US trying to maintain neutrality before WWII
Washington Conference 1921
A conference to try and prevent the coming of a naval armament race between Japan, America, and Britain. There was an agreement to reduce fleets and have a 10 year prohibition for constructing large warships..
Five-Power Pact
Limited the total naval tonnage and the ratio of armaments
Nine-Power Pact
Continued the open-door policy in China
Four-Power Pact
US, Britain, France, and Japan would respect each other’s Pacific territories.
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Outlawed war as an instrument of national policy
Dawes Plan
Lead to circular loans. America would make loans to Germany so they could pay off reparations to France and Britain.
Fordney McCumber Act
Put in place high tariffs which meant that European nations could not earn the money they needed to pay back their loans.
1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
Lowed American tariffs and in return, other countries would lower their tariffs as well.
Good Neighbor Policy
Aimed to repair the relationship between Latin America and the US. The US would no longer use their military presence in Latin America
1935 Neutrality Act
This was designed to prevent the US from being dragged into European wars, especially if there was a 2nd World War
Cash and Carry policy
This was used to aid Britain. The Europeans must pay with cash and have to go to American to retrieve their items.
Munich Conference
An attempt to appease Hitler and prevent war.
Burke-Wadsworth Act
The first military peacetime draft
Lend-Lease policy
The US would lend Britain supplies as long as Britain promised to give it back.
The Atlantic Charter
Similar to Wilson’s 14 points. The war is an opportunity to remake the world and prevent a WWIII
Tripartite Pact
An alliance between Japan and Nazi Germany
Bombshell Message
The US will not use the gold standard internationally with other countries
The Stimson Doctrine (Hoover)
The US refuses to acknowledge Japans claims to China