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the world's first system of writing developed by the Sumerians.
A rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians. "Elevate the temple"
cylinder seal
a round piece of carved stone that when rolled onto clay produces an image
A stone that was expensive and needed to be imported
Bent-axis plan
Indirect counter-clockwise path that you follow to approach the temple
Hierarchy of scale
The largest person is the most important
Upright stone slab with an inscription or relief
Registers (Friezes)
Ways to organize a pictorial negative. Separation of the different parts of a visual story.
Most sacred space inside a temple. Where the god lives.
Lapis Lazuli
A blue stone. Very expensive and precious
Stone/slab lining the walls of an Assyrian palace. Has relief sculptures on it
Assyrian guardian in the form of a man-headed winged bull. Protector and guardian and placed in entryways in an assyrian palace.
Associated with persia. The audience hall in a persian palace.
Hieroglyph ("Sacred Carving")
The egyptian writing system. Pictographic. The people themselves called it Medu Netcher.
Medu Netcher ("The words of the gods")
The term the people used for their writing system
Ben-ben stone
Shaped like a pyramid and it is associated with creation. The first land to emerge from the water.
board on which a painter mixes paints. Used for eye makeup. Viewed as medicinal and protective. There were ceremonial palettes.
the preservation of dead bodies by embalming and wrapping them in cloth.
Old Kingdom
Period in ancient Egyptian history characterized by the building of the Great Pyramids at Giza. Started in lower egypt.
New Kingdom
the period from about 1550 to 1050 BC in Egyptian history when Egypt reached the height of its power and glory. Started in upper egypt.
Armana Period
Occurs during the new kingdom however the style of art and religious beliefs were incredibly different from every other era.
the head god- they were the most powerful god in the New Kingdom. Son god. Created Shu and Tefnut.
Shu and Tefnut
Primary male and female who gave birth to earth and sky.
the Egyptian concept of truth, justice, harmony and balance represented by a goddess, often portrayed with a feather upon her head
God of order who brought civilization to egypt. Oldest son of earth and sky. God of the underworld.
God of chaos. Brother of Osiris.
Seth's wife
Wife/sister of Osiris, great healer. Mother of Horus.
Son of Isis and Osiris
Jackal headed god. God of mummification
Ibis bird. God of writing. Married to Maat.
Women with cow horns. Goddess of fertility, love and joy.
Your double self. The immortal human life force.
Arabic for "bench," a low, flat-roofed Egyptian tomb with sides sloping down to the ground
A small concealed chamber in an Egyptian mastaba for the statue of the deceased.
city of the dead
Fresco secco
Painting on dry plaster
Massive gateway and marks the entrance to a temple complex
Large interior room characterized by many closely spaced columns
A gap in the roof which allows natural light to come in
Sunken relief
a carving in which the outlines of figures are deeply carved into a surface so that the figures seem to project forward
The first female king in egypt. Lead a prosperous kingdom.
First king to use the word Pharoah as a title.
A ruler of ancient Egypt. Means "great house"
Amenhotep IV
Later changed to Akhenaten. Changes everything and says that there is only one god named Aten. Moves capital of dynasty.
Wife of Akhenaten. One of their children was Tutankhamun (King tut).
When he ruled egypt he changed everything back to normal. Very beloved.