ancillary blood glucose test
bedside test to determine blood glucose levels, performed by dermal puncture
bleeding time test
Test that measures the length of time required for bleeding to stop after an incision is made
bilirubin, uric acid, phosphorus, and potassium (BURPP)
group of tests that may be elevated by use of povidone-iodine
substance produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells that may accumulate in the blood
heel bone
capillary tubes
small plastic tube used primarily for hematocrit tests
iatorgenic anemia
anemia caused by excessive blood draws
microcollection tube
small tube used to collect dermal puncture samples, also called a "bullet"
painful inflammation of the bone or catilage
bone infection
venous thrombosis
formation of a blood clot within a vein
Lasette laser lancing device
a device unique that uses a laser, rather than a sharp instrument, to pierce the skin which causes less pain and bruising
compartment syndrome
condition in which collection of fluid in a confined space prevents blood flow
swelling that is caused when interstitial fluid is retained in the tissue
nausea and vomiting
destruction of red blood cells
lack of movement of lymph fluid
preanalytical variables
variable that occurs before performing analysis of the specimen
flow of blood from the collection tube back into the needle and then into the patient's vein
arterial blood gas testing
Determines the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood and measures the pH.
collateral circulation
meaning it receives blood from more than one artery
radial artery
supplying the hand, artery of choice; has good collateral collection and easily accessible
brachial artery
large, easy to palpate and puncture. Located in the antecubital fossa below the basilic vein near the insertion of the biceps muscle
femoral artery
largest artery used, located in the groin area about the thigh, lateral to the pubic bone. Used when other sites are unavailable
modified allen test
most common method used to assess the adequecy of collateral circulation in the radial artery
the spontaneous constriction of an artery in response to pain. may close the artery, preventing oxygen from reaching tissue
blood vessel obstruction caused by an air bubble or dislodged clot in the artery. can cause arterial occlusion (blockage) leading to loss of blood flow
resulting from inadequate pressure on the site. more likely in elderly patients, whose artery walls are not as elastic and thus as not as likely to close spontaneously
more likely in patients who have coagulation disorders or are recieving anticoagulant therapy (heparin or warfarin)
from skin contaminants. contaminants easily carried to the rest of the body without encountering the immune system
nerve damage
caused by inadvertent contact with a nerve. this is more likely during arterial puncture than venipuncture because the needle passes more deeply into the tissue
lipemic sample
serum or plasma appear turbid
metal filing used to mix blood with additives in small tubes
rapid, shallow breathing
partial pressure of carbon dioxide
amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in blood
partial pressure of oxygen
amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood
respiratory steady state
State required for arterial blood gas collection, in which blood gas concentrations are steady
umbilical artery
artery used for arterial collection in infants
accession number
unique identifying number used for cataloging a sample in the laboratory
mist of droplets
portion of a sample
substance being analyzed
separation of components of a sample based on density by using a machine that spins a sample at a very high speed
pneumatic tube system
sample transport system in which samples are carried in a sealed container within a network of tubes
yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
neonatal screening
used to detect inherited metabolic disorders that cause severe brain damage or other impairments
sickle cell anemia
inherited disorder of the hemoglobin molecule may also be screened
arterial line
vascular access device that is placed in an artery for continuous monitoring of blood pressure or frequent collection of samples for blood gas testing
arteriovenous (AV) shunt
artificial connection between an artery and a vein
Bili light
ultraviolet light treatment for elevated bilirubin
Biotinidase deficiency
inherited metabolic disorder
type of central venous catheter
central venous catheter
most common vascular device, inserted into one of the large veins emptying into the heart
external arteriovenous shunt
AV shunt consisting of a cannula with a rubber septum through which a needle may be inserted for drawing blood
permanent internal connection between an artery and vein
recessive genetic disorder: characterized by body's inability to tolerate galactose
a type of central venous catheter
heparin lock
tube temporarily placed in a peripheral vein; used to administer medicine and draw blood
a type of central venous catheter
A disorder of methionine metabolism, leading to an abnormal accumulation of homocysteine and its metabolites (homocystine, homocysteine-cysteine complex, and others) in blood and urine.
condition caused by too little secretion of thyroid hormones
implanted port
chamber located under the skin and connected to an indwelling line
internal arteriovenous shunt
AV shunt consisting of a fistula that uses the patient's tissue, a piece of bovine tissue, or a synthetic tube
brain damage caused by bilirubin entering the brain
maple syrup disease
Deficiency of α-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase
Responsible for the degradation of branched amino acids (Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine).
Presents with Urine that smells like maple syrup and severe CNS defects.
Treatment: restriction of I, L V amino acids and must give thiamine (vit. B1) supplementation
peripherally inserted central catheter
a vascular access device threaded into a central vein after insertion into a peripheral (non-central) vein.
a genetic disorder in which the essential digestive enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is missing
vascular access device
tube that is inserted into either a vein or an artery; used to administer fluids or medications, monitor blood pressure, or draw blood
aerobic bacteria
bacteria that need oxygen
sticking together
anaerobic bacteria
bacteria that live without oxygen
blood infection by a bacterium
basal state
the body's state after 12 hours of fasting and abstention from strenuous exercise
blood culture
test for the presence of microorganisms in the blood
chain of custody
protocol that ensures the sample is always in the custody of a person legally entrusted to be in control of it
chlorohexide gluconate
preferred antiseptic for blood culture
cold agglutinations
an antibody often formed in response to infection with mycoplasma pneumoniae
Abnormal type of fibrogen that precipitates when cold
Abnormal serum protein that precipitates when cold
differential count
determinations of the proportions of the various blood cell types
diurnal variation
normal daily fluctuations in body chemistry related to hormonal cycles, sleep-wake cycles, and other regular patterns of change
epinephrine tolerance test
Test that determines the patient's ability to mobilize glycogen from the liver in response to a dose of the hormone epinephrine
fasting specimen
Specimen drawn after a 12-hour complete fast
feathered edge
blood smear characteristic in which cells farther from the original drop appear to thin out
fever of unknown origin (FUO)
fever without a known cause
gestational diabetes
a form of diabetes mellitus that occurs during some pregnancies
glucagon tolerance test
test that determines the patient's ability to mobilize glycogen from the liver in response to a dose of the hormone glucagon
the time for half the ingested amount of drug to be metabolized
hemoglobin A1c
a blood protein used to track long-term blood sugar levels
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
excessive iron in the blood
high level of blood sugar (glucose)
low level of blood sugar (glucose)
lactose tolerance test
Test that determines whether the lactose-digesting enzyme lactase is present in the gut
oral glucose tolerance test
Test for diabetes mellitus
peak level
highest serum level of a drug
excessive production of red blood cells
bacterial infection