Media Literacy Ultimate "Alien Approved" Instant Memorization Study Guide GG

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Amazing American Literature with THE Mr. Torres a.k.a THE GOAT

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Wrong info, may intended to deceive or may not, we don't know yet

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Wrong info, its intentionally wrong

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Additional sources that back up/support a claim

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Lateral reading

Seeing if something is credible by checking multiple sources to validate a claim

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Alex Jones

Example of Disinformation for money

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Cognitive Bias

Limitations in our thinking by perceiving information through our personal experiences and preferences

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Confirmation Bias

A tendency to interpret and favor information that confirms our beliefs and we reject information that challenges these beliefs

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Filter Bubble

when your social media feed and what you see online only align with your existing beliefs and experiences

  • Leads to Polarization and Radicalization

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News Cycle

News that is "trending" during a certain time period, usually follows the same "pattern" or "cycle" everytime

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School Shooting Cycle

Example of a news cycle

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The general thesis of a story of set of stories When you look at this, you want to consider the biases that form it

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How a story is set up

  • what gives rise to a story

  • what is included in the story

  • what is not included in the story there is always bias included with this

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Echo chamber

News outlets echoing each other's stories

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smaller government, traditional family values, individual responsibility over social programs, more business oriented, environmentalism not a priority, foreign policy hawks but changing towards isolationism

Conservative Republican beliefs (6)

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good government, inclusive families, social programs>individual responsibility, less business oriented, environmentalism is a priority, foreign policy doves but changing towards interventionalist

Liberal Democrat beliefs (6)

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Stop, Investigate the source, Find better coverage, Trace claims back to original context

SIFT stands for

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At&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, Newscorp, Viacom

The Big Six

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what percent of the media does the "big six" control

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