APUSH - Period 4 (1800-1848)

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Louisiana Purchase

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Louisiana Purchase

The acquisition of the Louisiana Territory from France by the United States in 1803, doubling the size of the country and removing European presence from its borders.

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Constitutional Predicament

The dilemma faced by President Jefferson regarding the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, as it raised questions about the Constitution's interpretation and the president's power to acquire foreign land.

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Judicial Review

The power of the Supreme Court to review and potentially invalidate laws or actions of the other branches of government if they are deemed unconstitutional, established in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (1803).

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Lewis & Clark Expedition

A scientific exploration led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, commissioned by Jefferson to map out the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and establish US claims to the Oregon Territory.

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Battle of Tippecanoe

A significant battle in 1811 where General Harrison defeated the Shawnee Confederacy, led by Tecumseh and the Prophet, preventing their united resistance against American settlers.

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War Hawks

A group of young Democratic Republicans advocating for war with Britain in the early 19th century, aiming to defend American honor, gain Canada, and eliminate American Indian resistance on the frontier.

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Embargo Act of 1807

Legislation passed by Jefferson prohibiting American merchant ships from trading with foreign ports, aimed at pressuring Britain and France to respect US neutral rights but ultimately causing economic hardship and leading to its repeal in 1809.

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The practice of the British Navy forcibly recruiting American sailors into service, a major grievance that contributed to tensions leading to the War of 1812.

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Frontier Pressure & Native Americans

The increasing conflicts between American settlers and Native American tribes, exacerbated by British support, culminating in events like the Battle of Tippecanoe and contributing to the War of 1812.

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Supporters vs

The division between regions and political factions in the US regarding the decision to go to war with Britain, with supporters seeking to stop impressment and expand US territory, while opponents, especially in New England, feared economic repercussions and saw the war as a Democratic Republican scheme.

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Treaty of Ghent

Formed in 1814 to halt the War of 1812, returning conquered territory to the US and establishing the boundary between Canada and the United States.

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Hartford Convention

Special convention in 1814 in CT to discuss New England's opposition to the War of 1812 and the growing power of the Democratic-Republicans.

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War of 1812 Legacy

Showed America's resilience, led to defeat of Federalist Party, and set the stage for future issues like nullification and secession.

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Nationalism, Regionalism, & Politics up to 1828

Emergence of a new national culture, economic advancements, debates over unifying policies like the American System, and expansionist foreign policy.

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James Monroe & the Era of Good Feelings

Monroe's presidency post-War of 1812, marked by nationalism, unity, and the acquisition of Florida, the Missouri Compromise, and the Monroe Doctrine.

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Henry Clay & the American System

Clay's economic plan including protective tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements to boost American economy.

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Tariff of 1816

First protective tariff in US history, aimed to protect American manufacturers from British competition post-War of 1812.

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Changes to First Party System

Federalist Party declined due to opposition to War of 1812, while Democratic-Republicans faced internal divisions over national issues.

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Marshall Court Rulings

Chief Justice Marshall's decisions strengthened federal government power, including cases like Fletcher v. Peck, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden.

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Western Settlement Factors

Increased land opportunities, defeat of Native Americans, economic growth, and scientific advancements led to western expansion.

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Missouri Compromise

Addressed the issue of slavery in new territories, involving the Tallmadge Amendment and Henry Clay's proposal to maintain sectional balance.

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Rush Bagot Agreement

1819 pact limiting naval armament on the Great Lakes and establishing the longest unfortified border between the US and Canada.

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Adams-Onis Treaty

1819 treaty where Spain ceded Florida to the US, settled border disputes, and established US claims in the Western Hemisphere.

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Treaty of 1818

Agreement between the US and Britain establishing fishing rights off Newfoundland, joint occupation of Oregon territory, and setting the northern limits of the LA territory at the 49th parallel.

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Monroe Doctrine

Policy by President Monroe in 1823 declaring non-intervention by European powers in the Western Hemisphere and warning against colonization or interference.

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Market Revolution

Transformation in the American economy driven by technological innovations, transportation advancements, and the shift towards market-based production and commerce.

