range of variation found among microorganisms, plants, fungi, and animals
Richness of species of living organisms
three levels: genetic, species, ecosystem
variety of life in the world, or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
ecosystem diversity
measure of the variety of biotic components in a region along with abiotic components
Genetic diversity
total genetic information contained within all individuals of a species, population, or community
species diversity
diversity of species present in a community
populations of organisms of different species that interact with one another
any geographic area with all of the living organisms present and the nonliving parts of their physical environment
Involves the movement and storage of energy and matter through living things and activities
unit of inherited material
individual living thing
group of individuals belonging to one species living in an area
group of populations of similar organisms that reproduce among themselves, but do not naturally reproduce with any other kinds of organisms
conduct research to better understand biodiversity, quantify its loss, and develop strategies for conserving and using it
Ecosystem services
all direct and indirect benefits that humans derive from organisms and ecosystem
provisioning services
provide raw materials
Ex. food, fuel, fiber and other materials, medicines, genetic resources
regulating services
part of Earth’s life-support system
Ex. climate moderation, soil formation, erosion control, O2 and CO2 regulation, water capture, water purification, air cleaning, flood control, storm mitigation, waste decomposition, bioremediation
cultural services
enrich quality of life
Ex. aesthetics, recreation, education, spiritual value, human mental and physical health
supporting services
enable all the other ecosystem services
Ex. primary productivity, nutrient cycling, pollination, biological control
existence value
economic value of a system and our willingness to mitigate biodiversity loss
threats to biodiversity
Habitat loss/alteration
Invasive species
Population (human): human population is growing exponentially at the same time there is a exponential decline in other animal populations
Climate change
Natural selection
results in allele frequencies changing from generation to generation according to the allele’s impact on the survival and reproduction of individuals
Brings about adaptations
Increases the frequency of advantageous mutations and decreases the frequency of deleterious (harmful) mutations
positive selection
increases the frequency of an advantageous allele
negative selection
decreases the frequency of a deleterious allele
balancing selection
acts to maintain two or more allele in a population
heterozygote advantage
when the heterozygote’s fitness is higher than that of either homozygotes, resulting in selection that ensures both alleles remain in the population at intermediate frequencies
stabilizing selection
intermediate phenotypes have a higher fitness than the extreme varieties, normal bell-shaped curve
Ex. from normal curve → normal curve (potentially increase in intermediate values
Ex. birth weight and child mortality
directional selection
individuals with one of the extreme phenotypes has a higher fitness than intermediate varieties
Ex. from normal curve → skewed distribution
Ex. peppered moths, from white spotted to black due to industrial revolution
sexual selection
disruptive (divergent) selection
both extreme phenotypes are favored at the expense of intermediate varieties, can facilitate speciation
Ex. from normal curve → bimodal shaped curve
Ex. stickleback fish, both large fish and small fish favored
sexual selection
promotes traits that increase an individual’s access to reproductive opportunities
intrasexual selection
focuses on interactions between individuals of one sex, as when members of one sex compete with one another for access to the other sex
intersexual selection
focuses on interactions between males and females, as when females choose from males
alternate versions of genes
Very, very small (<200 nm), microbe
Not a cell - genetic material (RNA or DNA) contained in a protein coat
Cannot reproduce independently
Do not contain ribosomes or generate ATP
Small, but bigger (200-1000 nm), microbe
Single cell - DNA and other contents enclosed by cell membrane and wall
Reproduce independently
Contain ribosomes and generate ATP
kill bacteria surrounded by a cell wall (by blocking how molecules in the cell-wall are linked together)
Penicillin and cephalosporin
affect bacterial ribosomes and prevent protein synthesis
breakdown bacterial DNA and prevent repair
ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin
antibiotic resistance
general means by which bacteria resist antibiotics
intrinsic resistance
acquired resistance
intrinsic resistance
resistance naturally coded and expressed by a bacterial species to a particular antibiotic, certain types of antibiotics work on certain types of antibiotics
gram staining
Gram positive bacteria- looks purple (adhering more of the dye), thick cell wall
Gram negative bacteria- looks pink, thin cell wall, antibiotic will not work for this bacteria
acquired resistance
genetic changes that lead to bacteria becoming resistant to an antibiotic
Germs develop new cell processes that avoid using the antibiotic’s target
Germs change or destroy the antibiotics with enzymes, proteins that break down the drug
Germs restrict access by changing the entryways or limiting the number of entryways
Germs change the antibiotic’s target so the drug can no longer fit and do its job
Germs get rid of antibiotic using pumps
change in the genetic composition (inherited traits) of a population from one generation to the next (modification)
Theory that all organisms on Earth are related by common ancestry and that they have changed over time (common descent)
when living organisms reproduce, they pass on to their progeny a collection of traits
pattern v. process
observed evolutionary change
mechanisms that produce observed patterns change
small changes in the gene pool of a population over successive generations
gene pool
all the genes in a population at a given time
mechanisms leading to evolutionary change
*all impacted by genetic variation
genetic drift
gene flow
differential success in reproduction of organisms carrying variations of a trait (non-random)
artificial selection
form of directional selection where given traits are selected for by humans
genetic variation
differences among individuals in their composition of genes and other DNA sequences due to mutation and gene transfer / sexual reproduction
inherited trait that enhances the fitness of an individual in a given environment
