervous system
a stimulant found in tobacco
effects of nicotine
Effects similar to those of caffeine
Very addictive and does not stay in the body very long
a stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant
effects of cocaine
Crack: cocaine crystals
Blocs the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters
Dependency is quick and severe; places extreme strain on the cardiovascular system
drugs that stimulate neural activity, speeding up body functions
effects of amphetamines
Increased energy and mood changes
Includes: speed, uppers, and methamphetamine
Mimics adrenaline
Can cause irreversible changes in mood
Ecstasy (MDMA)
a hallucinogen stimulant that produces lower inhibitions, pleasure feelings, and greater acceptance of others
effects of ecstasy
Even moderate users may experience permanent brain damage
a psychedelic (mind - manifesting) drug, such as LSD, that distort perception and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide):
a powerful hallucinogenic drug (aka acid)
effects of LSD
Effects vary from person to person
User can be dangerous to themselves and others
Oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, heroin, and fentanyl
Many are painkillers and highly addictive
includes leaves, sems, resin, and flowers from the hemp plant; when smoked lowers inhibitions and produces a feeling of relaxation and mild euphoria
long term effects of marijuana
High risk for depression & possible schizophrenia
hard on lungs
loss of brain cells
memory effects
suppressed immune system
drug prevention
Have a clear understanding of the painful, long term costs of addiction
Have a positive environment that increases self esteem
Associate with others who can say no thereby refusing the drug
lucid dreams
dreams in which the dreamer is aware that s/he is dreaming
Consciousness is
our awareness of ourselves and our environment
stress hormone
a social interaction in which a hypnotist makes suggestions about perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors and those suggestions are followed
Drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgement
Drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system without most of the side effects associated with barbiturates
Hallucinogenic drugs that produces lowered inhibitions, pleasant feelings, and greater acceptance of others
Stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant
What are depressants
Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body function
Natural, opiatelike neurotransmitters linked to pain control and pleasure
Reduced responsiveness to a drug, prompting the user to increase dosage to achieve effects previously obtained by lower doses
Psychedelic drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input
Opium and its derivatives; they depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and memory
A state of physiological and/or psychological need to take more of a substance after continued use
Powerful hallucinogenic drug; also known as acid
nerve cell
Psychoactive Drug
A chemical substance that alters perceptions, mood, or behavior
The discomfort and distress that follow when a person who is dependent on a drug discontinues the use of that drug, ADVERTISEMENT
We go through 3 types of body rhythms that occur in regular cycles - circadian, ultradian - and that affect our consciousness and psychological processes
What are the body rhythms and how do they affects us?
Sleep deprivation causes psychological changes that can dramatically affect our moods, health and ability to perform physically and mentally
What happens to our bodies when we don't get enough sleep?
Sleep helps restore our body physically and protect us from nighttime hazards
How do we benefit from sleeping?
4 stages
How many stages of sleep our there?
The brain is very active, while the body is paralyzed.
Why is REM sleep described as paradoxical?
What is the most common sleep disorder?
Your sleep-wake cycle is an example of what kind of rhythm?
Which of the following represents the deepest level of sleep?
sleep deficit
Gaining weight & premature aging are both linked to which of the following?
Which of the following is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle?
cognitive development
Which of the following dream theories maintains that dreams reflect knowledge and understanding?
paradoxical sleep
During REM sleep, your brain is active and you can process input from your environment. For this reason, REM sleep is also referred to:
sleep apnea
Which of the following sleep disorders is characterized by waking up many times during the night?
avoiding late-night chocolate bars
Which of the following is likely to increase your quality of sleep?
information processing
Which of the following theories would most likely explain dreams as a sorting out of the day's events?
understanding the long-term effects of drugs
Which of the following has been shown to help prevent people from starting drug use?
positive emotion
What is one of the common threads running through several factors that prevent alcoholism relapse?
alcohol impairs memory
Which of the following is true about alcohol
Moderate use of _________ can cause permanent brain damage.
Which of the following is primarily a stimulant?