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 Theory of the transmission of the original sin 

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 Theory of the transmission of the original sin 

The original sin committed by Adam and Eve is passed down to all of humanity, resulting in our inherent imperfection and divided will. Augustine’s theory states that it is transmitted through sexual reproduction and this sin results in a state of guilt and tendency to sin that requires divine grace for redemption. Texts: Confessions (p.397-400) and City of God (p.413-427) by Augustine

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Four cardinal virtues 

Coined by Plato, highlighted by Augustine: temperance, prudence, justice, courage. Augustine argues against Greek values claiming that these 4 virtues can lead to happiness in life and deems it arrogant to believe that man can find the Ultimate Good and obtain happiness with their own efforts.Texts: City of God by Augustine (p.426)

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A Christian biography that is written about the life of a saint and used as a model of Christian behavior, but often used for political and religious agendas, e.g. Sulpicius Severus’ biography on Saint Martin. Texts: Life of Saint Martin of Tours by Sulpicius Severus

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The belief that God’s will and guidance are present in all events, whether good or bad. An idea highlighted by Augustine, e.g. the fall of Rome was was integrated into this divine plan and meant to serve a higher purpose that may not be immediately evident to humans. Texts: City of God by Augustine

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Idea that Christ and God are different beings because God created Christ. Many Christians fought against because it denies the divinity of Christ. Texts: Life of Constantine by Eusebius, Life of Saint Martin of Tours by Sulpicius Severus

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Ancient belief system characterized by its emphasis on the distinction between good and evil, specifically them being opposites. Augustine followed this belief until he began believing that evil is the absence of good. Texts: Confessions by Augustine (p.397-400)

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A way of life where an individual completely devotes themselves to God. The first monastic communities in Rome (Ligugé and Marmoutiers) were established by Saint Martin. Four types of monks: cenobites (most stable/disciplined), anchorites (lone monks), sarabaites (lack discipline), and gyrovagues (lack stability/discipline). Texts: Life of Saint Martin of Tours by Sulpicius Severus, The Rule of St. Benedict by Benedict of Nursia

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A body part or sacred item of a Saint that is shown veneration by the Catholic church. St. Louis bought many for St. Chapelle church in 1241. Texts: A Treatise About Relics by Jean Calvin, On Christian Liberty by Martin Luther

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A religious campaign initiated by the Church and sanctioned by the Pope by granting indulgences (i.e. promised spiritual rewards) to participants that aimed to recapture Jerusalem and other holy sites from Muslim control. Texts:
“Preaching the Crusades” by Jonathan Riley-Smith, A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem by Fulcher of Chartres, The Jews and the Crusaders by Solomon Bar Simson

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A political and social system based on exchange of land for military service and loyalty. Vassals swear loyalty and, if a vassal is attacked, it is the duty of the lord to protect that vassal. Similarities in the Franks and Muslims (Saracens) feudal systems highlight how the only difference between the two is religion. Texts: the Song of Roland

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Medieval philosophy that integrated Christian theology with classical philosophy, e.g. Aristotle, to show how reason and logic can be used to systematically analyze and defend religious doctrines. This method was used by Thomas Aquinas. Texts: Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas

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Renaissance movement that placed human beings at the center of inquiry, not God or the Church, while reviving classical learning, therefore, man can play an active and decisive role in the world. Texts: Oration on the Dignity of Man by Pico della Mirandola, Letter on Dialectic by Petrarca

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Free Will 

Notion that humans have the ability to ascend or descend (man can decided what we want to become). This idea contradicts Augustinian theology and supports humanist ideology. Virtues and angels associated: seraphim (charity), cherubim (intelligence), and throne (justice). Texts: Oration on the Dignity of Man by Pico della Mirandola

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Virtue and Fortune 

Virtue = man’s free will/ability to keep power; Fortune = the uncontrollable forces of nature (heavily talked about in regards to Cesare Borgia’s success AND downfall). Cesare Borgia rose to power due to fortune, kept power due to virtue, and lost power due to a mix of both. Texts: The Prince by Machiavelli

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Refers to the emphasis on having practical and historical knowledge. Machiavelli (practical) used examples in his past to illustrate his points and contrasted his personal knowledge from experience with that of abstract concepts in his works. Montaigne (historical) showed deep introspection in his Essays that is derived from his personal experiences and experiences of other cultures which serve as a foundation for his philosophical findings. Montaigne also suggests that experiences are very relative and can be interpreted differently, e.g. in the Debate of Valladolid. Texts: The Prince by Machiavelli and Essays by Montaigne

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Sola fides and works 

translates to Only Faith and describes how the inner man or soul is justified only by faith to Christian liberty, therefore, to grow in faith one must read the Bible and grow knowledge of Christ. States that doing good works will not guarantee a spot in heaven, and good works are those done with absolute faith and without the expectation of reward (different from Catholicism and an aspect of protestantism. Texts: On Christian Liberty by Martin Luther

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Saint Bartholomew 

Often depicted in Christian art during the Renaissance and the name of an important feast day in the Catholic Church. Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (August 1572): mass assassination of Huguenot leaders (French Protestants). Texts: - Francois Dubois’s painting

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Group of theorists that believed resistance and disobedience against monarchs is justifiable, using the sacred Word, if a monarchy is not faithful to God. Texts: Vindiciae contra Tyrannos by Philippe Duplessis-Mornay

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Edict of Nantes 

Declaration that ended the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598), and gave rights to Protestants in hope of reconciliation with Catholics and a period of religious tolerance. Lasted < 20 year. Texts: Edict of Nantes

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Notion coined by Michel de Montaigne and is defined as an attempt to convey one’s thoughts on a topic through writing. These embody humanism because man is at the center of the enterprise. Texts: Essays by Michel de Montaigne

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Cultural Relativism 

Analyzing a culture based on the context of their situation and environment. Montaigne did this with the Native Americans by analyzing cannibalism, showing how they are equal to Europeans (one culture is not superior to another). “each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practice.” Texts: Of Cannibals by Montaigne

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