24th of October 1929
Wall Street Crash, Black Thursday
29th of October 1929
Worst day of the crash
1929 – 1932
Spread of the economic crisis to the whole country
Half of American banks were closed and Start of the Great Depression
1933 (Europe)
17 million of unemployed people (excluding short time staff)
1928 – 1933
Presidency of Herbert Hoover
November 1932
election of Franklin D. Roosevelt
7th of March 1932
Dearborn Massacre
1933 New Deal
aimed to create jobs
Agricultural adjustment Act
1933, Compensation for indebted farmers
Civilian Conservation Corps
1933, provided work, a shelter, food and education to young, unmarried and unemployed men. They participated in the management of national parks with contracts ranging from 6 months to 2 years. 3 million took part.
Tennessee Valley Authority
1933, economic development of this poor region through the supply of electricity, extraction of natural resources.
1935 New Deal
aimed to redistribute wealth and support the poor
Works Progress Administration
1935, largest administration created under the New Deal. It gave work to the unemployed. The latter participated in the construction of road infrastructures and buildings. Up to 8,5 million benefited.
National Industrial Recovery Act.
1935, set out a minimum wage and established a “code of conduct” in companies.
Social Security Act
1935, instituted unemployment benefit.
National Labor Relations Act or Wagner Act
1935, gave employees the right to assemble into unions, to participate in strikes.
From 1931
effect of the 1929 US crisis in France
6th of February 1934
The far-right wing demonstrated its hostility to the republican regime and rise of the far-right. Almost led to a coup.
1936 France
workers’ strikes in factories and Fêtes joyeuses before and after the presidential elections
4th of June 1936
Léon Blum was appointed President of the council of the government of the Third Republic until April 1938
7th to 8th of June 1936
Matignon Agreements
Matignon Agreements
increase in worker’s wages from 15% to 7%, freedom of association, right to strike without consequences, implementation of collective agreements in companies with a representative body that determines rules related to working conditions, 2 weeks of paid leave per year, work week reduced from 48 to 40 hours, creation of the SNCF (effective in 1937)
July 1933
London economic conference
1910 Japan
Korea became a japanese territory
1931 Japan
Japan invaded Mandchuria, in China. It became a puppet state and was like a colony.