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League of Nations
(1920) Organization which countries talk out their problems before going into conflict
Proto-UN therapy group after WWI
Anti-Jewish hate
Diplomatic strategy, countries let Nazi Germany take what they want without war.
Countries A lets country B do what they want, because scared of war.
Agreememt to temporarily cease military operations (truce)
Ceasefire, truce
Balance of Power
State of international order where power is distributed among multiple states, no state is too dominant so promotes stability and no aggression
Order, near order, no aggression, power distribution
Aggressive military preparedness
Invest and love military.
Theory based on notion that sectors of economy- employers, trade unions, and state officials seen as separate organs of the same body.
Govt. tells businesses what to do/make.
Russian revolutionary socialist party by Vladmir Lenin
Communist party Russia later Soviet Union, Vladmir Lenin
Russia 5 year plan, farmland taken from private landowner (Kulak), redistributed to peasants to manage
Russia 5 year plan, redistribution of land to collectives to manage
Destruction or slaughter on mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
Mass killing of people.
Eastern Bloc
E. European "satellite" countries with communist regimes controlled by Soviet Union
Group of E. European countries aligned militarily, politically, economically, and culturally with USSR
Far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology
Hyper-nationalist, far right, political.
Large scale attacks against industrial and politically important Japanese and German cities using incendiary devices.
Industrial and political important cities fired/bombed on.
Destroying ethnic/religious/racial group
Systematic killing of ethnic/religious/racial group
(1912) Political party China, Nationalist Party by Sun Yatsen, taken over by Chaing Kai-Shek
(1912) Nationalist party China Sun Yatsen -> Chiang Kai-Shek
Increase in prices, $$ value less.
General increase in prices, money worth less.
Trench Warfare
Combat where opposing sides fight from long ditches in ground
Type of combat where opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other
Authority granted by League of Nations to govern former German/Ottoman territories
"Babysitting" a territory of Germany/Ottoman until they can self-rule
New Deal
FDR's policies and program economic reforms to get US out of Great Depression.
Relief, Recovery, Reform economic-political change FDR get US out of Great Depression.
Communication meant to influence the attitudes and opinions of a community around a particular subject by spreading inaccurate or slanted information.
Things meant to influence feelings around a subject by spreading biased/untrue info.
Great Depression (1929-1941)
Start in US, global, economic downturn
Unemployment, hunger, homelessness global. Start US in stock market crash (Black Thursday)
Compensation/amends given for an injury or wrong
Payment given to make amends/compensate.
Facist, promoted idea of "Aryan supremacy/Master Race." Adolf Hitler created it.
National Socialist party led by Adolf Hitler
Third Reich
Period of Nazi rule in Germany (1933-1945), third German Republic/Empire
Word used to describe Nazi regime (1933-1945)
Govt. controls all aspects of society
Govt. has total control of society.
Total War
Strategy of a nation committing all resources to war effort.
All people affected by war, resources go to war. (rations, working, military, etc)
Archduke Franz Fernidad
Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne, assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, WWI start.
Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne, started WWI with death (assassination)
Tsar Nichalos II
Last Romanov/Russian emperor
Last Russian Tsar
Vladmir Illych Lenin
Communist, Bolshevik leader Russia, New Economic Plan
Russian communist leader of Russia
Josef Stalin
Communist leader Russia, 5-Year Plan
5 year Plan, Russia communist
Benito Mussolini
Italian fascist dictator, took over Ethiopia with aircraft, brutal force and violence
Italian fascist dictator, took over parts of Ethiopia, used violence and force.
Fransisco Franco
Spanish general, nationalist party dictator (1936-1939)
Spanish Civil War nationalist party general and dictator (1936-1939) fascist
Adolf Hitler
Nazi party leader, Germany, Holocaust, fascist, Nazism, Third Reich, master race promoter, dictator.
Austrian-born German politician and fascist dictator of Germany, Nazi Party.
Mao Zedong
Leader of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), did the Long March
CCP Leader, Long March
Chaing Kai-Shek
Leader of Guomingtang/Chinese Nationalist Party
Guomingtang/Nationalist leader China after Sun Yatsen
Hideki Tojo
Japanese Prime Minister (1941-1944), bombed Pearl Harbor
Japanese Prime Minister (1941-1944) WWII, bombed Pearl Harbor
Franklin D. Roosevelt
President of US, got US out of depression with New Deal, WWII
New Deal, WWII president, served 4 terms.
General Douglass MacArthur
Allied Commander for Pacific Theater, created "Island Hopping" strategy, wanted to nuke Korea during Korean War
Allied Pacific Commander, Island Hopping, wanted to nuke Korea (1950-1953)
George Marshall
Army Chief of Staff WWII (1939-1945) built up and deployed largest army in history
Army Chief of Staff, deployed largest army.
Harry Truman
President WWII and Cold War after FDR, dropped bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
President after FDR, dropped atomic bombs.