The process of using knowledge and information to apply it to different situations.
The process of making option.
Dual-Process Model
A model that suggests two systems of thinking:
System 1 - Intuitive
System 2 - Rational
System 1
Inuitive Thinking
A fast-paced system that uses heuristics and mental shortcuts. This way of thinking is more prone to errors.
System 2
Rational Thinking
A system that takes all possibilites into consideration, and carefully with time, eliminates several to come to the best solution.
Anchoring Bias
A bias that suggests that the first piece of information recieved influences the next decision.
Englich and Mussweiler (2001)
Study that shows that the anchoring bias has an effect in determining sentences in courtrooms.
Tversky and Kahneman (1974)
Study that shows the anchoring bias has an effect in mathematics.