Refers to the columnar arrangement of the articular portions of the cervical vertebrae.
Those parts of the lateral arches of the cervical vertebrae that contain a superior and inferior articular facet.
The circular movement of a limb.
The rotary movement by which a structure is made to describe a cone, the apex of the cone being a fixed point (e.g., the circular movement of the shoulder).
A form of eccentric contraction designed to break adhesions using an operator-induced force to lengthen the muscle.
The counterforce is greater than the patient force.
Change in the tension of a muscle without approximation of muscle origin and insertion.
Operator force equal to patient force.
Accepted universal term for backward motion of the spine in the sagittal plane about a transverse axis; in a vertebral unit when the superior part moves backward.
In extremities, it is the straightening of a curve or angle.
Archaic – Separation of the ends of a curve in a spinal region.
In manipulative technique, the precise positioning of the patient and vector application of forces required to produce a desired result.
The reference of a sensation to a particular locality in the body.
A term used to describe the impact of intrathoracic pressure changes on lymphatic flow. This was the name originally given to the thoracic pump technique before the more extensive physiologic effects of the technique were recognized.
A term coined by C. Earl Miller, DO.
The range of sagittal plane spinal positioning in which the first principle of physiologic motion of the spine applies.
The point of balance of an articular surface from which all the motions physiologic to that articulation may take place.
A technique that consists of intermittent compression of the thoracic cage.
Developed by C. Earl Miller, DO.
Somatic dysfunction characterized by a rib being held in a position of exhalation such that motion toward exhalation is more free and motion toward inhalation is restricted. Synonyms: caught in exhalation, exhalation rib dysfunction, inhalation rib restriction, depressed rib.
An anterior rib tender point in counterstrain.