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What to Look for in research
Is there a clearly defined question?
Is the population/diagnosis stated?
Is the treatment clear?
Is there a clear description of study participants?
How many? Within what age range? What other demographic details are available (e.g., race, gender)? With what condition?
Is there a clear description of the materials and/or equipment used in the study?
Are the results of the study indicated in clear tables and figures?
Where to find “Is there a clearly defined question? Is the population diagnosis stated? Is the type of treatment clear?”
Title, Abstract and Introduction (usually the last sentence in this section.
Where to find “Is there a clear description of the study participants? How many? Within what age range? What other demographic details are available (e.g., race, gender)? With what condition?
APA Formatting
Reference list component
APA Website
UCF-Based APA Guide
Anatomy of APA References for Journal Articles
Author, A.A., & Author, B.B, & Author, C.C (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy
Clinical Applications: Neurogenic Speech Disorders Outline
Subsystems of speech and vocalization
Subcortical and cortical structures of speech and vocalization
Neuroscience of speech disorders
Neurological Underpinnings of Speech and Vocalization
Neuroscience is a key element of all subsystems of speech and vocalization
What are all the subsystems of speech and vocalization?
Respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation
Respiratory Subsystem
Phonatory Subsystem
Resonance Subsystem
Articulatory Subsystem
Speech disorders
Motor speech disorders
Apraxia of speech
Other speech disorders
Neurological speech disorders associated with one (or more) of the following:
Involuntary movements
Altered muscle tone
Lower Motor Neuron lesion location
peripheral nerve, cranial nerve motor nuclei and spinal ventral gray
Lower Motor Neuron pathology
bell’s palsy, peripheral nerve lesion, gullain barne syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Lower motor neuron muscle tone
hypotonia and flaccidity
Lower motor neuron reflex activity
absent or decreased reflexes and no pathologic reflexes present
Lower motor neuron voluntary movement
fine and gross movement impaired individual or groups of muscles affected