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Transportation Revolution

Expansion of transportation systems like canals, roads, steamboats, and railroads that connected regions, boosted manufacturing, and facilitated economic growth.

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Eli Whitney's cotton gin

Invention in 1793 that revolutionized cotton production, making it more efficient and profitable, leading to increased cotton cultivation and economic growth in the South.

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Factory system & Textile Mills

Introduction of factory production and textile mills in the US, spurred by Samuel Slater's knowledge from Britain, leading to domestic manufacturing growth and economic prosperity.

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Innovations & Patents

Development of technologies like interchangeable parts, telegraph, and transportation systems, supported by patents, that enhanced communication, transportation, and interconnectedness of cities.

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Agricultural Inventions

Innovations like the cotton gin, steel plow, and mechanical reaper that increased agricultural efficiency, boosted production, and shifted farming practices towards cash crops.

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Entrepreneurs, Capital, & Market Incentive

Role of entrepreneurs in driving economic growth, aided by laws facilitating business incorporation and raising capital, leading to the expansion of markets and industries.

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Women & Family Roles

Impact of the Market Revolution on women's roles, leading to urban employment, changes in family dynamics, and limited legal rights for women.

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Economic & Social Mobility / Growth of Middle Class

Effects of the Market Revolution on economic opportunities, social mobility, and the emergence of a middle class in the US.

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Evolution of slavery in the 19th century, influenced by economic factors like the growth of cotton production, expansion into new states, and differing practices between North and South.

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Growth of Trade Unions

Rise of trade unions in response to poor working conditions, low pay, and long hours in factories, aiming to improve labor conditions and reduce work hours.

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US Government Legislation & Rulings

Supportive laws and rulings by the US government, such as protective tariffs and court decisions like Commonwealth vs. Hunt, that aided the growth of US industry and spurred the Market Revolution.

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Commonwealth vs

A landmark 1842 case in the MA supreme court that ruled labor unions were not illegal conspiracies and could negotiate labor contracts with employers, making strikes legal.

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Cult of Domesticity

19th-century cultural beliefs dictating women's roles in the home, restricting them to domestic tasks and child-rearing, excluding them from public work.

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Economic Characteristics in US Regions:

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Shift from independent farmers to factory workers, leading to unions demanding better conditions.

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Territories like Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan prospered with efficient farming tools.

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Economy centered on agriculture, especially cotton, with a reliance on slavery.

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Population Growth Areas in the US

Regions experiencing growth due to market changes, including the South with increased slavery and the Northwest with immigrants.

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Surge in Immigration Causes

Influx of immigrants due to transportation advancements, European famines, and the promise of economic opportunities in the US.

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Impact of Immigrant Groups:

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Faced discrimination, worked in domestic and labor jobs, and influenced the Democratic Party.

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Sought farmland, supported public education, and opposed slavery.

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Emerged due to fear of immigrants taking jobs and changing American culture, leading to anti-foreign sentiments and riots.

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Know Nothing Party

Arose from nativist sentiments, aimed to combat foreign influences and preserve American culture.

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Market Revolution & Nationalism

Increased US manufacturing, transportation, and communication, fostering nationalism and economic independence.

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Market Revolution & Sectionalism

Led to regional economic disparities, with the North industrializing and the South relying on slavery, causing sectional tensions.

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Rise of Participatory Democracy

1820s & 1830s saw increased equality and opportunities for white males, promoting a more participatory democracy.

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Spoils System

Practice of appointing government jobs to loyal party members, exemplified by Andrew Jackson's presidency.

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Alexis de Tocqueville

Noted the US's advanced equality compared to Europe, emphasizing the lack of visible hierarchy.

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Election of 1824 & Corrupt Bargain

Controversial election led to a split vote and accusations of a corrupt bargain between Adams and Clay.

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Andrew Jackson's Presidency

Jackson viewed himself as a protector of the common man, used veto power extensively, and supported the Indian Removal Act.

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Indian Removal Act of 1830

Legislation that forced American Indians to resettle, particularly targeting eastern tribes to vacate their lands for American citizens.

