Studies that work for each of the questions
Describe the use of one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior
Explain one example of localization of function in the brain
Outline how one study demonstrates localization of function in the brain
Explain one example of neuroplasticity
Explain how one study demonstrates neuroplasticity
Explain the effect of one neurotransmitter on behavior
Describe how one example illustrates the effect of neurotransmitters on human behavior
Explain the role of antagonists with reference to one study
Explain the formation of neural networks with the use of one study
Explain how neural networks are formed
Explain neural pruning with reference to one study
Explain the role of one agonist with reference to one study
Outline one example of how an agonist and/or antagonist may affect a neurotransmitters influence on behavior
Explain the role of inhibitory or excitatory synapses in one behavior
Outline one example of an excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitter
Explain how excitatory and/or inhibitory neurons affect human behavior
Outline one study related to pheromones and behavior
Explain one example of how human behavior may be influenced by pheromones
Outline one study related to the study of genes and behavior
Explain how genes may affect one behavior
Explain how genetic similarities are used in studies on genes and behavior (?)
Describe one example of a twin or kinship study
Explain how twin and/or kinship studies are used to understand the effects of genes on behavior
Describe one evolutionary explanation of behavior (?)
Explain the use of kinship studies or twin studies in the study of inheritance of behavior, making use of one study
Outline one ethical consideration related to studies on the brain behavior
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to studies on hormones and/or pheromones and behavior
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study on genetics and behavior
Outline one ethical consideration related to studies in the biological approach to understanding human behavior