Reasons for French and Indian War
French in Canada2. Fur trade3. Coureur de bois (runners of the woods)4. Prior Conflictsa. King Williams Warb. Queen Anne's Warc. King George's War
Spark of French and Indian War
VA Landowners make claim in 1749French Fort DuquesneLoss of Fort Necessity
Albany Congress
Called by Crown in 17547/13 colonies send delegatesBen Franklin served as leader Albany Plan of Union
Albany Plan of Union
Attempt to set up layered government in coloniesNo colonial assemblies agreed to itCrown suggested body of one representative from each colony, not acceptedColonies preferred to have red coats fight rather than unite for defense
Effects of Peace of Paris 1763
Colonial resentmentPontiae Rebellion in 1763 (British troops return) Proclamation line of 1763Colonies to be taxed for defense Growth of colonial unityBritish resentment of colonies
Calvinism and Pilgrims
Gained a charter in New World, landed outside of VA Company territory, become squatters in PlymouthMayflower compact
Mayflower Compact
Agreement to form crude, democratic governmentLed tone meetings, law making, self governmentWilliam Bradford- 1st governor
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Formed in 1629 by Joint Stock Co.Less radical separatistsRoyal charter, supported by KingBoston becomes hubJohn Winthrop- 1st GovernorEconomy based on fur-trading, ship building, fishing
Life and Religion in Massachusetts Bay Colony
Purpose of Government- enforce God's LawsNot true democracy "if the people should be governors, who should be governedFreeman (adult males who belonged to the Puritan "Congregation") only elected 'visible saints'
Trouble in Massachusetts Bay Colony
Persecution on QuakersAnne Hutchinson- antinomianism(opposed predestination)Roger Williams
"Rogue's" Island
Rhode Island created by Roger WilliamsExtreme separatists- government should not regulate religionFreedom of religionCalled a sewer by clergy- haven for those w/ nowhere else to goGranted charter in 1644
King Philips War
Native Americans last attempt to avoid recognizing English authority14 months kingLack of unity between NA'sUnity between colonists
Thomas Hooker and Puritans found Hartford in 1635Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FIRST CONSTITUTION GOVERNMENT)New Haven was originally independent, merged in 1662
Glorious Revolution
War in England that gave thrown to William II, Prince of Orange and Mary IIParliament given majority of powerNo catholic could be a monarchParliament > King
New England Confederation
Alliance between Plymouth, Connecticut, New Haven (New Hampshire was rejected)- feared NA's, Dutch, and FrenchRepresentative body, FIRST TIME COLONIES JOINED FOR MUTUAL PROTECTION
English Civil War
Charles I vs Parliament, over religious freedoms, the Magna Carta (FIRST LIMIT TO A MONARCHS POWER), English common lawCharles was executed
Dominion of New England
Mega colony of NE ConfederationBanned by EnglandNavigation Laws and heavy taxes enforced by Sir Edmund Edwards
Sir Edmund Andros
Governor of Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and MarylandAnglicanEnforced Navigation Acts
Navigation Laws
Restrictions on colonial trade-only english imports-only export goods to England
Explore2. Establish a colony3. Establish favorable balance of trade
Salutary Neglect
England turned a blind eye towards the colonies, had little control, takes were lower, navigation laws weren't enforcedbeginnings of self governance
New Netherlands/Amsterdam/York
Colony established by Dutch, Britain took controlSubject of Native American attacks, control briefly returned to Dutch1st colony to control Royal Charter
Penn's Woodland
Quakers, wouldn't pay taxes to established church, no oaths, persecutedFounded Pennsylvania
Townsend Acts 1767
Import takes put on glass, white lead, paper, paint and teasAngered colonists (lack of representation and taxes were used to pay royal governors)Increase in colonist paranoiaEncouraged smuggling2 British regiments were brought to control colonists
Government w/ elected officialsRid system of greed and corruptionCivic responsibility- set aside selfish interests
Group within parliament that opposed kings treatment of colonies (loyal opposition)
Sugar Act of 1764
Tax on sugar and molassesGovernor illegally raided taxesUnrest among colonistsShips were seized, hampered maritime trade
Quartering Act of 1765
Colonists forced to build barracked for redcoats or house themReduced British expenses
Stamp Act of 1765
Taxed paper goods, inspired unityStamp Act Congress
Stamp Act Congress
Continental congress that opposed stamp actApproved Rights and Grievances10 colonies and 27 representatives
Admiralty Courts
System to enforce Navigation ActsNo jury, guilty until proven innocent, defendants represented themselves
Legislate vs. Tax
Parliament governed and taxed coloniesColonists accepted legislation, opposed taxes w/o representation
No taxation without representation
No Americans in parliament, didn't believe in parliaments right to tax
Non-Impotation Agreements 1765-1775
Colonial refusal to import British goods
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Patriotic AmericansViolent radicalsProtested British rule
Declaratory Act
"Britain has authority to tax colonies"Reserve right to tax after they repealed Stamp Act
Boston Massacre
Red coats fired on rowdy colonists, who were antagonizing the troops11 casualties
Committees of Correspondence
Started by Sam Adam, spread spirit of resistance
George III
Tyrannical King during revolution who surrounded himself with "yes men"
Lord North
George III's prime ministerRepealed Townsend Acts
Boston Tea Party
Thomas Hutchinson: Governor of MassachusettsBritish East India Company gained monopoly over tea sales in the coloniesShowed solidarity w/ tea merchants
Intolerable Acts
As punishment for the Boston Tea Party, the Boston harbor was closed
Quebec Act
1774British needed to regulate French Canadians after they acquired French landAllowed French to practice Catholicism, French people could return to original land
First Continental Congress
PhiladelphiaRepresentative body of colonies12/13 colonies attendedResponse to intolerable acts because they believe British violated their rights