Types: structural, physiological, and behavioral
biological fitness
relative survival and reproduction of one variant compared to others in the same population, contribute the most to the gene pool
biological benefits
system stability
ecosystem productivity
system stability
diverse systems are more
resilient (speed of recovery after disturbances)
resistant (ability to absorb disturbances while retaining function)
ecosystem productivity
diverse systems have higher net primary productivity
Ex. more chemical energy, form of potential energy, in a system
typological thinking
organisms were created in a perfect way, unchanging, and not related
typological thinking and scale of nature
lower and higher organisms
change through time and scale of nature
organisms will gradually change through time depending on their environment `
darwin and wallace
change through time and common ancestry
organisms are related
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
curiosity in studying the natural world
voyage of the HMS Beagle (1831-1836): traveled to Galapagos islands with different ocean currents resulting in different landscapes / environments
darwin observations
different species are often similar, with slight variations in theme
Could figure out which island you were on based on the tortoises there, the tortoises were similar to the ones found in south africa
Marine iguanas only exist in the Galapagos islands
Even though he saw the patterns, he didn’t see the process of how change came about
Used pigeons to see how breeding different types resulted in variations
Selection leads to biological change
short term response to an environmental change
phenotypic plasticity
ability of individuals to alter its physiology, morphology, and/or behavior in response to a change in the environmental conditions
natural selection limitations
Selection is limited by historical and genetic constraints
No organisms is “perfectly” adapted
Favored traits are dependent on the environmental and temporal context
Adaptations are compromises
Not all traits are adaptive (i.e. just a by-product, result of history, an outdated adaptation)
Natural selection (evolution) does not have a goal
characteristic of an individual
blending inheritance
traits in the offspring resemble the average of those in the parents
X-linked genes
genes in the X chromosome
crisscross inheritance
pattern in which an X chromosome present in a male in one generation is transmitted to a female in the next generation, and in the generation after it can be transmitted back to a male
wild type
most common allele, genotype, or phenotype present in a population; non mutant
failure of a pair of chromosomes to separate normally during anaphase of cell division
trait characterized by excessive bleeding that results from a recessive mutation in a gene encoding a protein necessary for blood clotting
describes genes that are sufficiently close together in the same chromosome that they do not assort independently
non recombinant
descendant in which the alleles are present in the same combination as that present in a parent
offspring with a different combination of alleles from that of either parent, resulting from one or more crossovers in prophase I of meiosis
genetic map
diagram showing the relative positions of genes along a chromosome
map unit
one unit of distance, distance between genes resulting in 1% recombination
somatic mutations
mutation that occurs in somatic cells
germ-line mutations
mutation that occurs in eggs, sperm, or the cells that give rise to these reproductive cells and therefore is passed onto the next generation
neutral mutations
genetic changes that have no effect or negligible effects on the organism, or whose effects are not associated with differences in survival or reproduction
deleterious mutations
genetic changes that are harmful to an organism
advantageous mutations
genetic changes that improve their carriers’ chances of survival or reproduction
allele frequencies
proportion of a specified allele among all the alleles of a gene in a population
fixed population
in genetics, describes the situation in which all individuals in a population are homozygous for the same allele of a particular gene
genotype frequency
proportion of a specified genotype among all the genotypes for a particular gene or set of genes in a population
genetic drift
change in allele frequency due to chance, large effect in small populations
increases genetic variation
population bottleneck
an extreme, usually temporary, reduction in population size that may result in marked loss of genetic diversity and, in the process, genetic drift
founder event
type of genetic drift that occurs when only a few individuals establish a new population
movement of organisms from one place to another, including the movement of individuals from one population to another
Can result in gene flow
gene flow
movement of alleles from one population to another through interbreeding between members of each population
molecular evolution
evolution at the level of DNA, which in time results in the genetic divergence of populations
molecular clock
rate of consistency in molecular evolution, extent of genetic divergence at a gene in two taxa is thus a reflection of the time since the taxa last shared a common ancestor
Fast molecular clock is associated with a pseudogene
gene that is no longer functional
sources of genetic variation
altering gene number or position
formation of new alleles (mutation)
gene transfer / sexual reproduction (most common)
increasing genetic variation through sexual reproduction
mixing of genetic information from two games
independent assortment
random fertilization
crossing over in meiosis
human trait activity
based on the premise of discrete autosomal single gene traits and differences within the population
discrete traits
you either possess the trait or you do not
autosomal traits
not on a sex chromosome
discrete autosomal traits
yes or no trait found on a chromosome that is not the sex chromosome
trait limitations
Traits are not the product of a single gene
There can be more than two possible variations of a gene
Genes are not the sole determinants of traits
Different groups do not have different traits (genes), by race or familial history
single gene pattern
single gene is associated with a given outcome
autosomal with a dominant allele (Mendelian)
discrete traits shown through crosses to appear in the ratios that are consistent with single gene inheritance
incomplete dominance
heterozygous condition produces an intermediate trait, mixing of two parental phenotypes
White sheep and black sheep mate producing gray offspring
Orange bird hatchlings whose parents are red and yellow