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General content

Phonemic/Phonological: relates to the phonemes of a language.

Phonetic: relates to the articulation, transmission, and perception of all speech sounds in all the human languages.

Phonological Environment: corresponds to the segments after or before a given phone, or the place it occupies in the word or utterance.

Phoneme: minimal sound unit which distinguish meanings.

Allophone: member of a phoneme with “similar” sounds.


General content

Phonemic/Phonological: relates to the phonemes of a language.

Phonetic: relates to the articulation, transmission, and perception of all speech sounds in all the human languages.

Phonological Environment: corresponds to the segments after or before a given phone, or the place it occupies in the word or utterance.

Phoneme: minimal sound unit which distinguish meanings.

Allophone: member of a phoneme with “similar” sounds.