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Soldiers sent to seize storesAmerican minutemen forced British retreat70 redcoats killed
British Strengths in Revolutionary War
60000 troops along w/ hessian troopsStrongest navy in the worldResources for war
Colonial Strengths in Rev. War
DefensiveFighting for a causeLess dependent on BritainFrench allianceLeadership
Second Continental Congress
Philadelphia, 1775All 13 colonies were presentCongress was still on the conservative side, didnt want independence yetNew list of appeals, all rejectedSent Olive Branch PetitionTried to raise money for defenseElected John Hancock as leader
Olive Branch Petition
Colonists wanted same rights and British citizensIgnored
Ticonderoga and Crown Point
Benjamin Arnold and Ethan AllenSeizing of British fortAllen's troops captured near crown point
Bunker Hill
Major battle in 1775 in Boston, British won but suffered double the casualties
Common Sense
Pamphlet written by Thomas pain as an appeal to the middle classSpread liberal/radical ideas as well as political and religious ideasClarified ideas of revolution and claimed the time was nowVery effective
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
Life is nasty, brutish and shirtMost natural form of government is and absolute monarchy
Stability and securityBetter to be feared than lovedEnds justify the means
John Locke
tabula rasa (blank slate)Social contract/natural rights
Social Contract
Life, liberty, and propertyPromise to protect others life liberty and propertyGovernment to protect citizens life liberty and property
Citizens willingly subordinate private and social interests to the common goofedDependent on virtue of citizens
"We are born free and everywhere in chains"The general willPopular sovereignty
checks and balances
Adam Smith
Wealth of nations-1776Natural laws of economicsSupply and demand, competition, laissez faire, invisible hand
Runaway republicanism- everyone is equal
Runaway Republicanism
Everyone is totally equal, fear that masses aren't smart enough to have political control
unbrideld democracy
Free market, citizen controlled
Concept that oldest son would inherit everything, not practiced in America
Episcopal Church
Anglican Church in America, disestablished in colonies due to separation of church and stateWeren't close enough to authority
Civic virtue
Success depends on selflessness, LockianRepublican Motherhood, lots of kids and teach them to practice civic virtue
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Chartered government to admit states into union and use money to settle French and national debt
Land Ordinance of 1785
Red letter law, splitting up land, townships to be 36 square miles, benefit of public schoolsStates persuaded to drop claims to land in Northwest territoryOnce a region achieved a population of 60000 it could apply for statehood
Articles of Confederation
Drafted before Independence in 1781, ratified by all 13 colonies. Loosely formed group of states, doomed to fail. Frame work, no balance or executive branch, states were essentially independent from one another
British Commerce
Colonies had rocky foreign relations and Britain refused to revoke navigation acts
French Loan
Hurt both economics, both countries went into debt
Dey of Algiers
Pirate from North Africa, America had no navy. America sent merchant ships that were captured and prevented trade in the Mediterranean
King Congress
Congress was unsure how to collect money. States levied heavy taxes on one another. As paper money continued to depreciate interstate trade was hindered.
Shays' Rebellion
Veterans turned farmers were losing land in Massachusetts. Daniel Shays led a rebellion, disbanded by Massachusetts authority
Cheap paper money
Lower interest rates, help economic growth, national currency
Lawless control of public affairs by the populace.
Convention of Demigods (Constitutional Convention)
Convention in Philadelphia sparked by inability to control commerce. Convention was saved by Alexander Hamilton
Sword of the Revolution
Washington was unanimously voted leader of the Constitutional Convention
Father of the Constitution
James Madison because of his significant contributions
"Fear occupied the 56th Chair" @ Constitutional Convention
Things like the pirate Dey of Algiers, Daniel Shays, and the continued enforcement of the navigation laws proved to be an invincible founding father as the attendees sought to protect republicanism
Virginia Plan
Representation based on population, became the House
New Jersey Plan
Equal representation, each state had one voteBecame senate
Great Compromise
Congress would be divided into two houses, the House (representation based on population) and the Senate (equal representation for the states)
Electoral College
indirect method of election for presidentWithout majority the election would be decided by Congress
3/5 Compromise
Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person when determining population
Democratic Babblers
Universal male suffrage should be feared
strong central government, led by Hamilton
Strong state government, led by Jefferson
4 Main Cities of Colonies
New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, Boston
Pennsylvania Dutch
Lutheran Dutch who settled in Pennsylvania, 1/3 of colonies population was German
Regulator Movement
Small insurrection against affairs of Eastern colonies, small towns didnt like wealthy city dwellers
56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence
18 were not english, 8 hadn't been born in colonies
Landownership in Boston and Philadelphia
10% owned 2/3 of taxable wealth
Jayle Birds
Popular term for convicted criminals dumped on colonies by British authorities
Ministers, physicians, lawyers
ministers- most honored positionPhysicians- poorly trained, didnt garner much respectLawyers- considered noisy trouble makers
Percent of colonies working in agriculture
Dried cod
Important export, sent to catholic countries in Europe
Murdering carpenters
Carpenter charged w/ murder was released because his wood working skills were needed
1733 Molasses Act
Aimed at cutting of colonial trade w/ French West Indies
2 established churches
Or tax supported, in 1775 were Anglican and Congregational