Nervous System Basic Notes

  • Central Nervous System = brain and spinal cord

  • Peripheral Nervous System = all of the nerves, everything that is not the brain and spinal cord

  • There are 31 spinal nerves **

  • Nervous system cells are the neurons and their effectors (neurons, or muscle cells; smooth, cardiac, skeletal)

  • Nerve fibers are bundles of axons

  • There are 12 cranial nerves, check other note

  • A ganglion is a neuron cell body outside of the brain and the spinal cord???

  • A plexus is a network of axons (NTK brachial)

  • Glial cells are the supporting cells, they take care of the neurons

    • Functions:

      • maintaining homeostasis

      • receives sensory input

      • processes sensory input and initiates response

      • controls muscles and glands

      • establishes and maintains mental activity (consciousness, thinking, memory, emotions, etc.)

  • Sensory =Afferent, AWAY from receptors

  • Motor =Effarent, TO the effector

  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS):

    • Somatic Nervous System controls skeletal muscle, 1 neuron system

    • Autonomic Nervous System controls everything that is involuntary (digestion, breathing, urination, etc.), 2 neuron system

  • Sympathetic = excited, expending energy

  • Parasympathetic = at rest, brings body back to rest

  • The neuron cell body is called a soma, it has specialized rough ER (Nissl bodies) where protein synthesis occurs, meaning there are ribosomes; lysosomes clean up the cell

  • Axolemma is the plasma membrane of the axon

  • Axoplasm is the cytoplasm of the axon

  • The majority of neurons are multipolar (motor)

  • 4 Types of Neuroglial Cells

    • Astrocytes: provide structure for nervous tissue, GIVES STRUCTURE/FOUNDATION TO FORM THE BLOOD-BRAIN-BARRIER, produce chemicals that form tight junctions to filter out stiff in the blood that might harm the brain

    • Epindymial: line brain ventricles and spinal cord central canals, the CHOROID PLEXUS (in all ventricles) secretes CSF

    • Microglia: “garbage trucks,” macrophages, gets rid of waste by phagocytosis

    • Oligodendrytes (Schwann cells): form the myelin sheath

  • Cerebrospinal Fluid comes from and goes back into the blood, why we need to be hydrated, because if not, blood gets more viscous

  • Myelinated axons are white matter

  • Unmyelinated axons are gray matter

  • Gates on dendrites are ligand, while gates in the axon are voltage

  • Neurons communicate by neurotransmitters, they need a ligand gated channel to bind to (ie ACh)
