AP Government Unit 1

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What does Rousseau state about the nature of man and the role of government in society? How is this evident in the US Government?

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What does Rousseau state about the nature of man and the role of government in society? How is this evident in the US Government?

"Man is born Free but forever in chains" - Need Democracy to check power of the government

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What does Montesquieu state about the government? How is this evident in the US Government?

"In every government there are three sorts of power: the legislative; the executive in respect to things dependent on the law of nations; and the executive in regard to matters that depend of the civil law." Reference to separation of powers

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What does Hobbes state about the nature of man and the type of government that is needed to control society? What book did he write?

"Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man" Man is evil and needs the absolute power of a ruler.

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What does Locke state about the nature of man and the type of government that is needed in society? How was his philosophy used in the formation of our government?

" The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions." Natural Rights give people the power in government

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What is the basis of Adam Smith's Economic philosophy? What type of system does he advocate for? How does it fit / conflict with America's economic system?

Basis is that Free trade will equal more prosperity System Capitalism. Conflict is that sometimes people are greedy or monopolies prevent invisible hand Positive - allows for choice and innovation Wealth of Nations / Free Trade / Invisible Hand

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What is the basis of Karl Marx's economic philosophy? What type of system does he advocate for? How does it fit/conflict with America's economic system?

Labor is the backbone of economy, System = Marxism, Conflict because it lacks choice / Positive because it seeks to care for all Value of a commodity is based on labor

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What is the basis of John Maynard Keynes economic philosophy? Which party is more likely to support Keynes economics? How does it conflict with Reaganomics?

The Depression led to belief that government needs to spend money to help out Democrats support it. Republican do not because they believe people become dependent on the government.

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What is the basis of Reagan economic philosophy? How was it implemented under Reagan, Bush Jr, and proposed under Trump? How does it conflict with Keynesian economics?

Lower taxes and Lower regulations will lead to prospertity, Implemented with Tax cuts under Reagan, Bush and Trump, Lowered regulations under Reagan, Bush and Trump, Conflict with Keynesian economic because they prefer supply side funding not demand side

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What principles are related to the Declaration of Independence?

Popular sovereignty and Limited Government - Locke says that power resides with the people and they have the right to rebel if the Government does not do what it needs to do. Thus, government cannot infringe on the rights of life, liberty, and property (or pursuit of happiness)

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Define Political efficacy? What might individuals do if they have high political efficacy?

The belief that their vote / voice matters. - vote, protest, write to congresspeople.

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What is elitism? How is it different from Pluralism?

Elitism is that power resides with the most wealthy and powerful. Pluralism are different factions compromise to make government work. There is no compromise in elitism.

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What is Democratic representative government? Provide an example.

This refers to having people vote for representatives that make decisions for them in a legislature. Example U.S.

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What is pluralism? Explain how Federalist Paper #10 addressed this issue.

The belief that factions compete with each other for influence and eventually compromise. Federalist #10 is focused on factions and that the best way to prevent factions taking too much power is to have other factions.

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What are the three natural rights that are listed in the Declaration of Independence

Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness

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Name three important American values.

Individualism, Limited Government, Popular sovereignty, Equality of Opportunity, Free Enterprise, Liberty, Private property rights

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What is economics?

The Study of how Gov/ individuals make choices about how to meet unlimited wants with their limited means

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What is the difference between Macro and Microeconomics?

Macroeconomics- How governments make choices about how to meet unlimited wants with their limited means. Microeconomics - How individuals or businesses make choices about how to meet unlimited wants with limited means.

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What is scarcity? Why is it present? Provide an example.

Principle that we have unlimited wants but limited resources. Scarcity is always present because we have unlimited wants. I want a beach front property but I do not have the money to buy it.

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What is a Trade off? Provide an example?

The next best alternative is a trade off. I can choose to watch TV instead of going to sleep

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What is an opportunity cost? How is it different from a trade off? What is not included in the opportunity cost? Provide an example.

The Opportunity Cost is the value of the next best alternative. It is different because it the value not just the other item. Food is not included in Opportunity cost because it is needed to live. Example: I choose to go to the movies instead of working for 2 hours. The cost of the movie ticket, my lost wages and my time spent watching the movie are the opportunity cost.

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What are the five factors of production? List each and provide an example.

Land - Water, Trees, Minerals Labor- Teacher, Construction worker, accountant Capital - Building, Hammer, Shovel Entrepreneur- Ms Field's cookie, Mark Zuckerberg, Jill's lemonade stand Technology - Computer, Robotics

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What were the problems that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention?

No executive to enforce laws, No Judiciary to resolve disputes, the federal government could not collect taxes to pay troops, the federal government and states could conduct foreign affairs or regulate interstate trade

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What would Hamilton argue about federal power in relation to state power?

Hamilton believed in federal supremacy over states

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One of Hamilton's concerns was the inability to enforce the collection of taxes, how does he advocate that this issue be addressed?

He believed that the federal government should be able to levy and collect taxes

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Why did the Articles fail in putting down Shays's rebellion?

It lacked the military to handle rebellion

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What powers were given in the Articles?

one vote per state, unicameral, no executive, no judicial, unanimous for amendments, personal freedoms state issue, no power to collect taxes

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What powers were given in the Constitution?

two votes per state, house based on population, president, Supreme Court judiciary, amendments 2/3 congress and 3/4 states, Bill of Rights for personal freedoms, can collect and levy taxes

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What compromises were determined at the constitutional convention?

Great Compromise, Electoral College, ⅗ compromise

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How do you formally amend the Constitution?

Proposal - ⅔ Congress ⅔ National Convention Ratification ¾ state Legislature ¾ state convention

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What is the separation of powers? Provide an example of how it is present in our government?

