The Minister’s Black Veil Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mr Hopper
Nice Guy ,kind of bland preacher ,he smiles often , engaged with congregation Pg 638. 637- laid back good but not energetic preacher wearing veil is out of character 644,641,638 he is always smiling
His community
congregation freaks out and says he has gone made ,they are all amazed at what he is doing , not lunch invitation 638- someone comments on Hoopers appearance , the community has gothic thoughts abut him
His fiancée , she is so different she speaks the truth and ask about the veil., she stays with him until the end
why does Mr. Hooper wear the veil?
(641-644) there is an hour to come when all of us shall cast aside our veils, when we die and get to heaven , the veil is removed from our eyes and we can see more the veil represents human vision and it is clouded but when we heaven we can now see more clearly , we are all sinner and we all have something to hide
Is the veil effective
his first sermon with the veil on is different , his congregation is more in tuned and sermon is abut secret sin ,the feel really effected , he broke through their hearts and he becomes popular people come from all over to see him and get converted by him the veil is super effective , changes lots of lives , its brings out bad behavior in kids by pooping out of grave stones
A lesson to his community
this was meant to instruct and teach his congregation about the lesson of secret sin , also brought out bad behavior it was a good lesson
Young Goodman Brown Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne
What kind of guy is young Goodman Brown
he’s unsure of the journey he is about to take
He’s newly married
He asks his wife if she doubts him
His journey YGB
The Forest
The arrangement of the tempting devil
His fellow traveler the devil
He sees people he knows and is having second thoughts
the community in the forest
a scary environment
Everyone’s there even “faith “
Was it all a dream
•Hardly had he spoken, when he found himself amid calm night and solitude, listening to a roar of the wind which died heavily away through the forest. He staggered against the rock, and felt it chill and damp; while a hanging twig, that had been all on fire, besprinkled his cheek with the coldest dew…
The End result
everyone is going about their day but in young Goodman eyes they are no longer good Christian’s but hipócritas , his relationship to everyone has change and he feels alienated no matter if it was a dream or not
The critique of Puritanism
If one is always Judging but outside appearances , society setup is pretending to be something they are not and that is no room for sin but they are the biggest sinners
The Raven
Edgar Allen Poe
The Ravens Setting
Gothic setting , old library with books dark hallways and fire burning dark gloomy night in December , old money setting
The ravens Gothic action
the narrator is hearing thing and begins with him afraid , the bird and image of death flying in and is talking to him goes from taking the bird to yelling at it nevermore - says Lenore
A gothic main character
rich man who just lost his wife, overcome with grief is the character haullention due to his lack of sleep because of his grief
A gothic theme
speaking in rhyme Skyme ,he ask all the wrong questions “ will I hug Lenore again”
A poem about the power of grief
Yes, the main character might have been driven insane that night. He might also have been close to “the edge” before this night.
But regardless of his mental state, this main character suffers from grief, that much is certain, and his grief colors how he sees everything. For him, death is everywhere.
The Beast in the Jungle author
Henry James
Where did John Marcher first meet May?
Naples, Ten years ago
Where does this story take place, for the most part?
What does John get May for her birthday?
This is a trick. We don't know exactly. He calls it a trinket and says he paid more than he thought he could afford.
What do they always talk about
The Beast
What kills MAry
A deep blood disorder
What mythological creature is Mary referred to as
A sphynx
Where does John go after Mary dies
What does John see, at the end, that makes him realize something?
A man grieving a loss
Where is John at the very end of the story?
Face down, on the tomb
How does Désirée come into the Valmondés’ lives?
They find her after she was abandoned.
What does NOT get burned in the fire?
Part of an old letter from Armand's mother.
How does Désirée figure out her baby is not 100% white?
By comparing it to a "little quadroon boy."
What supposedly killed Brently Mallard?
A railroad disaster
What kills Louise Mallard?
A heart attack.
Whose skin has the darkest skin in "Désirée’s Baby"?
What does Bibinôt purchase while he's out?
A can of Shrimp
What domestic activity was Calixta doing before the storm hit?
Who is Clarisse?
Alcée's wife.
Where is Alcée's family, currently?
In Biloxi.
Story of An Hour
Desirees Baby
The Storm
Kate Chopin
Yellow Wallpaper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
What is the husband's name?
What room did the narrator originally want to stay in?
One downstaris that opened on the piazza
Which holiday is mentioned in the text?
The Fourth of July
What is odd about the bed in the room?
It is nailed down
Who is Jennie?
John's sister
Why do we hear about a plantain leaf?
The narrator throws the key under it
What is odd about the windows in the room?