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Cherokee Nation v

Legal cases where the Supreme Court ruled against Cherokee rights, denying their foreign nation status and affirming state laws had no jurisdiction in Cherokee territory.

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Trail of Tears

Forced relocation of Cherokees in 1835, leading to a deadly journey where thousands perished due to harsh conditions.

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Tariff of Abominations & Nullification Crisis

Conflict over tariffs, with South Carolina attempting nullification, leading to tensions and threats of military action by President Jackson.

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Bank Veto

Jackson's opposition to the Bank of the US, vetoing its recharter due to suspicions of corruption and serving the wealthy, leading to economic consequences.

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Democrats vs

Political parties during the Second Party System with differing views on issues like local rule, national bank, and tariffs, attracting support from distinct regions and social groups.

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Second Great Awakening

Religious revival in the early 1800s leading to moral and social reforms, increased activism, and the rise of new religious movements in America.

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Philosophical movement challenging established beliefs, emphasizing individualism, nature, and spiritual matters, with key figures like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.

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Utopian Communities

Experimental societies like Brook Farm, New Harmony, and Oneida seeking social and economic equality through communal living and unique practices.

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National Identity in Art & Architecture

Artistic expressions in the 1830s depicting daily life and nature, exemplified by the Hudson River School painters like Thomas Cole and Frederick Church.

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Greek Influence on American Architecture

American architects drew inspiration from Ancient Greek temples, incorporating columns into public buildings, banks, hotels, and private homes to enhance the democratic spirit of the nation.

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American Literature Movement

Post-War of 1812, American authors embraced nationalistic themes in their works, with Washington Irving and James Cooper focusing on American settings and Nathaniel Hawthorne critiquing American life.

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Temperance Movement

Initiated in 1826, the Temperance Movement aimed to raise awareness about the social ills caused by alcoholism, advocating for abstinence to reduce crime and poverty, ultimately leading to the 18th Amendment in 1919.

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Public Asylum & Prison Reform

Led by Dorothea Dix, reforms aimed to improve conditions for mentally ill and incarcerated individuals, establishing new institutions and advocating for better treatment and moral reform.

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Public & Higher Education Reform

Horace Mann championed public education improvements, advocating for increased attendance, longer school years, and moral principles in schools, leading to the spread of public schools and the establishment of small colleges.

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Women's Rights Movement

Women like Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton campaigned for women's rights, leading to the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 where the Declaration of Sentiments was drafted, advocating for equal rights for men and women.

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William Lloyd Garrison spearheaded the radical abolitionist movement, advocating for immediate abolition of slavery without compensation, leading to the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society and the Liberty Party.

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King Cotton

Cotton became the chief cash crop of the South, driving economic growth and linking the South to Great Britain, with plantations expanding to meet the demand for cotton.

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Growth of Slave Population

The demand for labor in cotton production led to a significant increase in the slave population, with many African Americans smuggled into the South despite laws prohibiting the importation of slaves.

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Treatment of Slaves

Slaves in the American South faced varying treatment, from humane conditions to brutal beatings and family separations, with women particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

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Freed African Americans

Free African Americans in the South faced legal restrictions, racial discrimination, and the constant threat of being kidnapped by slave traders, despite owning property and being emancipated during the American Revolution.

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Slave Resistance

Nat Turner & Denmark Vessey led slave uprisings in 1822 and 1831, using actions like slowdown of work, sabotage, and escape to resist slavery.

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Impact of Slave Uprisings

Despite being quickly suppressed, slave revolts like those of Turner and Vessey gave hope to enslaved African Americans and led to stricter slave codes in the South.

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Southern Social Structure

Southern society had an aristocratic planter class dominating with wealthy planters owning large land and slaves, while poor whites lived as subsistence farmers without slaves.

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Justification of Slavery

Southerners used religion and morality, such as the defense of womanhood and paternalistic attitudes, to justify slavery, with Methodist and Baptist churches supporting it based on biblical interpretations.

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Mountain Men

A group of farmers living in isolation in the Appalachian and Ozark mountains, loyal to the Union during the Civil War.

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