Divide power between the branches (executive, legislative, and judicial), Only the executive can send troops, Only Congress can make laws, Only the judicial branch can declare laws unconstitutional

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What is limited government? What creates a limited government in the US? Provide an example of limited government?

Our government is limited by the Constitution. Another document that limits the government is the bill of rights. Limited government is what the government is not allowed to do. and example is giving titles of nobility, Habeas Corpus, Ex Post Facto, Bill of Attainder

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What is popular sovereignty? Provide an example of how it is present in our government?

Power resides with the people. People vote for their representatives

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What is Judicial Review? Provide an example of how it is present in our government?

The ability of the courts to interpret the constitutionality of an action, Roe v. Wade, Brown v. Board of ed., Marbury v. Madison

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What are checks and balances? Provide an example of how it is present in our government?

A way for one branch to stop an action of the another branch, Congress can pass a law but President can veto and Court can declare unconstitutional, Congress can override a presidential veto, President appoints a judge but they serve for life, Court declares an executive order unconstitutional, President appoints an ambassador but Senate confirms

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What is the great Compromise?

Bicameral - House is directly elected by the people and based on population, Senate is elected by state Legislature (changed by 17th amendment to direct election) and each state is equally represented with 2 votes per state. Also the House has 2 yr terms and the senate has 6 yr. terms

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Provide an example of each type of informal amendment

Custom: Not to run for 3rd term before 22nd amendment, Senatorial Courtesy Party Practices: National Convention Executive action: Executive order or executive agreement Legislation: Any law (patriot act, Obama Care) Court decisions :Any court case (Brown v Board)

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What is the main reason for checks and balances in the government?

to prevent tyranny

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In the original Constitution, what demonstrates majoritarian democracy?

The election of members of the House of representatives

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The President sends troops but Congress approves military spending is an example of what principle?

Checks and balances

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How does Federalist paper number 51 utilize Montesquieu philosophy to support the Constitution?

It supports Montesquieu view of separation of powers and checks and balances.

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According to Brutus I, why is the forming of a federal government likely to lead to destruction of liberty?

Large republic may make it easier for people to pick their own interest rather than what is best for the country.

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According to Brutus !, why does a republic only work with a small state?

Small states are more harmonious in nature. Easier to perceive and carry out their will

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How do the federalists and anti federalist differ on their view of the power of the government?

Federalist - Support Constitution, Strong Central Government, Strong Executive, Rep based on population, long terms, Large farmers and Merchants, No need for Bill of rights. Checks and Balances. Anti federalist - support articles, weak central government, weak executive or no executive, Rep equal by state, short terms, small farmers, NEED bill of rights,

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What does Hamilton mean in Federalist #70 about the essential element of energy in the Executive? How does he view the executive as a protector of liberty?

We need one president who can act quickly and efficiently to implement laws and protect us from invaders.

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How did the 1st amendment and the 10th amendment address anti federalists fears?

1st - Government could not take right to practice religion, write, speech, protest, 10th - Gave powers not listed nor prohibited to the states

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How has the 14th amendment shifted more power toward the federal government?

It applied the Bill of rights to the State through selective incorporation

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What is the purpose of Federalist paper #10

To control the violence of factions.

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What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause? Provide an example of what it would cover

Actions of other states - Marriage / judicial proceeding are respected in the other states

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What is the Privileges and Immunities clause / Comity Clause? Provide an example of what it will cover?

Citizens of other states are treated the same as people who live in the state (fundamental rights) Ex. Can't say you will only hire people living in your state because work is a fundamental right.

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How are block grants different from Categorical grants?

Block grants are money given to a state to address the problem as the state sees fit Categorical grants are money given to the state with specific instructions on how it is to be used.

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What are Unfunded mandates? Provide an example

A requirement of the states with no funding given for it. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) required states to build handicap accessible ramps to state buildings with no money to pay for them

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What is Federalism?

Sharing of power between a regional and central government power. ie states and the fed. gov.

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How does the Federal government convince states to do what it wants?

Carrot and the stick - It can offer you money if you do it (carrot) or tell you won't get money (stick) if you don't do it. (this is based on getting donkeys to move - you give it a carrot it moves. you hit his butt with the stick it moves.

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What is dual federalism?

Process where there was a clear divide between State and Federal power 1789-1932

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What is fiscal federalism?

Sharing the cost / revenue of something between the state and federal government, Like a one to one matching grant for a bullet train

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What happened in McCulloch v. Md? How did the court rule

The US put the federal bank in MD. MD wanted to tax the bank. McCulloch the pres. of the bank refused to pay. Question - Can the federal government have a bank Fed - Yes it is implied in the Constitution by the ability to collect taxes, print money, and borrow money (Fed winner) MD - No it is not specifically stated in the constitution and therefore left to the states. Question - Can MD tax the Federal Bank? Fed - No - The power to tax is the power to destroy - Fed is superior over states - Supremacy Clause (Fed Won) MD - Yes its a business in our state- We tax other business why not the Fed Business

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What happened in US v. Lopez? How did the court rule

Lopez brought a gun to school in San Antonio TX with the intent to sell it with ammo Someone saw this happen and told the teachers/ Administration The police were called and Lopez was arrested for violating state law for having a gun on a school property and violating Fed law Gun Free School law. They dropped the state charge to focus on the federal law He was convicted of the federal law Appealed to Supreme Court. Question - Is the Gun Free School Law constitutional under the Commerce clause? Fed - Yes because some people will move over state lines to keep there children safe from gun violence. Lopez - No the commerce was within a state and has nothing to do with interstate commerce (Lopez won)

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What was used to regulate Marijuana usage in Gonzales v. Raiach?

Commerce Clause

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What is the 10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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