What is money?
The transaction accounts are part of the money supply as measured by M1 and M2, meaning that the money supply is increased when banks make loans with their excess reserves.
The money expansion process leads to banks creating transaction account money by using their reserves to make loans or buy investments. The money deposited into transaction accounts is part of the money supply.
Change in money supply = Money Multiplier * change in bank reserves
A counterfeit amount of money is able to lead to significant change in the money supply because of the monetary expansion process.
With more reserves in the banking system, loans and investment increase and the money supply expands. With fewer reserves, loans and investments contract and the money supply decreases by a multiple of the initial change in reserves.
Monetary base: is bank reserves plus currency in circulation. To change the money supply, the Fed changes the monetary base by altering bank reserves and then the money supply changes by a multiple of the change in the monetary base.
Policy tools of the Fed:
Fed could raise or lower the reserve requirements for depository institutions. If reserve requirement was lowered, banks would have excess reserves and could make more loans and investments. This would increase the money supply. To decrease money supply, the Fed would raise reserve requirements.
Another policy tools involves discount rate. Discount rate is the rate of interest the Fed charges when it makes loans to depository institutions. Fed charges banks a low rate of interest on the loans it makes.
More banks are encouraged to borrow with the Fed discount rate.
Money multiplier = 1/Reserve Requirement
Change in money supply = Money Multiplier * change in bank reserves
When the government issues security to the lender that states the amount of the loan, the rate of interest and the length of the loan.
^^Secondary market:^^ the lender need not hold the government security until it matures, at the time the kender may sell the government security to another investor.
Lenders aiming to sell government securities that have a relatively high rate of interest attached to them will experience a profit in the secondary market. However, those with low rates will experience a loss.
The Fed participates in the secondary market for government securities in order to change the money supply.
If the Fed wanted to decrease the money supply, it would sell securities in the secondary market.