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Structure of a neurone

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Structure of a neurone

  • cell body

  • Dendrons - short extensions combing from the cell body

  • Axons- long nerve fibres that transmit impulses away from the cell body

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Different types of neurones

  • sensory neurones - transmit impulses from a sensory receptor cell to a relay/motor neurone or the brain

  • Relay neurones - transmit impulses between neurones

  • Motor neurones - transmit impulses from a relay/sensory neurone to an effector

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Electrical impulse pathway

  • receptor

  • Sensory neurone

  • Relay neurone

  • Motor neurone

  • Relay neurone

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<p>Which neurone is this </p>

Which neurone is this

Motor neurone

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<p>Which neurone is this </p>

Which neurone is this

Relay neurone

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<p>Which neurone is this </p>

Which neurone is this

Sensory neurone

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What is the myelin sheath made of

Schwann cells

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Purpose of myelinated sheath

Conducts electrical impulses at faster speeds compared to non myelinated neurones as they allow for saltatory conduction between nodes of ranvier

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Pacinian corpuscle

Specific sensory receptors which detect mechanical pressure

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How does the pacinian corpuscle convert mechanical pressure into a nervous impulse

  • in normal state, stretch mediated Na+ channels are too narrow for Na+ to move pass them, the neurone of the pacinian corpuscle has a resting potential

  • When pressure is applied, the corpuscle changes shape, causing membrane surround the neurone to stretch

  • Stretch mediated Na+ channels widen, allowing Na+ to diffuse into the neurone

  • Influx of Na+ channels causes the membrane to become depolarised

  • This creates an action potential which passes along the sensory neurone

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What is the resting potential across the membrane


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How is a resting potential formed

  • Na+ ions are actively pumped out of the axon whilst K+ ions are actively transported in at a ratio of 3:2

  • This means there are more Na+ ions outside the membrane compared to inside the axon cytoplasm

  • As the axon cytoplasm is more negative, Na+ ions move down an electrochemical gradient whereas K+ ions diffuse out the axon

  • However, most of the VG Na+ ion channels are closed whilst K+ channels are open, this means the amount of positive ions outside of the axon is greater than inside, creating the -70mV resting potential

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What is the depolarisation charge


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How does an action potential occur

Protein channels in axon membrane change shape as a result of a voltage across a membrane

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Outline process of action potential

  1. Neurone has a resting potential of -70mV, it is not transmitting an impulse, some K+ channels are open but VG Na+ channels are closed

  2. Energy of the stimulus triggers some VG Na+ channels to open, making the membrane more permeable to Na+ ions, Na+ ions diffuse into the axon down an electrochemical gradient making inside the neurone less negative

  3. This change in charge causes more Na+ ions to open, resulting in a positive feedback loop

  4. When potential difference reaches +40mV, VG Na+ channels close and VG K+ channels open

  5. K+ ions diffuse out of the axon down an electrochemical gradient resulting the inside of the axon becoming more negative

  6. Hyperpolarisation occurs which causes Na+-K+ pump to open and move K+ in the axon, causing it to return to resting potential- repolarised

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