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One of the seven big ideas - the use of the imagination or original ideas.
One of the seven big ideas - technique in computing that hides detail, makes more complicated ideas simpler, and collects a bunch of ideas into a single idea.
Data and Information
One of the seven big ideas - emphasizes how computers are used to analyze data and create new knowledge.
One of the seven big ideas - the process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
The Internet
One of the seven big ideas - a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
Global Impact
One of the seven big ideas - focuses on how computing and technology has impacted our world positively and negatively.
Computer Science
The study of the ideas, ways of thinking, languages, software, and hardware needed to solve problems with computers.
Imagination Age
A theoretical period beyond the information age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value.
Information Age
A shift in human history from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization using analysis and thinking - AKA: Digital Age
A systematic plan or sequence of instructions for a computer to solve a problem.
The action or process of writing computer programs.
Random Access Memory consists of tiny electrical circuits that dynamically store frequently used program instruction to increase speed of the system.
The process of source code being translated into machine code.
A program that translates high level, human-readable languages into a corresponding string of 1s and 0s for computer processing.
Short for binary digit - a single binary value, either 0 or 1.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The processor or brains of the computer where calculations take place.
Source Code
Programs written in high-level languages.
Machine Code
Programs written in machine-level instructions that are uniquely read by computer processors using patterns of 1s and 0s.
Physical components of a computer built using multiple levels of abstraction, such as transistors, logic gate chips, memory, motherboard, special purpose cards, and storage devices.
Primary Storage
Main storage or memory that stores data for quick access by the computer's processor (RAM)
Secondary Storage
External/Auxiliary memory such as a USB flash drive, hard drive, etc.
Machine code that is a direct, low-level translation from the high-level source code, and is a pattern of 0s and 1s.
Create Performance Task
One of the two performance tasks on the AP CSP exam, where you'll create a program of your own.
Explore Performance Task
One of the two performance tasks, where you'll research and report on a computing innovation.
Computational Thinking
Understanding the logic and processes computers use to solve problems and run programs.
The process of imagining something that does not yet exist, but that has a potential value, and making it real through the application of design, implementation, and production
Repeatedly applying a process with the goal of coming closer and closer to a solution
Iterative Development Process
The process by which computer programs are designed, developed and tested in repeated cycles.
To identify and remove errors from a computer program.
A process or set of instructions to be followed in calculations or other problem solving operations.
Executes statements one at a time - in order, one after another.
Repetition - one complete step of a loop, repeated until a certain condition is met.
Uses "if...then" to tell a computer how to select a step or to tell the sequence that it should be executed.
Imperative Statement
A command statement with a verb phrase that indicates an operation to perform (example: move forward)
Descriptive qualifier
A specific adverb or adjective that further qualifies or limits the meaning of a word (example: left shoe)
Natural Language
A complex, but structured language, both written and spoken, that has evolved naturally in humans through use, repetition, and adaptation.
Artificial Language
A limited size language, usually developed by a small group for specific purposes. Usually much simpler and structured.
Uncertainty or being open to more than one interpretation.
Visual Programming Language
A programming language that lets users drag and drop icons into organized blocks of code to create programs rather than typing text.
High-Level Language
A programming language that is easier for humans to read, write, and parse. Guaranteed to be unambiguous.
low-level language
a programming language that has little or no abstraction and communicates closely to the hardware using machine language. Less natural for humans.
The process of source code being translated into machine code.
Visual Programming Language
A programming language that lets users drag and drop icons into organized blocks of code to create programs rather than typing text.
An object in Scratch that performs functions through scripting.
The background of a project in Scratch which can have scripts, backdrops, sound, etc.
The appearance of a sprite.
Motion Blocks
Medium-blue colored blocks used to control a sprite's movement in Scratch.
Reporter Blocks
A block in Scratch with round edges that contains a value (numbers, sentences, etc.) and can be used inside other blocks.
Looks Blocks
Purple-colored blocks of code in Scratch that are used to control a sprite's appearance.
Sensing Blocks
Light-blue colored Boolean blocks that are used to detect different factors of a project such as touching.
Operator Blocks
Light-green colored blocks of code used to handle strings and math equations in Scratch.
Blocks of code that trigger corresponding behavior (example: Green Flag - starts program)
When blocks of code are executed at a given time by communicating (or broadcasting) a message.
User interaction with a program via clicking, mouse movement, or keyboard entry.
What the computer "stores" or needs to remember to execute a program.
A description of what the computer is doing or the values of variables at any given moment.
A descriptor used to describe the state, such as the x- or y-position.
The program code and current activity that is being executed in a computer program.
The x and y coordinates on the stage in Scratch.
A variable for a particular value or attribute.
A placeholder to store a particular value or attribute such as x and y in an algebraic equation or calculation.
A variable for a particular value or attribute.
A whole number; a number that is not a fraction that is used in programs.
A single letter, digit, or symbol that can be a type of variable.
A series of characters at any length. Can be a type of variable.
Boolean Values
A variable to represent true or false.
Lists of other variables.
Floating Point Number
A number that may have digits after the decimal place. Can be a type of variable.
Declaring Variables
Creating variables in a programming language