They have bars over them
What object does the narrator sneak into her room at the end?
A rope
What happens to John in the end?
He faints
Author of Trifles
Susan Glaspell
Why did Mr. Hale stop by the Wright residence on the day before?
He wanted to see if Mr. Wright would go in on a party line with him.
What activity was Mrs. Wright doing as she spoke to Mr. Hall yesterday?
Rocking and pleating her apron
On which side of the bed does Mrs. Wright claim to lie?
Th inside
What happened to most of the fruit Mrs. Wright had canned?
The jars broke because of the cold
Mr wright was known to be what
cheap and stingy with money and not drink a good man
What activity did Minnie Foster engage in?
She sang in the choir.
True or false: There was a gun in the Wright's house.
What happened to Mrs. Peters' kitten?
A boy killed it with a hatchet.
Who is "married to the law?"
Mrs Peters
Author of Their Eyes Were Watching God
Zora Neale Hurston
Who is called Alphabet?
What kind of tree does Janie find inspiration from?
A pear tree
Who does Nanny want Janie to marry?
Logan Killicks
Who supposedly looks like "an ole skullhead in de grave yard?"
Logan Killicks
Where does Nanny hide after the slave owner's wife threatens to have her whipped?
In the swamp by the river
Where were Janie and Logan Killicks married?
In Nanny's parlor
Who becomes Janie's second husband?
Joe (Jody) Starks
What position does Joe Starks take when he and Janie reach Eatonville?
What does Janie say when the townspeople ask her to make a speech.
She doesn't get to answer. Joe cuts her off, saying his wife doesn't make speeches.
Why does the town celebrate?
Because Joe got them a streetlight.
Who owns the mule?
How much does Joe pay for the mule?
Five Dollars
What was being dragged out at the dragging-out?
The mule
What part of Joe's body is failing, according to the doctor?
Why does Joe stop eating the food Janie makes?
He believes she's trying to poison him.
What game does Tea Cake offer to teach Janie?
What instrument does Tea Cake play?
Who did Mrs. Annie Tyler run off with?
Who Flung
What kind of gambling does Tea Cake like?
Plays dice
What kind of liquor does Tea Cake drink?
Which woman does Tea Cake flirt with?
Why does Tea Cake hit Janie?
Because Mrs. Turner brought her brother around to be introduced, and he felt jealous.
What does Tea Cake see moving east that makes him think he and Janie should flee from the approaching storm?
This is a trick question. Tea Cake doesn't think they need to go.
Where do Janie and Tea Cake leave Motor Boat?
In the tall house.
On what part of her body does Janie get bitten by that dog?
Tea Cake gets bitten
When Tea Cake goes out of the little house, what do the white men make him do?
Find and bury the dead.
Which doctor cares for Tea Cake?
Dr. Simmons
As he's getting sicker and sicker, what does Tea Cake put under his pillow?
A gun
Why is Janie arrested?
Because she killed Tea Cake.
Where does Janie have Tea Cake buried?
Palm Beach, so no water would wash over his grave
Robert Frost Poems
Home Burial
Mending Wall
Road Not Taken
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Stopping By the Woods
Three foggy mornings and one rainy day \n Will rot the best birch fence a man can build.
Home Burial Quote shows both parents man and women not agreeing and expressing their hurt to one another
Narrator of Mending Wall
Critical Thinking
The Neighboor
Doesn’t Say much
Stuck in his Traditional ways
Not a critical thinker
The gaps in the poem
A literary Gap
Gap made by the hunters and earth in the wall
The gap between the characters
Why is it called the mending wall
1. The \n characters are \n physically \n mending a \n wall. That is \n the action \n within the \n poem. They \n are mending.
.2.The wall is \n mending these \n characters as well. \n The wall is bringing \n them together and \n helping them to \n understand each \n other. So the wall is \n also doing \n mending.
The Road Not Taken Summary
is a poem that describes the dilemma of a person standing at a road with diversion. This diversion symbolizes real-life situations. Sometimes, in life too there come times when we have to take tough decisions. We could not decide what is right or wrong for us.
Nothing Gold Can Stay summary
\n using the metaphor of spring's ending to examine the transience of youth, beauty, and ultimately life itself. In early spring, the fresh buds on the trees are gold. This color is the quickest to disappear from the natural world, however. The fresh blossoms on the trees are flowers, but these flowers disappear quickly too. They turn into leaves that fall to the ground, just as humankind fell from the paradise of the Garden of Eden, and just as the promising early light of morning gives way to daytime.Nothing beautiful, fresh, or pure can last forever.