🌱GenBio Q1 W1: The Study of Life


- is the study of living organisms and its environment. Studying it helps us understand the functions and reactions of your body. It explains the differences and similarities of every organisms. Thus, helps you to: Think critically, Make informed choices, Solve Problems.

Hypothesis-driven science

- Is a formal process of inquiry that isolates variables (control, independent variable, response, dependent variable). The question is asked first. Hypothesis is based on previous knowledge. Question Hypothesis comes BEFORE the actual experiment and observation.

Deductive reasoning:

- general to specific. Top down approach. From general observations to a specific expected results. Follows a formal process.

Inductive reasoning:

- specific to general


- must be verifiable. It can be measured and observe.

Discovery-Based Science

- Discovery-based science relies mainly on verifiable observations and measurements.


- science involves the use of the scientific method, which is used as a guide by biologists in solving problems.


- A belief that life originates from nonliving matter. Also know as spontaneous generation. Proposed by Aristotle in the 4th century until 17th century Flies from cattle manure, mice from wheat, maggots from decaying meat, fish from mud, and lice from sweat.


- A belief that life originates from preexisting life. Proven through the following experiments:

1. Redi’s Experiment - Italian Physician

2. Needham’s Experiment - English Priest

3. Spallanzani's Experiment- Italian Scientist

4. Pasteur's Experiment- French Chemist


- is an oldest hypothesis that life came from a divine being. That everything in the universe were created through a supernatural power rather than naturalistic means.


-That everything was made within the six-day period.


- believe that life arose outside Earth and life forms were transported from another planet to serve as seed of life on Earth.

Meteor or Cosmic Dust

may have carried to Earth significant amounts of organic molecules, which started the evolution of life.


-Swedish scientist who popularized panspermia

Movement – they move or change position

Respiration – they get energy from their food

Sensitivity – they respond to stimuli such as light, sound, temperature

Growth – they grow and develop

Reproduction – they have the ability to reproduce

Excretion – they get rid of waste products

Nutrition – they need food for energy

Non-living organisms characteristics


-Not responding to stimuli

-Growth by accretion

-Lack of reproduction

-Lack of metabolism

-Lack of cell organization +

-Not capable of adapting +

-Lack of life cycle +


  • Cell structure and function

  • Reproduction

  • Metabolism

  • Homeostasis

  • Heredity

  • Evolution

  • Interdependence


is a fascinating field to study and even attain a career in. Studying the molecular nature, physiological mechanisms, evolution, and physical structure of life and living organisms is compelling, especially if you’re able to earn a living doing this. And believe it or not, there is a career in this area, but don’t think you’ll be spending the next 23 years confined to a laboratory all day long.
