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a perceived position in society used to classify individuals.
ascribed statusĀ
status the person is borned with
is involuntarily assigned to an individual based on race, ethnicity, gender, family background, and so on.
achieved status
voluntarily earned by an individual
master statusĀ
status by which an individual is primarily identified.Ā
Ā a set of beliefs, values, and norms that define the expectations of a certain status in a social situation.Ā
Role performance
refers to carrying out the behaviors of a given role.
can change depending on the social situation and context of the interaction
role partner
is a person with whom one is interacting who helps define the roles within the relationship.
eg nurses, NOK
role set
contains all of the different roles associated with a status.
role conflict
occurs when one has difficulty in satisfying the requirements of multiple roles simultaneously
role strain
occurs when one has difficulty satisfying multiple requirements of the same role simultaneously.Ā
role exit
dropping of one identity for another
are made up of two or more individuals with similar characteristics that share a sense of unity
Common characteristics shared by social groups include values, interests, ethnicity, social background, family ties, and political representation.
2 people
3 people
as group size increases, intimacy decreases, stability increases
peer group
is a self-selected group formed around similar interests, ages, or statuses.
family group
Ā is the group into which an individual is born, adopted, or married.Ā
in group
is a social group with which a person experiences a sense of belonging or identifies as a member.
out group
is a social group with which an individual does not identify.Ā
group conflict
occurs when an out-group competes with or opposes an in- group.Ā
reference group
is a group to which individuals compare themselves.
primary groups
are those that contain strong, emotional bonds.
secondary groups
are often temporary and contain fewer emotional bonds and weaker bonds overall.Ā
Gemeinschaft (community)Ā
is a group unified by feelings of togetherness due to shared beliefs, ancestry, or geography.
eg families and neighbourhoods
Gesellschaft (society)
is a group unified by mutual self-interests in achieving a goal.Ā
eg companies
interaction process analysis
technique for observing, classifying, and measuring the interactions within small groups.
later revised to SYMLOG
system for multiple level observation of groups (SYMLOG)
based on the belief that there are three fundamental dimensions of interaction:
dominance vs. submission
friendliness vs. unfriendliness
instrumentally controlled vs. emotionally expressive.
group conformity
individuals are compliant with the groupās goals, even when the groupās goals may be in direct contrast to the individualās goal. Individuals conform in an attempt to fit in and be accepted by the group.
Individuals will often participate in behaviors they normally would not.
occurs when members begin to conform to one anotherās viewsĀ without critical evaluation.
is an observable pattern of social relationships between individuals or groups.
network redundancy
overlapping connections with the same individual
immediate networks
are dense with strong ties
eg friends
distant networks
are looser and contain weaker ties
eg aquintances
are bodies of people (complex secondary groups) with a structure and culture designed to achieve specific goals.Ā
formal organisation
developed during the Industrial Revolution as a way to maximize efficiency
derives from the explicit goals that guide the members and their activities.
these organizations are characterized by the hierarchical allotment of formal roles or duties to members.
characteristic institution
are mechanisms or patterns of social order focused on meeting social needs, such as government, economy, education, family, healthcare, and religion
rational system of political organization, administration, discipline, and control.
iron law of oligarchy
states that democratic or bureaucratic systems naturally shift to being ruled by an elite group.
refer to a shift in focus toward efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control in societal practices
basic model of emotional expression
Charles Darwin
states that there are universal emotions, along with corresponding expressions that can be understood across cultures.
emotional expression involves a number of components: facial expressions, behaviors, postures, vocal changes, and physiological changes.
linkto univeral emotional by Paul Ekman
appraisal model
accepts that there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is experienced, but that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression.
social construction model
states that emotions are solely based on the situational context of social interactions.Ā
states that there are no biological basis for emotions
In this model, one must be familiar with social norms for a certain emotion to perform the corresponding emotional behaviors in a given social situation.
display rules
are unspoken rules that govern the expression of emotion.
govern which emotions can be expressed and to what degree. They may differ as a function of the culture, gender, or family background of an individual.
cultural syndrome
is a shared set of beliefs, norms, values, and behaviors organized around a central theme, as is found among people sharing the same language and geography.
influence the rules for expressing or suppressing emotions and can even influence the ways emotions are experienced
impression management
our attempts to influence how others perceive us.
include self presentation
authentic self
describes who the person actually is, including both positive and negative attributes.
ideal self
refers to who we would like to be under optimal circumstances.
tactical self
refers to who we market ourselves to be when we adhere to othersā expectations of us.
self disclosure
is sharing factual information.
managing appearances
refers to using props, appearance, emotional expression, or associations to create a positive image.
Ā is using flattery or conformity to win over someone else.Ā
aligning actions
the use of excuses to account for questionable behavior.
alter casting
is imposing an identity onto another person.Ā
dramaturgical approach
Erving Goffman
says that individuals create images of themselves in the same way that actors perform a role in front of an audience.Ā
front stage
is where individuals are seen by the audience and where they strive to preserve their desired image.
back stage
is where individuals are not in front of an audience and where they are free to act outside of their desired image.Ā
Herbet Mead
me is the socialized self. It represents how we learn to behave based on societal expectations and the perspectives of others. It develops through interactions with people and learning what is considered appropriate
generalised other refers to the collective expectations and norms of society. When we consider how others expect us to act, we are engaging with the generalized other, which helps shape our Me.
I is the spontaneous, individual part of the self. It consists of personal impulses and actions that are not entirely dictated by society.
how does Me shape I ?
"Me" provides the structure and guidance that influence the "I." This means that even our most personal choices and actions are shaped by our awareness of societal expectations.
A child may want to scream when frustrated (I), but over time, they learn that itās not socially acceptable, so they regulate their response (Me shaping the I).
verbal communication
is the conveyance of information through spoken, written, or signed words.
non verbal communication
is the conveyance of information by means other than the use of words, such as body language, prosody, facial expressions, and gestures.
animal communication
Ā takes place not only between nonhuman animals, but between humans and other animals as well. Animals use body language, rudimentary facial expressions, visual displays, scents, and vocalizations to communicate.Ā