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A hero
character who has the willingness for self sacrifice
Willing hero
the character who has no hesitation or complaints helping others
unwilling hero
would rather another person be in their position but ultimately decide to help.
cynical anti-hero
someone who has negative personality traits and doesn’t believe in helping others for the sake of being kinds (expects that there is something asked in return)
tragic anti-hero
a character with some personality flaws who initially makes a large mistake (or commits some wrong doing) but eventually tries to fix it. They almost always die.
group oriented hero
a hero who works fine on their own but ultimately needs a team of people.
loner hero
a character who works better alone because: 1) they want to protect people they care about, or 2) they just work better alone.
catalyst hero
a mentor who initiates the the quest for the main hero, but who was also the hero of their own story.
a positive figure to the hero who: 1) gives some sort of gift to the hero during the quest, 2) teaches/gives advice, and 3) is connected/feels supernatural (wise old man/crone)
a herald brings or announces news while the harbinger signals a disaster/omen. Both usually: 1) initiate the hero’s quest through fate or chance, 2) initiate change/ announce an important event in the story, 3) can be the hero’s inner voice, and 4) serve as motivation for change
The threshold guardian
serves as an obstacle between two places that 1) tests the hero (which leads to transformation), 2) presents as dangerous or menacing but ultimately can be bypassed (using intelligence), overcome (using strength), or convinced to join the hero (using charisma), 3) is not always a character (could be a regular obstacle), and 4) could be psychological (the hero’s inner demons, vices, addictions, self doubts, or fears)
a protean, primordial, and dangerous character whose primary motive is to trick/ lure the hero into failure by changing themself. They could also lead the hero to a boon/reward. They are always in it for themselves.
character who is: 1) the personification of chaos (often in comedic form), 2) has no alterier motives, 3) constantly fealing in the moment related to the “heart” of the world (making them appear crazy), and 4) serving the worlds’ interest.
The scapegoat
A person (or animal) who is different from everyone else in the world whose death (real or proverbial) in public ceremony is believed to prevent something bad because they are easy to blame.
the outcast/wanderer
a character who has been banished from the society/ group for some crime (real or imagined) against fellow men, who is destined to wander.
the shadow
The primary obstacle or threat to the hero. They often start as another archetype but leave to become an agent of change. They manifest as the darker side of the hero, with contrary goals (same character traits, different approach)
the tyrant
shadow who wants power at any cost
the bastard
shadow who becomes a dissposessed child (“it should have been me”)
the devil
shadow who is charming and charismatic; they figure out hero’s moral weakness to exploit them with what they deserve
the traitor
the shadow who is a double agent; they are helpful and work with the hero but ultimately betray them and are the evil mastermind.
the outsider
the shadow who is lonely and desperate to belong in a society that they were rightfully cast out of (so they will do anything to get back in)
the evil genius
the shadow who is a malevelant mastermind; they love to show off superior intellect and the game is typically rigged in their favor.
the sadist
shadow who uses puzzles and traps; they are cruel because it brings them pleasure
the terrorist
shadow who serves a warped sense of honor and holds an individual moral code where no one is good enough
loyal retainer (aka sidekicks)
a character whose job is to shed light/highlight the hero’s courage/nobleness and often come from being a threshold guardian
damsel in distress
female figure who is vulnerable and needs saving (and is often used as bait)
the platonic ideal
female character who is a source of information to the hero and has intellectual atraction
the earth mother
female character who symbolizes 1) fruition, 2) abundance, and 3) fertility. They give spiritual and emotional nourishment to the hero.
the temptress
female character with extreme sensual beauty who tries to bring the downfall of the hero (because they are attracted to her)
the unfaithful wife
female character who is married to someone she sees as boring and dull. She is attracted to more interesting men (typically the hero)
the goddess
the female figure who is the ideal mairrage partner for the hero (they possess a religious and intelectual otherworldliness)
star crossed lovers
2 individuals in a tragic love affair for one or both of them due to societal or tragic circumstances.
step 1 of the hero quest
hero has unusual circumstances / unique aspects of birth
step 2 of the hero’s quest
the hero leaves their homeland to live with others/travel
step 3 of the hero’s quest
an event (sometimes dramatic) leads the hero to adventure
step 4 of the hero’s quest
the hero recieves/owns a special object that defines them
step 5 of the hero’s quest
the hero recives “supernatural” help
step 6 of the hero’s quest
the hero must prove themself many times on an adventure
step 7 of the hero’s quest
the hero receives and unhealable wound and reaches rock bottom. The “wound” never fully heals and leads to the hero’s maturity.
step 8 of the hero’s quest
the hero seeks atonement
step 9 of the hero’s quest
When the hero dies, they are spiritually rewarded.