Multi-Store Memory Model
Theory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968.
The model suggests that our memory consists of separate components in which information is processed.
Sequential and works in a single uniform way.
Sensory Information —> Sensory Memory
Sensory Memory —> Short-Term Memory
Short-Term Memory —> Long-Term Memory
Sensory Memory
Memory originated from information processed by the 5 senses:
Short-Term Memory (STM)
Transferred from sensory memory with the help of selective attention.
Capacity = 7+2 Items
Duration = 6-18 Seconds
Long-Term Memory (LTM)
Transferred from short-term memory with help of rehearsal.
Capacity = Unlimited
Duration = Lifelong
Miller (1956)
Study that shows the 7+ capacity of the short-term memory.