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Buying products from another country.
Selling products to another country.
Free trade
The movement of goods an services among nations without political or economic barriers.
Comparative advantage theory
Countries should sell other countries those products they produce most effectively and efficiently.
Absolute Advantage
The advantage that exists when a country has a monopoly on producing a specific product or is able to produce it more efficiently than all other countries.
Balance of Trade
The total value of a nations exports compared to its imports,measured over a particular period of time.
Trade surplus
A favorable balance of trade; occurs when the value of a countries exports exceeds their imports.
Trade deficit
An unfavorable balance of trade;occurs when the value of a country's import ants exceed its exports.
Balance of payments
The difference between money coming in and money going out. Plus money flows from other factors.
selling products in a foreign county at a lower pice that those charged in the pro ducting country.
a global strategy in which a firm allows a foreign company to produce for a small royalty fee.
Contract manufacturing
A foreign countries production of private-label goods to which a domestic company then attaches its brand name or trademark.
Joint venture
A partnership in which two or more companies join to undertake a major product.
Strategic alliance
a long term partnership between two or more companies established to help each company build competitive market strategies.
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
The buying or permanent property or businesses in foreign nations.
Foreign Subsidiary
A company owned in a foreign country by anther company called a "Parent Company"
Multinational Corporation
An organization that manufactures and markets products in many different countries and has multination stock ownership and management.
SWFs (Sovereign wealth funds)
Investment funds controlled by governments holding large stakes in foreign companies.
Exchange Rate
The value of ones nations currency relation to the currencies of other countries.
Lowering the value of a nations currency relative to other currencies.
a complex form of bartering in which several countries may be involved, each trading goods or services.
trade protectionism
the use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services
a tax imposed on imports
import quota
a limit on the number of products in a certain category that a nation can import
a complete ban on the import or export of a certain product, or the stopping of all trade with a particular country
GATT ( general agreement on tariffs and trade)
a 1948 agreement that established and inter nation forum for negotiating mutual reductions in trade restrictions
The inter nation organization that replacer the general agreement on tariffs and trade was assigned the duty to mediate trade disputes between countries
common market
a regional group of country
Economies of scale
Average cost of goods goes down as production levels increase
a system in which one person is at the top of the organization and there is a sequential rank from top down
chain of command
the line of authority that moves from the top of a hierarchy to the lowest level
an organization with many layers of managers who set rules regulations
centralized authority
an organization structures in which decision making is maintained at the top level of management
decentralized authority
an organization structure in which decision making is delegated to lower level authorities
span of control
the optimal number of subordinates a manager supervises or should supervise
the dividing of organizations functions into separate units
line organization
an organizations that has direct two way lines of responsibility , authority and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organization.
line personnel
employees who are part of the chain of command that are responsible for achieving organization goals
matrix organization
an organization in which specialists from different parts of the organization are brought together to work on specific projects
using communications technology and other means to link organizations and allow them to work together
virtual corporation
a temporary networked organization made up of replaceable firms that and join and leave as needed
comparing and organizations practices processes and products against the worlds best
core competencies
those functions that the organization can do as well as or better than any other organization in the world
redesigning an organization so that it can more effectively and efficiently serve its customers
inverted organization
an organization that has contact people at the top and the chief executive officer at the bottom of the organization chart
organizational culture
widely shared values within an organization that provide unity and cooperating to achieve common goals
formal organization
the structure that details lines of responsibility, authority and position.
the creation of finished goods and services using the factors of production
production management
the term used to describe all the the activities managers do to help their firms create goods
operations management
a specialized area in managment that converts or transforms resources
form utility
the value producers add to materials in the creation of finished goods and services
process manufacturing
the part of the production process that physically or chemically changes materials
assembly process
the part of the production process that puts together components
continuous proces
a production process in which long production runs turn out finished goods over time
intermitten process
a production process in which the production run is short and the machines are changed frequently to make different products
CAD (computer aided design)
the use of computers in the design of products
CAM (computer aided manufacturing)
the use of computers in the manufacturing of products
CIM (computer integrated manufacturing)
The uniting of computer aided design with computer aided manufacturing
flexible manufacturing
designing machines to do multiple tasks so that they can produce a variety of products
lean manufacturing
the production of goods using less of everything compared to mass production
mass customization
tailoring products to meet the needs of individual customers
facility location
the process of selecting a geographic location for a companys operation
working from home via a computer
facility layout
the physical arrangement of resources in the pro ducting process
the function in a firm that searches for high quality material resources, finds the best suppliers, and negotiates the best price
JIT ( just in time ) inventory control
a production process in a which a minimum of inventory is kept on the assembly line
consistently producing what the customer wants while reducing errors before and after delivery to the customer
six sigma quality
a quality measure that allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities
SQC (statistical quality control)
the process some managers use to continually monitor all phases of the production process to assure that the quality is being built into the product from the .
ISO 9000
the common name given to quality management and assurance standards
ISO 14000
a collection of the best practices for managing an organizations impact on the enviroment
a method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task and identifying the minim time needed to complete the total project.
critical path
in a PERT network, the sequences of tasks that teas the longest time to complete
Gantt chart
bar graph showing production managers what projects are being worked on and what stage they are in at any given time
Market concept
a three part business philosophy: a customer orientation, a service orientation and a profit orientation
CRM (customer relationship management)
the process of learning as much as possible about customers and doing everything you can to satisfy them
marketing mix
product, price, place and promotion
any physical good, service, or idea that satisfies a want or need
brand name
a word letter or group of words or letters that differentiates one sellers goods and services from another's
marketing research
the analysis of markets to determine opportunities and challenges
secondary data
information that has already been complied by others and published in journals and books or made available online
primary data
data that you gather yourself (not from secondary sources)
environmental scanning
the process of identifying the factors that can affect marketing success
consumer market
all the individuals or households that want goods and services for personal consumption or use
B2B market
all the individuals and organizations that want goods and services to use in producing other goods and services or to sell rent or supply goods to others.
market segmentation
the process of dividing the total market into groups whose members have similar characteristics
target marketing
marketing directed toward those groups (market segments) that an organization think will serve profitably
geographic segmentation
dividing a market by cities countries states or regions
demographic segmentation
dividing the market by age income and education levels
psychographic segmentation
dividing the market using group values attitudes and interests
benefit segmentation
dividing the market by deterring which benefits of the product to talk about
volume segmentation
diving the market by usage
niche marketing
the process of finding small but profitable market segments and designing or finding products for them
one-to-one marketing
developing a unique mix of goods and services for each individual customer
mass marketing
developing products and promotions to please large groups of people
relationship marketing
marketing strategy with the goal of keeping individual customers over time by offering them products that meet their exact requirements
distributed product development
handing off various parts of your innovation process- often to companies in other countries
total product offer
everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something, also called a value package
product line
a group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market
product mix
the combination of product lines offer by a manufacturer