organisms use energy to reproduce, grow, and maintain organization; different species have different adaptations for maintaining energy levels (and body temps.)
endotherms: use thermal energy generated from their metabolism to maintain body temp. (ex. mammals, birds)
ectotherms: do not have internal mechanisms for maintaining body temp.; absorb heat from the environment; their behaviors will change depending on their body temp. (ex. fish, reptiles, amphibians)
metabolic rate: the total amount of energy an organism uses per unit of time
net energy gain: can result in energy storage (ex. fat tissues of animals)
net energy loss: can result in loss of mass or death of organism
changes in energy availability can affect population sizes (less energy = smaller population supported)
trophic levels: represent steps in the food and energy transfers between organisms in an ecosystem
food chains: show the transfer of energy between trophic levels; direction of arrows in food chain show direction of energy flow between organisms
food webs: show the interconnections between organisms in different food chains; provide a more complete representation of energy transfers in ecosystems
kleptoplasty: an unusual strategy for obtaining energy; when a heterotroph consumes an autotroph that it uses as a food source but then removes the chloroplasts from the autotroph’s cells to incorporate them into their own cells
energy is lost as it moves through trophic levels; it can be lost as heat or being consumed for necessary metabolic processes in organisms
bottom-up regulation: in which the population size of producers decreases, so the population of subsequent (higher) trophic levels also decreases
top-down regulation: when animals at higher trophic levels limit population sizes at lower levels
availability of food and energy resources affects organisms’ reproductive strategies
population: made up of individual organisms that interact with one another and with their environment in complex ways
population growth rates are calculated as the change in population size over the change in population time: dN / dt
some populations eventually exceed the resources of their environment, meaning the growth is limited by resource availability
community: a group of interacting populations living in the same habitat; described by their species composition and species diversity
simpson’s diversity index: way of representing species diversity with the following equation:
interactions can change over time
competition: organisms compete for resources (ex. food, habitats, mates)
predator/prey: predator species eat prey species and depend upon prey populations for food
niche partitioning: competing species may coexist if they use the resources available in their habitats differently
trophic cascades: refers to the far-reaching effects of the reduction of one trophic level in a food web
parasitism: a symbiotic relationship where one species benefits from the relationship but the other is harmed; negative relationship
commensalism: one species benefits and the other species neither benefits nor is harmed by the relationship; neutral relationship
mutualism: both species benefit from the given relationship between them; positive relationship